I've hesitated to post this thread, but someone has to speak out.

Nope, not even close.
But at least we agree it is appropriate to exempt rape and incest,
Then you don't care about rape victims. They have nothing to do with your position. So quit using them to try to justify your position in a cheap manner.
So it might as well be me.

The Oklahoma house just passed a bill banning all abortions regardless of the cause of the pregnancy. It's a clone of the Texas law. If their Senate also passes the bill and the governor signs it into law, which I expect they will do, it will be a sad day.

I see this act as an affront to every woman that is, has been, or supports the Lady Vols in any sport. At this point, I would hope the NCAA will act to relocate the Women's College World Series out of Oklahoma. To hold it in Oklahoma City would be beyond ridiculous.

I hope you will join me and many other supporters of women athletes to let our voices be heard.

Finally, I didn't post this topic to launch a discussion of abortion. If you have a different point of view that's fine. Just be aware I will not debate the abortion topic or respond to argumentative posts.

I’m missing how there is a connection or an affront to the female athletes of vol nation and an abortion law in Wyoming. Are we expecting an uptick of Tennessee female athletes to experience pregnancy at the World Series?
Possibly you could make that connection for me.
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Then you don't care about rape victims. They have nothing to do with your position. So quit using them to try to justify your position in a cheap manner.
Sure I do. What a nonsensical line of reasoning on your part.
No you don't. It has nothing to do with your position and it's sad you use that as an attempt to validate the act of murdering babies
Good grief man, how simplistic of a view do you have?
Does rape and incest validate murdering babies in your eyes?
A woman doesn't need any help from the government deciding what is best for her.

That's all I'm going to say about it. These abortion threads just keep rehashing the same arguments that we've all heard before.
Women don't need the government nor a private business making health decisions for them.
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But no one is killing babies......
That is an objectively false statement. The unborn children being aborted are fully human. They have their own DNA. They have their own metabolism. They have their own destiny. Until you have an OBJECTIVE way of demonstrating that a child 1 minute before delivery is not a child while one 1 minute after delivery is... or a child 5 minutes before delivery... or a child 5 days before delivery... or a child 5 months before delivery... then you are wrong. You are trying to deflect and evade the unassailable fact that abortion kills living, metabolizing children.
Good grief man, how simplistic of a view do you have?
Does rape and incest validate murdering babies in your eyes?
It doesn't.

The point of my inquiry was to show you are cheaply using rape and incest when those having nothing to do with your position. You are fine with abortion outside of those parameters. So don't use them.
What did you ask me?
I've been pretty straight forward in my responses.
I can summarize..........Roe v. Wade was brilliant and should remain the law.

Just curious where you stand... but can you see the other approach where people consider this murder and would prefer their hard earned tax payor money not go towards them?
The government should not be allowed to determine what a woman (or man) does with her/his body. To me, thats what it comes down to.
Actually that's absolutely true. Your problem is that it isn't a question of what a woman does with HER body. It is a question of whether she, after making a decision to have sex with HER body, has a "right" to kill someone else because she doesn't like the consequences of that choice.

If this were in any way a simple question of whether government has a right to restrict or compel someone to do something with their body then I would have no objection to abortion. But I oppose abortion for the same reason I don't believe Ted Bundy had a right to do what he wanted with "his body" when he killed other living, metabolizing, individual human beings. He had a right to view porn and even the stuff he later claimed poisoned his mind and enabled him to dehumanize his victims. But he has NO right to kill someone else as a consequence of HIS choice.

I'm betting most of you guys screaming anti-abortion were the same ones against covid vaccine mandates because it should be a "personal choice left up to the individual." The same reasoning should apply here. No matter how late it keeps you up at night.
No it isn't. Not even remotely close. In fact the complete opposite is true. The vast majority of "pro-choice" people aren't pro-choice on anything else. They agree with Oregon fining and shutting down a Christian owned bakery because they politely declined the business of a homosexual wedding. They oppose school choice because parents might send their kids to schools that do not teach what the left wants and how they want it taught. They celebrate Big Tech when speech is silenced that they don't want heard. They're VERY anti-choice when it comes to determining who one's wealth is shared with. In fact, they think they have a "right" to confiscate the wealth of other people and spend it any way THEY choose... even if it is a direct violation of the will and conscious of the person they robbed.

The same reasoning DOES apply here. If you want to take a vaccine and the risk associated with it then that is your RIGHT. It is NOT your right to demand someone else take it. You don't get to make life and death choices for SOMEONE ELSE. And that is PRECISELY why I oppose abortion. It isn't one person making a life and death decision for themselves... it is that person making that decision for an innocent person who given the choice would very likely choose to live.

