Your earlobe is related to your entirety. You as an entity, a person. Just as the zygote is the entity of the human the DNA codes to them, just like you are collectively. Picking a part of your entire being and relating it to an entire being (zygote) is ridiculous. The only comparison is you as a whole vs the zygote as you are made of the same information but at a different stage in your development as a human. You are no more or less human than a toddler who is no more or less human than a baby in the womb.
To your analogy, the bean that starts to sprout is rejected by the body. The baby is eventually rejected by the woman's body at 9ish months. The bean is its own entity. It's own life. Separate from the "host" just as the zygote is.
Before we had a discussion about you not caring about rape victims as it has nothing to do with your position on abortions. You have proven that ten fold with your arguments, specifically of the baby's "ability to live outside the womb" as the qualifier.
Not caring about rape victims?.........what a pathetically stupid accusation (so much so that it negates pretty much everything you have to say)
You can claim as long as you wish that a zygote is a separate human, but most will continue to consider it an absurd position.
The dna in a cell from my earlobe can be altered - it would not become a separate person.
The dna in identical twins is identical but they are not one individual.
Unique DNA does not equal unique individual. Identical twins are unique even though they share the same dna.
When eggs are fertilized in test tubes - a unique human has not been created (but can become one).
If 12 eggs are fertilized, and the strongest is picked for implantation - 11 murders were not committed.
If you believe that a zygote is a unique separate human, and should be viewed the same as a 6 month old fetus or a 6 year old child, then you should be more concerned with the 75% of zygotes which never reach the 6 week point of development.
You should be crying over the billions of humans lost that we were never even aware of. Your focus should be less on abortion and more on what can be done to reduce that 75% number to 60%, or 50% or 10%.
Your position, actions, and feigned indignation are absurdly inconsistent.