Keystone Pipeline - a red line?

Why do you think prices are finally dropping? Domestic production on "private" lands up 60%, despite our supreme leaders hatred of fossil fuels. More oil and gas equals cheaper prices and good paying jobs.Keystone is a no brainer.

Democrats want high gas prices for ulterior motives. They want to force Americans into using alternate energy sources.
Taking it to space poses an even bigger risk than housing it in AK. If the rocket explodes before it leaves the atmosphere, then that toxic waste will spread across the land and have a much bigger impact.

That is a great point.. maybe one day when space travel becomes a lot more routine we can begin to fling our forever waste towards Venus. Probably the best and closest possible candidate for dumping garbage.
But...but... jobs! I honestly don't care anymore. Let them ruin the air and land that we need to survive as a species. Eventually earth will fix the problem itself.

This sounds like the argument of an adolescent. :blink:
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That is a great point.. maybe one day when space travel becomes a lot more routine we can begin to fling our forever waste towards Venus. Probably the best and closest possible candidate for dumping garbage.

Right, Piggy. You have heard about the Venusian Snail Darter, haven't you? It's endangered and it's only known habitat is Venus.
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Right, Piggy. You have heard about the Venusian Snail Darter, haven't you? It's endangered and it's only known habitat is Venus.

When humans begin to colonize other planets.. perhaps you should opt out and stay on Earth.

Just think.. you could build all the oil pipelines you want (if there is any left), and seal off the borders (if anyone still wants in the country), and oppress as many gay people as your like (but only the ones dumb enough to keep living among people like you).
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Dems should just focus on birth control and Rs will get real issues solved

When humans begin to colonize other planets.. perhaps you should opt out and stay on Earth.

Just think.. you could build all the oil pipelines you want (if there is any left), and seal off the borders (if anyone still wants in the country), and oppress as many gay people as your like (but only the ones dumb enough to keep living among people like you).

You democrats just love for gas prices to be high and do your damndest to make sure nobody can drill for oil to lower the prices and really make America energy sufficiant.
Creates job.

Lowers gas prices.

Reduces our dependence on ME oil.

Keeps more wealth stateside instead of sending it overseas.

Sounds like a wretched idea.
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When humans begin to colonize other planets.. perhaps you should opt out and stay on Earth.

Just think.. you could build all the oil pipelines you want (if there is any left), and seal off the borders (if anyone still wants in the country), and oppress as many gay people as your like (but only the ones dumb enough to keep living among people like you).

Hahaha - is this serious?

You went for the homosexual angle? Classic! Did the subject of pipe and lube take you down that path?

Thanks for the afternoon laugh.
Lol.. You sure do recognize a good ole homosexual angle when you see one


:good!: You're so dense you missed the joke I made in the original post to you and went with "well when humans can't do xyz, gays, blacks! yeah, take that! wait, what we talking about?" Hahaha. Solid laugh this Friday afternoon. Have a good weekend, bud.
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