Keystone Pipeline - a red line?

Great non answer. Well done

Edit: you also keep saying Transcanada is going to sell the oil to foreign buyers, when it's illegal to export oil. So you really meant to say is that Transcanada is going to sell crude to US refineries like Exxon, Valero, Chevron etc and they will refine it into gasoline, and turn around and sell it to either America buyers or foreign.

No, it is not a non answer. You need to clean up the mess you made before dragging me into another mess. You told some lies and got caught. Now, are you going to correct them or stand on them? If you want to tell us who TransCanada is selling its oil to, then why don't you provide some documentation? I've done that. You have NOT done that. Your name dropping is not evidence. Oil product exports have been covered. Why don't you study the chart some more and read a few articles on the subject if you still don't understand them. Nearly all of our oil exports are in the form of refined products. When people talk about American oil exports, that is typically what they are talking about. Don't you know that? Now, you already got caught in lies about 75% of the pipe coming from American manufacturing. I can stick you with facts about the buyers, too. Your method is to tell lies, and when you get caught, ignore getting caught and just tell more lies about something else. That is damned pathetic, imo. If you do not correct the false claims you already posted, we have NO REASON to trust anything you say. You are standing on lies.
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Nothing I have posted is false. The fact that you are rambling leads me to believe you don't know what you are talking about

The fact that I am rambling should lead you to believe that I am rehashing for a man who shows no ability to understand anything previously established. I'm trying to be nice about this. You went silent on your claim that the pipe was being made in the USA. That is NOT true. It's a lie, a big lie. All of the pipe is imported from India. There were reports that a little of it might come from Russia, but no confirmation. I am beginning to think you are psychotic. Do you know that India is not in the United States?
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The fact that I am rambling should lead you to believe that I am rehashing for a man who shows no ability to understand anything previously established. You went silent on your claim that the pipe was being made in the USA. That is NOT true. It's a lie, a big lie. All of the pipe is imported from India. There were reports that a little of it might come from Russia, but no confirmation. I am beginning to think you are psychotic. Do you know that India is not in the United States?

The pipe is sitting in the USA waiting on Americans to finish the job. The article said once its approved, they will hire 50 more Americans, sounds like the pipe is going to be made in America. Since I answered your question. You need to answer mine. Who would you rather get crude from Venezuela or Canada?
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The pipe is sitting in the USA waiting on Americans to finish the job. The article said once its approved, they will hire 50 more Americans, sounds like the pipe is going to be made in America. Since I answered your question. You need to answer mine. Who would you rather get crude from Venezuela or Canada?

But you keep saying that the pipe, which was made in India, was made in the United States. The pipe is already contracted, made, and delivered. Are you still saying that it was made in the United States, or do you admit that was a lie? Are you now saying that the company will hire 50 more Americans to make the pipe in the USA that was already made in India? Without checking Google, do you think that India is a town in Arkansas? Is that what you think?
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But you keep saying that the pipe, which was made in India, was made in the United States. The pipe is already contracted. Are you still saying that it is made in the United States, or do you admit that is a lie? Are you now saying that the company will hire 50 more Americans to make the pipe that is already made? Without checking Google, do you think that India is a town in Arkansas? Is that what you think?

Venezuela or Canada?
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Venezuela, Arkansas or Canada, Arkansas?

The question might be better asked if I prefer Venezuela selling its oil to the U.S. or to China.

Would you prefer Canada to sell its oil to the U.S. or to China? The U.S. does not need Keystone to buy Canadian oil. China does need Keystone to buy it. That is what you are arguing to support, Canada selling its oil to the Chinese instead of Americans.
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Congress will pass a bill on the Keystone pipeline and then overturn Obola's veto and it will become law.
Obama's Keystone Pipeline Decision Just Got Tougher - Bloomberg Politics

The midterm elections, however, left Republicans with a filibuster proof majority in the Senate on Keystone. Before the midterms, Republicans could count on 57 votes for Keystone and they picked four new supporters this week—Representative Shelley Moore Capito of West Virginia, Representative Cory Gardner of Colorado, Senator Joni Ernst in Iowa, and Senator Mike Rounds in South Dakota—bringing their total to 61. A little legislative wheeling and dealing—like adding some sweeteners to the bill—could get them to 67 yes votes, a veto-proof majority.


Speaking at the White House today, spokesman Josh Earnest left open the possibility that Obama would not veto a Republican Keystone bill.
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Wonder if the people whose yard it will go through support it as much as the reps who are getting paid to push it through?
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You mean like Warren Buffett that opposes the Keystone Pipeline?

Oh wait, aren't his rail cars being used to transport it now?

My bad...

Yep you're right. I honestly don't even have a problem with this proposal. I have a problem with a party pushing and pulling to get it passed when we have a million other things on our plate. When politicans start taking our issues as seriously as corporations', I won't complain about them trying to get this passed.
Yep you're right. I honestly don't even have a problem with this proposal. I have a problem with a party pushing and pulling to get it passed when we have a million other things on our plate. When politicans start taking our issues as seriously as corporations', I won't complain about them trying to get this passed.

So something that will create jobs is not in both party's benefits?

This is nothing more than the President trying to appease the environmental crowd.
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So something that will create jobs is not in both party's benefits?

This is nothing more than the President trying to appease the environmental crowd.

Jobs? What jobs? Driving up and down the pipe trying to clean it up once something happens to it? Okay that was a joke but honestly I don't see many jobs coming from this other than the construction of it. I'm not an expert though, to take a line from the GOP "I'm not a scientist" crowd.

Wether you believe it or not, a lot of Americans care about the earth that we live on. So listening to them is part of his job.
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