Jameis Winston saga (merged)

Again, my hatred for the NCAA is deep-seeded. The fact Pearl got a show - cause for lying about having a barbecue while nothing happens to FSU players who rape people and UNC cheating for two decades is so mind-blowingly retarded.
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Again, my hatred for the NCAA is deep-seeded. The fact Pearl got a show - cause for lying about having a barbecue while nothing happens to FSU players who rape people and UNC cheating for two decades is so mind-blowingly retarded.

The NCAA hates us.
Even with that date the decision comes down much later. He will play through at least the Florida game. He might miss the ACC c-ship game. Technically. But if suspended I am sure his attorney has already drafted a complaint for a TRO. Get himself an FSU friendly judge there in Tallahassee, and he plays all the way through.

It's over.
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While nothing would shock me when it comes to Winston, I don't believe he's smart enough to effectively shave points.

I thought the same thing. Then I thought that he didn't effectively shave points, if that's what he did. IMHO, 'effectively' shaving points would have been keeping it close in the 1st half, within--say--three points for a 1 point line. He had them down by more than a couple of touchdowns. That could have gone sideways.

I'm not convinced he shaved points, mind you. But with him, it wouldn't be that shocking.
While nothing would shock me when it comes to Winston, I don't believe he's smart enough to effectively shave points.

I've been saying exactly that to friends this week. As much as I dislike him and hope that he and FSU soon get their comeupance on the assault charge and how it was handled, I find this very had to believe.
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That spends any equity that school banked with the suspension for the Clemson game. He could just drop out after the NC game, if they even make it there, and then FSU would probably decline to even issue a ruling because it would all be moot.
That spends any equity that school banked with the suspension for the Clemson game. He could just drop out after the NC game, if they even make it there, and then FSU would probably decline to even issue a ruling because it would all be moot.

I don't think he even has to drop out, just not register for classes in the Spring semester.
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Well, what do you know. Delayed. And not likely resolved until JUST AFTER the championship game.

Yea this is the shocker of the century. IF..FSU makes it back to the NC game he should announce to reporters immediately after the game that he's going pro and dropping out of FSU as of that day. Then he's free to do what he wants. This looks terrible of FSU from a character point of view.
Yea this is the shocker of the century. IF..FSU makes it back to the NC game he should announce to reporters immediately after the game that he's going pro and dropping out of FSU as of that day. Then he's free to do what he wants. This looks terrible of FSU from a character point of view.

When has FSU ever looked good from a character point of view? They didn't earn the nickname "Free Shoes university" for nothin'.
I have not been paying much attention to ESPN the past few days, are they blasting them for this, or not even a story for them like it would be if it was us?
What about the allegations that Winston was shaving points in the UL game? What will come of that?
I' m sure the University is paying the attorney fess too, they are paying the premiums for a 60 million insurance policy in case Winston gets injured on the football field.
The NCAA hates us.

Yep, but they love money. I swear they run things like the Mob. As long as someone is making them money they can pretty much do what ever the he** they want. Now if your not making them money and you screw up then they'll make an example of you:machgun::gun::thud:.
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