Keystone Pipeline - a red line?

Hmm, I don't recall saying any of those things. Not one.

Let me check.


Nope, not one.

You're clearly certain of the outcome despite numerous predictions of the contrary. I'll back out of the conversation at this point and let you believe what you want to believe.

Ill mark you down as wanting China to provide us with Gasoline
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But the people making the money are going to be investors and mouthpieces in the PR industry, not real American workers. The job numbers are cooked. Almost all of the skilled labor will come in from Canada. None of the pipe will be made with American steel. It all comes from India, and it is low quality. Almost everything said in support of KXL is a lie. The Department of State has to rule that it is in the U.S. national interest. That would be a lie. What about it is in our interest? The purpose of the pipeline is to export the oil at higher prices. Once that pipeline connects to the refineries in the Gulf export zone, the oil now sold from Canada in mid-America will connect to KXL and sell at higher international prices. Who really believes that TransCanada is building the pipeline to sell its oil at lower prices?

None of the pipe made in America? Huh?

Media Advisory - 75 Per Cent of Keystone XL Pipe would be 'Made in North America'

“Seventy-five per cent of the pipe used to build Keystone XL in the U.S. would come from North American mills, including half made by U.S. workers in Arkansas,” said Alex Pourbaix, TransCanada’s president, Energy and Oil Pipelines. “In addition, we have already sourced goods for the pipeline valued at approximately $800 million from U.S. manufacturers.”

Will approval of the Keystone XL pipeline really generate more jobs for Arkansas? | Arkansas Blog | Arkansas news, politics, opinion, restaurants, music, movies and art

The steel pipe that may or may not become the final leg of Keystone has already been manufactured by Welspun and bought by TransCanada. Three-hundred and fifty miles of pipe now waits patiently in vast, rust-tinged stacks in a gravel lot outside the Welspun facility. Another 350 miles made by Welspun has been put in the ground already to build a leg of the Keystone line that doesn’t require presidential approval.

Export Oil? Huh?

U.S. oil exports have been banned for 40 years. Is it time for that to change?

The United States can export coal, gasoline, and (sometimes) natural gas. But, for the most part, U.S. companies aren't really allowed to export crude oil. That's the law
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man you guys are as dense as Canadian Tar Sands Crude.

Oil Products= Gasoline, refined here in the USA
If you will read a variety of sources on this subject, you will find that U.S. oil product exports are commonly referred to as oil exports. Informed people are familiar with the category. Here is a list: U.S. Exports of Crude Oil and Petroleum ProductsTo recap, I want the pipeline built because its 10x cheaper to ship oil to Texas/LA in a pipeline vs a rail car. Its also cleaner for the environment.
Your growing lack of credibility makes all of your numbers and claims suspect. I don't think you know anything about the safety of shipping bitumen in a pipeline.
I want US companies in the USA to refine the oil into gasoline because US citizens own the refineries and employ US Citizens. Id like to see them produce more gasoline so they can reward their US Citizen Shareholders and increase employment of US citizens to work at the US refineries.
You continue making that claim without any backup, while ignoring the information in post #198. You do not appear to know what you are talking about.

I want the US to have a dependable supply of oil from a friendly neighbor for the next 50 years. I dont want to have to rely on the Middle East to supply us with oil and gasoline. Id like to supply the Middle East, Europe, or Asia with US Made Gasoline.
The U.S. already has a surplus of pipeline capacity for crude oil imports from Canada. Why do you keep ignoring this fact, as if we need KXL for our imports, when we do not? Everybody can see what you are doing here. I hope everybody knows that your repeating lies does not make the lies true. Keystone XL is not for supplying the U.S. with crude. That is not its purpose. It is for shipping oil from Canada through the U.S. for refining and export. It will NOT add to our oil supply.
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"The pipeline will require more than 800,000 tons of 36-inch carbon steel pipe, about half of which will be produced outside of the U.S., Skinner said. TransCanada has contracted with Mumbai, India-based Welspun Corp Ltd (WLCO), India’s second-biggest producer of pipes, and Moscow-based Evraz Plc, a Russian steelmaker, for steel pipe.

Evraz will make pipe for Keystone XL at its mills in Canada, according to the Cornell report. Welspun will probably make pipe in India for final processing at its plant in Arkansas, an arrangement that allows TransCanada to state that about 75 percent of the pipe for the U.S. portion of the project will be purchased from North American plants, according to the Cornell report. "

The Welspun plant in Arkansas is not American owned, and it does not manufacture steel pipe. It does finishing work on pipe. TransCanada's statement that 75% of the pipe will COME FROM north American mills is highly deceptive. The pipe will NOT be manufactured in the United States. The pipe will be imported through foreign owned plants with locations both abroad and in America. The pipe will NOT be made of American steel, and it will NOT be manufactured in American steel plants. Only a very small percent of the pipe from India will require finishing at the shop in Arkansas. It is not a pipe factory. It's a freaking storage depot with a job shop.

