John Chavis for DC?

I'm only on board with Chavis if we can bring back Randy Sanders as OC and Eric Locke as a RB coach to implement the Eric Locke package.
What do you guys think about bringing Chief back John Chavis? He was a great DC and is still young enough and has a few good coaching years left he would def be a upgrade over Tim Banks

Third Down and Chavis's time has passed here.
I only want to remember the good times with Chief. I still have a few bad memories that haven't been erased yet.
Glad to see that you're back to day drinking.
Of course Fulmer doesn't need to be anywhere near our football program anymore, but in his prime he was a great OL coach and recruiter. Many of those mid to late 1980s offensive linemen played in the big league for years afterwards

This captures it perfectly. One can never sleep on VolNation … the crazy happens all the time.
Speak for yourself hoglet. Some of the threads popping up here recently have encouraged me to take up day drinking once again. Soon enough, there will be another Fulmer is fat thread.

Bring back Chavis?
Why didn't we run a double reverse?
Why didn't we run a fake punt?

Welll……Fulmer is actually fat.
Here are the rankings for his defenses the last five years of his career. I think I notice a trend in the numbers…..
Chavis has been around so long I think he was one of the inventers of the " prevent defense" that was later called " prevent a win" defense. He is one of the few defense coaches that never seem to get offered a head coaching job. And lasted at each school he coached long enough for fans to catch on and was shown the door. The Vols suffered this season for having the same lay back defenses that Chavis used to run.

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