I've hesitated to post this thread, but someone has to speak out.

Calling a fetus a child is like calling a child an adult. Or an acorn an oak tree. They are related but aren't the same.

Those poor, ignorant people in the past who, upon first learning that they were pregnant, said that they were "with child."

If only they believed in magic like we moderns.
The issue with claiming he doesn’t consider it alive until birth is that prior to birth the child could survive outside the host.
A fertilized egg? It can't survive outside the host. I think it's 7 months until the lungs can breathe air.
Those poor, ignorant people in the past who, upon first learning that they were pregnant, said that they were "with child."

If only they believed in magic like we moderns.
Or Elizabeth, six months pregnant with John the Baptist, who lept for joy in the womb upon Hering the voice of the Virgin Mary
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Having to rationalize your own position has value. OHvol has hopefully improved on that some. These discussion 100% help me better understand my own position. I imagine that's true for most of us.

We're also not accounting for those reading who don't weigh in. I changed my uninformed, apathetic position after being confronted with scientific evidence and reason. And I have encountered dozens of people who merely repeated bumper sticker slogans and common talking points who admitted that they really hadn't given a lot if thought to the issue. Some changed their stances to various degrees. Even some who adamantly clung to their positions admitted that arguments they previously accepted as ironclad were actually very weak and fell apart upon serious scrutiny.
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A fertilized egg? It can't survive outside the host. I think it's 7 months until the lungs can breathe air.

The same person I was having the original fertilized egg conversation with, he was claiming his standard for when life begins is birth.

That’s what I was referring to in terms of survival outside
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It's fascinating to still encounter people who don't consider "fetuses" to be human life...as though fetuses aren't alive and could belong to other species (in defiance of the scientific method of prediction and observation that even "primitive" people without the benefit of our technology knew thousands of years ago).

Even the pro-abortion lobby has pretty much abandoned those debunked arguments and shifted almost solely to a "woman's rights" argument. I have found people who readily agreed that a fetus is "obviously" human life but argued that "personhood" is a separate issue. In other words, the fetus doesn't become a "person" with accompanying rights until brain activity can be detected.
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It's fascinating to still encounter people who don't consider "fetuses" to be human life...as though fetuses aren't alive and could belong to other species (in defiance of the scientific method of prediction and observation that even "primitive" people without the benefit of ultrasound knew thousands of years ago).

Even the pro-abortion lobby has pretty much abandoned those debunked arguments and shifted almost solely to a "woman's rights" argument. I have found people who readily agreed that a fetus is "obviously" human life but argued that "personhood" is a separate issue. In other words, the fetus doesn't become a "person" with accompanying rights until brain activity can be detected.

To be fair, neither of us know what liberal women are reproducing with. And unless they’re a biologist, they probably don’t know either
The issue with claiming he doesn’t consider it alive until birth is that prior to birth the child could survive outside the host.
I HAVE NEVER once said I do not consider it alive until after birth.
What an absurd accusation.
The same person I was having the original fertilized egg conversation with, he was claiming his standard for when life begins is birth.

That’s what I was referring to in terms of survival outside
Who is that person?
If it's me, I find it ironic, but not surprising, that you're claiming it's me who is the liar.
It could be cloned into a living human.
A zygote doesn't have a heartbeat.

Sorry, I thought we were talking about natural development. What you're talking about is like looking at a slab of marble and saying that it can be turned into a sculpture. You're conveniently leaving out the key element in the narrative.

When earlobes clone themselves, get back to me. I've already seen both the originals and the remakes of both Invasion of the Body Snatchers and The Island of Dr. Moreau.
No more so than my fingernails or my earlobes.

So you believe bacteria in your gut is not a separate life form?

That’s amazing. I don’t believe you, but it’s amazing to take such a crazy stance.

Can you elaborate? Why is the bacteria in your gut not a separate life form?
It's fascinating to still encounter people who don't consider "fetuses" to be human life...as though fetuses aren't alive and could belong to other species (in defiance of the scientific method of prediction and observation that even "primitive" people without the benefit of our technology knew thousands of years ago).

Even the pro-abortion lobby has pretty much abandoned those debunked arguments and shifted almost solely to a "woman's rights" argument. I have found people who readily agreed that a fetus is "obviously" human life but argued that "personhood" is a separate issue. In other words, the fetus doesn't become a "person" with accompanying rights until brain activity can be detected.

Personhood is crux of the abortion debate.
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Personhood is crux of the abortion debate.

I believe his point was more so related to how the other side of the debate is not debating "personhood" as in the legal term. But rather they will directly state that it is not alive or that it is not human life. It seems that overtime they have moved into more and more insane grounds to justify their own insanity.

As witnessed by one poster, Luther, who openly claims he does not consider the bacteria in his stomach to be a separate life form.
There have certainly been occasions duri g which I considered my gut to be a hostile life form.

And there have been periods during which my gut seemed to need its own separate wardrobe.
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Sorry, I thought we were talking about natural development. What you're talking about is like looking at a slab of marble and saying that it can be turned into a sculpture. You're conveniently leaving out the key element in the narrative.

When earlobes clone themselves, get back to me. I've already seen both the originals and the remakes of both Invasion of the Body Snatchers and The Island of Dr. Moreau.
Just pointing out the flaws in your logic.
A zygote does not have a heartbeat.
A zygote will not develop into a human without outside supports.
So you believe bacteria in your gut is not a separate life form?

That’s amazing. I don’t believe you, but it’s amazing to take such a crazy stance.

Can you elaborate? Why is the bacteria in your gut not a separate life form?
It's part of my natural body system.
Now if a spider crawled in my ear, I would consider it a separate life form.

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