Kentucky v. Gardner Webb (merged)

Man, I was hoping Kentucky would be pretty good competition this year, but after watching them get beat in thier own house I'm not so sure. Maybe they will bounce back, but right now it looks like the loss of Randolph Morris is going to hurt a lot more than I thought.
Before everyone rips ya a new one, just take a peek over in the sports forum before posting non UT stuff in the UT forum.
What a joke! The mighty UK losing to a program that used to be a junior college!! UT will dominate the conference this year. UK doesn't have anything, UF lost all their talent. Who else except UT will be any good?
What a joke! The mighty UK losing to a program that used to be a junior college!! UT will dominate the conference this year. UK doesn't have anything, UF lost all their talent. Who else except UT will be any good?

Arkansas is good and Vanderbilt is capable. And there will certainly be surprise upsets. If Div. II teams are knocking off Div. I teams, then there will certainly be days of parity within the SEC.
So how long will they keep blaming Tubby. :eek:lol:

They will be fine but, if they are not gonna play D, they better find out how to score.
Kudos to Billy G. He took all the blame for the loss and gave props to Gardner-Webb in the postgame interview
Enjoy it while you can. It will not last much longer.

Kentucky is dealing with the same difficulties this UT football program will face when a coaching change is made. There are talent deficits across the board, and they are also in the midst of a massive culture change in the program.

I loved Tubby Smith. He is definitely one of the best basketball coaches in the country, but this was a 12 loss team last year, and the one player that kept them in ballgames signed an NBA contract as soon as the season was over. Similar to the situation at UT, as a head coach Tubby became ineffective in his communication with the players. The residual affect of this problem is undeniable. The only solution to such a problem is graduating the old "talent" and bringing new more talented players into the mix.

Again, keep in mind that UT will have very similar issues once we higher a new head coach.
The only solution to such a problem is graduating the old "talent" and bringing new more talented players into the mix.

I agree. The only player that I thought looked decent last night was Patrick Patterson.
Wonder what hat has to say? Billy G. let this happen? I have no doubt he will bounce back and turn UK into a powerhouse. But, wow, this is not the way to start his tenure.
Wonder what hat has to say? Billy G. let this happen? I have no doubt he will bounce back and turn UK into a powerhouse. But, wow, this is not the way to start his tenure.

Especially in Rupp. That is what makes it so bad in my opinion.
Wonder what hat has to say? Billy G. let this happen? I have no doubt he will bounce back and turn UK into a powerhouse. But, wow, this is not the way to start his tenure.

I don't care what the issues are. A decent coach should never, ever let a Gardner-Webb team beat KY. That one rests solely on the coach.
You would think having a new coach that there would be some energy. They were dead in Rupp yesterday. The fans were up but the players looked like they were asleep.
What a joke! The mighty UK losing to a program that used to be a junior college!! UT will dominate the conference this year. UK doesn't have anything, UF lost all their talent. Who else except UT will be any good?

Gotta think Billy D has some young HS All-AMericans down there. I'm not exactly sure since I haven't really followed who's he's signed the past year or two.
The SEC world is upside down:

Kentucky's football team is better than its basketball team.

Tennessee's basketball team is better than its football team.

UNC lost to Santa Clara to open the 2004-05 season. Later that season they won the National Championship. It's early.

And yes, kudos to CBG for showing class and not discrediting a great effort by GW.
That is like the dad taking full responsibility for his kid breaking the neighbor's window. The kid(team) is gonna have hell to pay.

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