Those who refused the vaccine didn't evade responsibility. They assessed the risks and assumed full responsibility for their choice. Women and men should do the SAME before engaging in sex.
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That is an objectively false statement. The unborn children being aborted are fully human. They have their own DNA. They have their own metabolism. They have their own destiny. Until you have an OBJECTIVE way of demonstrating that a child 1 minute before delivery is not a child while one 1 minute after delivery is... or a child 5 minutes before delivery... or a child 5 days before delivery... or a child 5 months before delivery... then you are wrong. You are trying to deflect and evade the unassailable fact that abortion kills living, metabolizing children.

There is no single magic moment that separates individual human from not.
To claim otherwise is stupid.
Some claim it's when the baby is birthed, some claim it's at the point when an egg is fertilized by a sperm.
I find them equally indefensible positions.
I think most reasonable people would admit that a newly delivered baby is just a tad more human than a zygote.
Which means there is a developmental process......or a continuum if you will.
Roe vs. Wade was genius in the way they addressed this.
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It doesn't.

The point of my inquiry was to show you are cheaply using rape and incest when those having nothing to do with your position. You are fine with abortion outside of those parameters. So don't use them.
Well you failed miserably in your attempt to make that point.
So you do not believe there should be an exemption for rape and incest?
This a completely pointless discussion, it will never be banned on a federal level. It is nothing more than a dog whistle for the right and left. Will some states continue to restrict it in some form or fashion while others make it easier? Yes.
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This a completely pointless discussion, it will never be banned on a federal level. It is nothing more than a dog whistle for the right and left. Will some states continue to restrict it in some form or fashion while others make it easier? Yes.
All true.
But having two states with restrictions like OK is vastly different from having 42 states with restrictions like OK.
And that's where the battle is currently being waged.....dog whistle for sure, but one with significant implications.
There is no single magic moment that separates individual human from from not.
To claim otherwise is stupid.
Some claim it's when the baby is birthed, some claim it's at the point when an egg is fertilized by a sperm.
I find them equally indefensible positions.
I think most reasonable people would admit that a newly delivered baby is just a tad more human than a zygote.
Which means there is a developmental process......or a continuum if you will.
Roe vs. Wade was genius in the way they addressed this.

Student-athletes are being Pushed to Have Abortions: Where is Title IX?

April 13, 2018

In a strange twist of fate, leading athletics programs seem to be ignoring federal protections for women that went into effect the year before Roe v. Wade and Doe v. Bolton created almost unlimited abortion access. While the 1972 Title IX was created to protect female athletes from discrimination on the basis of sex, many athletes report that rather than their pregnancies being welcomed or accommodated, they are facing incredible pressure to abort, almost as though Roe’s 1973 abortion ruling trumped their rights.

Last year, Olympian Sanya Richards-Ross told Sports Illustrated, “I literally don’t know another female track and field athlete who hasn’t had an abortion.” Richards-Ross herself openly recounts her own abortion two weeks before the Olympic games in Beijing. She told Sports Illustrated that abortion is pervasive among college athletes because they are often misinformed about their own reproductive capacity and she said that she didn’t know all of her pregnancy options when she underwent her abortion. And Richards-Ross’ story is representative of countless others like her own.

I didn't hear Ross mention anything about losing her scholarship or even school related. She mentioned losing her athletic abilities. Sounds like the typical regret of someone who had one trying to justify why they did it.

I never like to hear this kind of talk personally especially from people who grew older, regret it and now want to limit it for others. These people (in general) were successful because they did it and were able to continue competing, finish college, start successful careers, etc and then they want to turn around and act like they would be where they would be without having done it. There is a chance they could be, but there is also a chance they would be none of those things today if they had kids in their late teens/early 20s.
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Ah, i see.
I think we just need to get all the gasoline on the fire at once.
I am going to start a thread asking if trans people have a right to bring their semiautomatic guns with them when they drive their electric car from the BLM protest to the abortion clinic if they haven’t been vaccinated and aren’t wearing a mask with their MAGA hat on during a December Heat Wave obviously caused by global warming which was taught just after CRT at their children’s school.

I'm not sure, but I think I'm agin it!
There is no single magic moment that separates individual human from not.
To claim otherwise is stupid.
Some claim it's when the baby is birthed, some claim it's at the point when an egg is fertilized by a sperm.
I find them equally indefensible positions.
I think most reasonable people would admit that a newly delivered baby is just a tad more human than a zygote.
Which means there is a developmental process......or a continuum if you will.
Roe vs. Wade was genius in the way they addressed this.

You sound just like the slave owners did when they were discussing why they had to right to murder black kids back then too.

Not fully human, right…..
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