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The U.S. already has a surplus of pipeline capacity for crude oil imports from Canada. Why do you keep ignoring this fact, as if we need KXL for our imports, when we do not? Everybody can see what you are doing here. I hope everybody knows that your repeating lies does not make the lies true. Keystone XL is not for supplying the U.S. with crude. That is not its purpose. It is for shipping oil from Canada through the U.S. for refining and export. It will NOT add to our oil supply.

Correct, but it will be refined in the USA. If we want to buy the gasoline, great, if not, we will sell it to the highest bidder. Much better to ensure a future oil source with a friendly neighbor vs relying on Venezuelan oil. Do you not agree? Id rather the Gulf Refineries refine Canadian crude into gasoline than Venezuelan crude. Call me crazy, I guess.
"The pipeline will require more than 800,000 tons of 36-inch carbon steel pipe, about half of which will be produced outside of the U.S., Skinner said. TransCanada has contracted with Mumbai, India-based Welspun Corp Ltd (WLCO), India’s second-biggest producer of pipes, and Moscow-based Evraz Plc, a Russian steelmaker, for steel pipe.

Evraz will make pipe for Keystone XL at its mills in Canada, according to the Cornell report. Welspun will probably make pipe in India for final processing at its plant in Arkansas, an arrangement that allows TransCanada to state that about 75 percent of the pipe for the U.S. portion of the project will be purchased from North American plants, according to the Cornell report. "

The Welspun plant in Arkansas is not American owned, and it does not manufacture steel pipe. It does finishing work on pipe. TransCanada's statement that 75% of the pipe will be manufactured in the U.S. is a flat out lie. IT IS NOT TRUE.


My article is from last week. Yours is from 2012

Here is what Welspun Tublar does


Welspun Tubular LLC (a subsidiary of WCL) was established to enhance our global enterprise’s ability to serve our clients more efficiently in and around the North America market. Situated on a 740-acre site adjacent to the little Rock Port in Arkansas, the facility was inaugurated on April 28, 2009 at a glittering ceremony attended by local, state and federal dignitaries, customers, and company.

The facility employed at its inauguration 350 workers, providing an important economic boost to the region. Today, with the addition of a third shift, the facility boasts more than 400 workers and is one of the new large Arkanas manufactures. The Company recently announced the acquisition of a 44 acre site formerly owned by the Wheatland Tube Company for $4.25 million dollars. The purchase includes a 350,000 sq ft building on the site, which is currently being used to store stock material of Welspun’s pipe and coating facility in Little Rock.

The state of the art $150 million API-certified Little Rock facility is capable of producing 350,000 net tons of HSAW (spiral welded) pipes annually.

With diversified sizes ranging from 24 to 60 inches as outer diameter (OD) and 0.23 to 0.98 inches as wall thickness (WT), as well as coating and double jointing capabilities, our Arkansas facility provides a one-stop solution to valued Oil and Gas customers in and around the United States.

Here is what they build in Arkansas


Sounds and looks like the work is done in Arkansas. Call me crazy, but id like to give them more business
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You did not provide an article. You gave a company "media advisory." That link shows a lot of impressive pictures, until you get to a picture for the Arkansas plant. It is a storage depot with a finishing shop for the small numbers of pipe needing extra work. With all of the American jobs that importer takes away from American industry, it provides a few hundred jobs in Arkansas. That steel is not made in America, and the pipe is not manufactured in America. Suggestions to the contrary are lies.
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Well, what I see is a "media advisory." This is the lie you posted from it. “Seventy-five per cent of the pipe used to build Keystone XL in the U.S. would come from North American mills, including half made by U.S. workers in Arkansas.” All you've done in this thread is post spoon fed lies. The worst thing is that you see the truth now. It is in front of you, but you are sticking with the lies. That is how things are, and I hope everyone sees it.
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Lies? I'm posting articles from 7 days ago and you are posting articles from 30 months ago that use the word "probably" and "maybe"

Just admit it, you hate the Oil and Gas Industry
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Lies? I'm posting articles from 7 days ago and you are posting articles from 30 months ago that use the word "probably" and "maybe"

Just admit it, you hate the Oil and Gas Industry

I can admit that. What's to love?

Wanna talk about fracking? These "oil and gas" industry folks are lobbying Republican North Carolina lawmakers to make it a FELONY to disclose what chemicals they are pumping into American soil.

