Jacques Smith Out

Patrick Willis played with A club becausemhismwrist, hand, and arm was broke and he's sitting out over a "fractured thumb" wow.........what's the word I'm looking for that rhymes with wussie??????

You have no clue what you're talking about. Just wait til the facts come out before you make a jackwagon out of yourself.
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I can't help but to have that feeling in the back of your head saying who will be next. ugh
He will probly be back. Hate it for him. I know they have worked hard and it's just about time to reap the benefits. Good luck to u mr smith
In the old days they would put his hand in a giant cast to slap offensive tackles on the head with.
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I was thinking Oregon as well. I know it'll be hard to keep him off if theres any way he can go esp being a senior. Hope it heals quick. Same with Vereen.
His biceps are big enough to make up for a little thumb injury. Seriously terell Owens broke his finger requiring surgery a few years ago and played like 2 weeks later. Same with dez Bryant. Seems like he should be able to go
He will be alright. Never know, it could take 6 weeks or it could go better than expected and he could be back in 3 wks with something on his hand to protect it for a few games.

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