I've hesitated to post this thread, but someone has to speak out.

I would not call a zygote a human child.....far from it (at least 22 weeks)......maybe that's one of your problems.

Doctors always use the term child, unless you're at an abortion clinic. Child is a broad term that covers from zygote until around 18. Thus the phrase "with child" or "child bearing". You're welcome for the English lesson. But it still doesn't address the question.

Why is the bean a separate life form but not the "fetus"? We agree its alive. We agree it has separate DNA from the mother. What's missing?
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I read it closely. Several times. Maybe you should reread your descriptions of the two sides.

I'm in full agreement with the bolded.
Well obviously if I believed the left was correct, I would be a leftist now wouldn’t I? Why believe in something if you don’t think you are right. I do at least retain enough self awareness to realize that I am most certainly wrong about some things and I readily agree that if I made all the decisions that the world would still remain a screwed up mess. (But what a strange fun trip it would be 😂😂😂)
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Husband with 5 months pregnant wife traveling 70 in a 40 zone, car crashes and pregnancy is terminated as a result of the injuries to the mother. Does it matter whether the father or mother was driving for any charges that are filed?
Doctors always use the term child, unless you're at an abortion clinic. Child is a broad term that covers from zygote until around 18. Thus the phrase "with child" or "child bearing". You're welcome for the English lesson. But it still doesn't address the question.

Why is the bean a separate life form but not the "fetus"? We agree its alive. We agree it has separate DNA from the mother. What's missing?
Because it is an unnatural foreign object that the host body is rejecting.
We agree that a zygote is living human cells that occur naturally and are accepted about 25% of the time by the host body.
We disagree that DNA is some type of relevant factor.
Well obviously if I believed the left was correct, I would be a leftist now wouldn’t I? Why believe in something if you don’t think you are right. I do at least retain enough self awareness to realize that I am most certainly wrong about some things and I readily agree that if I made all the decisions that the world would still remain a screwed up mess. (But what a strange fun trip it would be 😂😂😂)
I agree that we should all be what we believe is the correct way to be.
Husband with 5 months pregnant wife traveling 70 in a 40 zone, car crashes and pregnancy is terminated as a result of the injuries to the mother. Does it matter whether the father or mother was driving for any charges that are filed?
Don't know. Seems like reckless driving either way.
Because it is an unnatural foreign object that the host body is rejecting.
We agree that a zygote is living human cells that occur naturally and are accepted about 25% of the time by the host body.
We disagree that DNA is some type of relevant factor.

Obviously DNA is relevant when you start trying to compare it to your ear. It has separate DNA because it's a separate life.

Your definition doesn't make a lot of sense. A bean is a separate life form because it's unnatural and rejected by the body? And then even you agree a large number of zygotes are rejected by the human body.

Just accept the obvious truth here that everyone else in the world understands:

A zygote is alive.

A zygote is a separate life form from the mother.

A zygote is human.

So when you kill a zygote, you have taken a human life. None of that is complicated nor should any of that change your perspective one way or the other on abortion. But we should be honest about the fact that abortion is the taking of a human life.
No one knows. That's sort of the point.......and the beauty of Roe vs. Wade.

You believe it's the role of the court to write the law? Because that's 100% what they did in Roe v Wade. Just like they did in Michigan vs Sitz with DUI checkpoints
Obviously DNA is relevant when you start trying to compare it to your ear. It has separate DNA because it's a separate life.

Your definition doesn't make a lot of sense. A bean is a separate life form because it's unnatural and rejected by the body? And then even you agree a large number of zygotes are rejected by the human body.

Just accept the obvious truth here that everyone else in the world understands:

A zygote is alive.

A zygote is a separate life form from the mother.

A zygote is human.

So when you kill a zygote, you have taken a human life. None of that is complicated nor should any of that change your perspective one way or the other on abortion. But we should be honest about the fact that abortion is the taking of a human life.
lol.....There are so many false statements in that chain.
Believe what you wish, but spare me the nonsense that your conclusions are logical and rational, they are anything but.
You believe it's the role of the court to write the law? Because that's 100% what they did in Roe v Wade. Just like they did in Michigan vs Sitz with DUI checkpoints
It was 100% the appropriate role of the court.
lol.....There are so many false statements in that chain.
Believe what you wish, but spare me the nonsense that your conclusions are logical and rational, they are anything but.

Literally 0 of those are beliefs. It's all based in basic biology. Something you should probably take again.

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