Scratch that, these shills have actually introduced the bill:
NC fracking bill orders prison time for disclosing chemicals, ignores health risks

Very heartwarming. When dummies like you stop believing that the 'oil and gas industry' are conscientious about anything other than profit, maybe we can have an honest discussion. Until then, you'll continue to come off as an BP Baghdad Bob.
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Whats to love? How about 30+ million Americans employed in good, well paying jobs that require all types of skill sets from High School Dropout to Doctorate in Engineering. Id like to add more of those jobs. You obviously dont

As far as fracking goes, there are currently 1000 wells being fracked as we speak. Let me know if anything goes wrong with them. There have been thousands of wells fracked since 2006 with very little problems. The main ingredients in fracking are water, sand and the guar bean which is a type of lima bean used in cheese. Toxic stuff
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Whats to love? How about 30+ million Americans employed in good, well paying jobs that require all types of skill sets from High School Dropout to Doctorate in Engineering. Id like to add more of those jobs. You obviously dont

As far as fracking goes, there are currently 1000 wells being fracked as we speak. Let me know if anything goes wrong with them. There have been thousands of wells fracked since 2006 with very little problems. The main ingredients in fracking are water, sand and the guar bean which is a type of lima bean used in cheese. Toxic stuff

Careful bubba, disclosing that lima beans are an ingredient in fracking fluid could earn you a one way ticket to the pokie if the angelic oil industry has their way.

Seriously, you believe everything you're told by "big oil"?
Careful bubba, disclosing that lima beans are an ingredient in fracking fluid could earn you a one way ticket to the pokie if the angelic oil industry has their way.

Seriously, you believe everything you're told by "big oil"?

You ever worked on a fracking rig?

99.5% of what goes in the ground is water and sand.
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I can admit that. What's to love?

Wanna talk about fracking? These "oil and gas" industry folks are lobbying Republican North Carolina lawmakers to make it a FELONY to disclose what chemicals they are pumping into American soil.

Scratch that, these shills have actually introduced the bill:
NC fracking bill orders prison time for disclosing chemicals, ignores health risks

Very heartwarming. When dummies like you stop believing that the 'oil and gas industry' are conscientious about anything other than profit, maybe we can have an honest discussion. Until then, you'll continue to come off as an BP Baghdad Bob.

I love gasoline. I was filling up my old massey ferguson last week. As the gas poured in i considered how marvelous a substance it is. Highly explosive especially as a vapor, but can be carried with relative safety and convenience as a liquid. 1 gallon can move my 4,000 pound vehicle 25 miles with tremendous reliability.
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Whats to love? How about 30+ million Americans employed in good, well paying jobs that require all types of skill sets from High School Dropout to Doctorate in Engineering. Id like to add more of those jobs. You obviously dont

As far as fracking goes, there are currently 1000 wells being fracked as we speak. Let me know if anything goes wrong with them. There have been thousands of wells fracked since 2006 with very little problems. The main ingredients in fracking are water, sand and the guar bean which is a type of lima bean used in cheese. Toxic stuff

Also, 30mm jobs? You may want to recheck that - I'm not a mathematician but I highly doubt that the oil industry is anywhere near supplying 10% of all American jobs.
I love gasoline. I was filling up my old massey ferguson last week. As the gas poured in i considered how marvelous a substance it is. Highly explosive especially as a vapor, but can be carried with relative safety and convenience as a liquid. 1 gallon can move my 4,000 pound vehicle 25 miles with tremendous reliability.

No doubt about it.
This guy has never even seen an oil rig

Sure I have, this is what they look like. Right?

I live in NC just like you do septic. I support fracking and offshore drilling all over the Carolinas. I don't have a dime invested in oil. I support American businesses getting free from the tree hugging legislations and regulation that has crippled our economy. I don't give a damn if a spotted spread-toed flying field mouse gets displaced by a nuclear powerplant...or an oil rig. Neither do 95% ofAmericans its just that the whiny liberal douchebags scream so loud they are always heard...and business sufferI try to make my carbon footprint so large as to offset 10 or 15 of these shrub huggers on any given day. I only recycle if my regular trashcan gets full. I use old oil from my truck to kill weeds...and i enjoy the fact that my tree hugging next door neighbor just ccan't stand it. 'Mericuh.
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I live in NC just like you do septic. I support fracking and offshore drilling all over the Carolinas. I don't have a dime invested in oil. I support American businesses getting free from the tree hugging legislations and regulation that has crippled our economy. I don't give a damn if a spotted spread-toed flying field mouse gets displaced by a nuclear powerplant...or an oil rig. Neither do 95% ofAmericans its just that the whiny liberal douchebags scream so loud they are always heard...and business sufferI try to make my carbon footprint so large as to offset 10 or 15 of these shrub huggers on any given day. I only recycle if my regular trashcan gets full. I use old oil from my truck to kill weeds...and i enjoy the fact that my tree hugging next door neighbor just ccan't stand it. 'Mericuh.

You've clearly confused me with someone who is against fracking or alternative energy sources.

That said, save your patriotic 'murica grandstanding for someone that thinks you have an opinion worth hearing.

I simply pointed out that NC lawmakers are trying to make it a FELONY to disclose the ingredients of fracking fluids. Seems odd if those fluids are nothing more than sand, water and lima beans. No?

That was in response to the mouthbeathers who moronically think that oil company's somehow care about anything other than profit.

I find it ironic that such a christian man such as yourself would intentionally go out of their way to pollute the earth and that you're so willing to go out of your way to piss off your neighbors. It pleases me to see you take this position, let the anger flow.
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