I've hesitated to post this thread, but someone has to speak out.

Just pointing out the flaws in your logic.
A zygote does not have a heartbeat.
A zygote will not develop into a human without outside supports.
A baby will not develop into an adult without outside support. Can we just deliver them and put them outside to fend for themselves? You might want to exit off of that particular logical path while you still can 😉
A baby will not develop into an adult without outside support. Can we just deliver them and put them outside to fend for themselves? You might want to exit off of that particular logical path while you still can 😉
I'm perfectly happy on that logical path.
My earlobe can be cloned into a human with outside support - doesn't make it a separate living entity.....until it does.
It's part of my natural body system.
Now if a spider crawled in my ear, I would consider it a separate life form.

You can proclaim your body is an ecosystem and these all live within the ecosystem of your body. But that doesn’t mean these are not separate organisms from you.

If you take antibiotics and kill your natural bacteria, you don’t die. Those are two separate things. They divide separately, have separate dna, can survive outside of your body, can invade the biome of others, other animals, etc.
I'm perfectly happy on that logical path.
My earlobe can be cloned into a human with outside support - doesn't make it a separate living entity.....until it does.

You’re okay with abandoning babies after birth and letting them die rather than admit your abortion argument is not based in sound logic?
Just pointing out the flaws in your logic.
A zygote does not have a heartbeat.
A zygote will not develop into a human without outside supports.
So how did the first single cell whatever become a multi cell whatever, and how did the first multicell whatever become a whatever with organs? The biological debate can rage, but at what point is it a body and a spirit?
So far the "party of science" has told us that a child is not alive until it is born, zygotes are both human and not human, and that gut bacteria is not a separate life form from the host.

It's really amazing. No wonder these people need a biologist to tell them the difference between what a man and a woman is.

What's insane too is that we aren't picking random uneducated fools to mock. Rather these are men who claim to be medical providers and school administrators (master's degree minimum).
You’re okay with abandoning babies after birth and letting them die rather than admit your abortion argument is not based in sound logic?
That was the only logical inference I was able to make from his position. Glad it wasn’t just my imagination
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Then you mid the whole point

I can't figure out if he's trolling or if in order to justify abortion he has to mentally disconnect to this insane of a level.

This would be the right wing equivalent of proclaiming 5g causes COVID and climates don't change, climates are static!
I can't figure out if he's trolling or if in order to justify abortion he has to mentally disconnect to this insane of a level.

This would be the right wing equivalent of proclaiming 5g causes COVID and climates don't change, climates are static!
The difference is that the right can still (for the most part) laugh at our own idiots. The left is forced to coddle theirs else risk the Twitter outrage cancel mob
I believe his point was more so related to how the other side of the debate is not debating "personhood" as in the legal term. But rather they will directly state that it is not alive or that it is not human life. It seems that overtime they have moved into more and more insane grounds to justify their own insanity.

As witnessed by one poster, Luther, who openly claims he does not consider the bacteria in his stomach to be a separate life form.

Well, that is the point. There are all sorts of red herrings by both sides.

Rarely do you see people engaged in what constitutes personhood and when personhood status is achieved.
Well, that is the point. There are all sorts of red herrings by both sides.

Rarely do you see people engaged in what constitutes personhood and when personhood status is achieved.

If the other side refuses to even admit a zygote is alive, human, or even a separate entity we can't progress to legal terms such as personhood. I assume it's by design and that they can't actually be ignorant enough to believe gut bacteria are not a separate life form or that zygotes are not human.

Because if they can pretend this is not a separate, living, human being, they do not have to address the legal questions that come with killing it. There's probably some mental self protection built into that too. No different than a racist pretending minorities to be less than human.
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