I've hesitated to post this thread, but someone has to speak out.

I assume you just pulled this without actually reading the research itself. Per the paper, the 5 profiles only fit 80% of the group which means 20% had other reasons. Viability and life endangerment were also specifically excluded from study.

Profiles of Later Abortion Patients - Our analysis identified five general profiles of women who sought later abortions, describing 80% of the sample. Forty-two percent of later abortion patients fit only one group; 38% belonged in two or more groups.

Discussion - Our study has several important limitations. Our data are limited by the exclusion of women who sought later abortions on grounds of fetal anomaly or life endangerment. Because of waiting time for testing and diagnosis, delay in seeking care among that population likely differs significantly from the delays faced by women in our study.

So we agree the women they surveyed were terminating viable offspring?
I highlighted the 5 most common reasons for late term abortions for you. 0/5 had anything to do with viability.

You said you highlighted the 5 most common reasons and 0 had anything to do with viability and I showed you that it was only 0 because that wasn't the point of the research you quoted.

So we agree the women they surveyed were terminating viable offspring?

You still guessing or did you actually read the research you are quoting?
You said you highlighted the 5 most common reasons and 0 had anything to do with viability and I showed you that it was only 0 because that wasn't the point of the research you quoted.

You still guessing or did you actually read the research you are quoting?

Sure I was wrong about the first part. Now do you intend on admitting the second part? That viable fetuses are being killed electively?

I used the data I did because it’s the best I know of involving reasons for later abortions. The fact that they excluded people with viability concerns and still had more than 1 person answer means they obvious answer is yes. Unless there’s something you believe I’m missing
Leftist—— an individual that will weep uncontrollably over a picture of a dog shot in Ukraine and then go to the abortion clinic and terminate their OWN CHILD without a twinge of regret.
Just think about that for a moment
It would still be stupid no matter how long anyone thought about it
Sure I was wrong about the first part. Now do you intend on admitting the second part? That viable fetuses are being killed electively?

I used the data I did because it’s the best I know of involving reasons for later abortions. The fact that they excluded people with viability concerns and still had more than 1 person answer means they obvious answer is yes. Unless there’s something you believe I’m missing

Yes, I agree that most (if not all) of those surveyed were viable from what I could read. Not entirely sure of the other 20% since they didn't really go into much detail of it.

I might question the quality of life for the ones with mom's using the illicit drugs, but that would be a different matter.

Also, no, I am not a fan of late term abortions, just pointing out some of your conclusions were not based on the complete research behind the abstract you presented.
Yes, I agree that most (if not all) of those surveyed were viable. I might question the quality of life for the ones with mom's using the illicit drugs, but that would be a different matter. Also, no, I am not a fan of late term abortions, just pointing out some of your conclusions were not based on the complete research behind the abstract you presented.

That’s fair.
No, we agree that the rape argument is completely valid. Who would ever claim that all rape victims have access to the morning after pill the day after being raped. We agree that is an absurd position.
Ok so rape and incest are exempt and the rest are banned. Now we are in agreement with banning the other abortions?
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Leftist—— an individual that will weep uncontrollably over a picture of a dog shot in Ukraine and then go to the abortion clinic and terminate their OWN CHILD without a twinge of regret.
Just think about that for a moment
Pretty broad brush you're painting with wouldn't ya say
So it might as well be me.

The Oklahoma house just passed a bill banning all abortions regardless of the cause of the pregnancy. It's a clone of the Texas law. If their Senate also passes the bill and the governor signs it into law, which I expect they will do, it will be a sad day.

I see this act as an affront to every woman that is, has been, or supports the Lady Vols in any sport. At this point, I would hope the NCAA will act to relocate the Women's College World Series out of Oklahoma. To hold it in Oklahoma City would be beyond ridiculous.

I hope you will join me and many other supporters of women athletes to let our voices be heard.

Finally, I didn't post this topic to launch a discussion of abortion. If you have a different point of view that's fine. Just be aware I will not debate the abortion topic or respond to argumentative posts.

Yeah murdering babies should be legal not matter how old. Are you a coward to debate? Or just a drive by liberal hack?
Student-athletes are being Pushed to Have Abortions: Where is Title IX?

April 13, 2018

In a strange twist of fate, leading athletics programs seem to be ignoring federal protections for women that went into effect the year before Roe v. Wade and Doe v. Bolton created almost unlimited abortion access. While the 1972 Title IX was created to protect female athletes from discrimination on the basis of sex, many athletes report that rather than their pregnancies being welcomed or accommodated, they are facing incredible pressure to abort, almost as though Roe’s 1973 abortion ruling trumped their rights.

Last year, Olympian Sanya Richards-Ross told Sports Illustrated, “I literally don’t know another female track and field athlete who hasn’t had an abortion.” Richards-Ross herself openly recounts her own abortion two weeks before the Olympic games in Beijing. She told Sports Illustrated that abortion is pervasive among college athletes because they are often misinformed about their own reproductive capacity and she said that she didn’t know all of her pregnancy options when she underwent her abortion. And Richards-Ross’ story is representative of countless others like her own.
A woman doesn't need any help from the government deciding what is best for her.

That's all I'm going to say about it. These abortion threads just keep rehashing the same arguments that we've all heard before.
Are you saying we denizens of Volnation are once again indulging in our favoured proclivity of engaging in an excercise in the flagellation of a deceased equine?
Ok so rape and incest are exempt and the rest are banned. Now we are in agreement with banning the other abortions?
Nope, not even close.
But at least we agree it is appropriate to exempt rape and incest,
This dude started a thread that got moved here and hasn’t shown up since it appears.

Guess he wanted to be political without actually debating his beliefs. Not saying he is a coward but he clearly ran.
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A woman doesn't need any help from the government deciding what is best for her.

That's all I'm going to say about it. These abortion threads just keep rehashing the same arguments that we've all heard before.
Then you don't care about rape victims. They have nothing to do with your position. So quit using them to try to justify your position in a cheap manner.

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