Keystone Pipeline - a red line?

When humans begin to colonize other planets.. perhaps you should opt out and stay on Earth.

Just think.. you could build all the oil pipelines you want (if there is any left), and seal off the borders (if anyone still wants in the country), and oppress as many gay people as your like (but only the ones dumb enough to keep living among people like you).

How do these conversations go in mayflower?

I already know the answer....

I bet all the fracking done there really irriatated your liberal ass.

So, what color is your prius?
( personally, I bet he drives a chevy truck)
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Jobs? What jobs? Driving up and down the pipe trying to clean it up once something happens to it? Okay that was a joke but honestly I don't see many jobs coming from this other than the construction of it. I'm not an expert though, to take a line from the GOP "I'm not a scientist" crowd.

Wether you believe it or not, a lot of Americans care about the earth that we live on. So listening to them is part of his job.
Not just pipeline jobs. Cheaper energy means more manufacturing jobs will be created.
Why do you think prices are finally dropping? Domestic production on "private" lands up 60%, despite our supreme leaders hatred of fossil fuels. More oil and gas equals cheaper prices and good paying jobs.Keystone is a no brainer.

The influx of production and jobs in NoDak from fracking oil production is very limited. These aren't jobs that will be around long term. Great for people that go in, put in a year's worth of hard work and grow a bank account, but they're not careers.
The influx of production and jobs in NoDak from fracking oil production is very limited. These aren't jobs that will be around long term. Great for people that go in, put in a year's worth of hard work and grow a bank account, but they're not careers.

Ok, the alt is eat dirt for a year? Take welfare?
Mind blowing. This argument about temporary jobs. Other than government jobs what jobs are guaranteed for life?
Mind blowing. This argument about temporary jobs. Other than government jobs what jobs are guaranteed for life?

Notta! That's why what we do for a living should matter less. Main example, what type of healthcare you receive.
Why tax it at all? I would much rather get rid of our tax problems than create a huge pipe running through our country.

Ok. Stop eating mushrooms. J/k, but really the profit margain is less than the taxes forced on them.
:good!: You're so dense you missed the joke I made in the original post to you and went with "well when humans can't do xyz, gays, blacks! yeah, take that! wait, what we talking about?" Hahaha. Solid laugh this Friday afternoon. Have a good weekend, bud.

You're right.. your jokes must be for more intellectual crowd. It couldn't possibly be that you don't have a basic understanding of comedy. Blame it on the people that don't get it.

I's gonna tries harders next times you makes a joke soes my head tickle makes my mouth laugh :crazy:
The influx of production and jobs in NoDak from fracking oil production is very limited. These aren't jobs that will be around long term. Great for people that go in, put in a year's worth of hard work and grow a bank account, but they're not careers.

Wrong, my buddy has been in nd for three years now and he's making over 150 grand a year.
Food for thought:

Given that Canadian companies have so much
to gain from manipulating the current market dynamics to achieve
higher profits for Canadian oil, the Keystone addition will probably
not lead to decreased gasoline prices as proponents estimate.

SLADE, EDWIN. "The Keystone Pipeline Addition: Assessing The Potential Benefits Of Reduced Gasoline Prices And Increased National Security." Creighton Law Review 46.1 (2012): 27-60. Academic Search Complete. Web. 7 Nov. 2014.

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