Jameis Winston saga (merged)

I can relate to LG's hatred towards FSU, much like a Vols fan hating Bammer.

Winston is a fookup and he will prove his ignorance and immaturity in the NFL.
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You couldnt pack this in to the 20 other Jameis Winston threads you have made in the last 8 months? That butt of yours is so sore, you would have thought that it was you who he allegedly raped.

This is about more than just Winston and the one incident. Its about a culture at FSU of the administration working with TPD to shield players from consequences of sometimes very serious criminal actions.

While as a Gator fan I am of course more attuned to it, the fact is that the shennanigans of the last few years have really brought FSU's institutional morality to the fore of national public discourse.
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This is about more than just Winston and the one incident. Its about a culture at FSU of the administration working with TPD to shield players from consequences of sometimes very serious criminal actions.

While as a Gator fan I am of course more attuned to it, the fact is that the shennanigans of the last few years have really brought FSU's institutional morality to the fore of national public discourse.

No, its clearly not as the lawsuit specifically is only referring to this case dealing with this supposed victim and Winston. And please spare us the institutional morality speech, especially with a UF badge below your name.
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i'm glad that the young lady will get her day in court and because FSU chose not to address it on campus it will be a FEDERAL court and THEY WILL BE NAMED AS A PLAINTIFF...

cue monte burns....
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i'm glad that the young lady will get her day in court and because FSU chose not to address it on campus it will be a FEDERAL court and THEY WILL BE NAMED AS A PLAINTIFF...

cue monte burns....

I think you meant "defendant". Winston's alleged victim is the plaintiff.
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i'm glad that the young lady will get her day in court and because FSU chose not to address it on campus it will be a FEDERAL court and THEY WILL BE NAMED AS A PLAINTIFF...

cue monte burns....

The irony is indeed that Winston couldn't give a crap about this lawsuit. While he will surely face one, this particular one is not against him, or really even about him. Its about whether Title IX required an investigation by FSU and they blew that off to protect him, and whether if they don't they are liable to her.

So while Winston merrily trots off to get his millions, FSU is left holding the proverbial bag, at least for now.
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Coincidence that this comes to light as soon as Jameis declares for the draft, maybe to hurt his draft stock / capitalize on the publicity? It's a legitimate suit, given what I have heard about FSU not following Title IX guidelines after a sexual assault incident. They chose to protect their star QB and disobey the very clear Title IX guidelines, which implies a conspiracy to cover up or at worst gross negligence. IMO it's clear to see what happened. FSU got wind of the allegations and did everything in their power to keep it contained. At the very least FSU should get a proper investigation. It's also time for the NCAA to look into the more criminal elements of their cover-up and punish them accordingly.

I agree with everything except your last sentence. There is nothing to be gained from the NCAA getting involved in this.
Winston sounds like a perfect fit for the Titans organization :birgits_giggle:
This will follow Winston a bit with the draft -- the media love the controversy. But it will likely be gone in a year.

The real story here is, and has always been, the efforts of FSU in tandem with TPD and the university police, to protect a football player by working to protect him first and foremost, and investigate the claim last. Winston is not the first, or the last, FSU player to be handled in this manner.

And if that gets investigated properly and FSU is exposed for its having done this in many instances involving football players, either by more articles from the NYT, or in the context of the pending lawsuit, that is what could keep this from just fading away.

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