Keystone Pipeline - a red line?

You're right.. your jokes must be for more intellectual crowd. It couldn't possibly be that you don't have a basic understanding of comedy. Blame it on the people that don't get it.

I's gonna tries harders next times you makes a joke soes my head tickle makes my mouth laugh :crazy:


Can you make another gay barb before I get the weekend started? C'mon, I know you have it in you.
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33% of our country voted. That's not a wave, that's a motivated and calculated "push." I'm happy to see it happen though and excited to see what these new committee heads can do.

If that many seats change it is a wave,but,whatever helps you sleep at night.
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Reactions: 2 people one voting for Obama's policies speaks volumes.

I think people are tired of all of them to be honest.The GOP got enough people to vote who still believe that these people are going to do something for us. I don't think they will but I'll be the first to admit I was wrong if the GOP majority starts pumping out solutions to our laundry list of problems.
33% of our country voted. That's not a wave, that's a motivated and calculated "push." I'm happy to see it happen though and excited to see what these new committee heads can do.

The people spoke. The only people not calling it a tsunami are 0bama drones. You've had 6-8 years to get things done and all that has changed is my wife's BC is cheaper. Congrats, but now it's the Rs turn to get some work done
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The people spoke. The only people not calling it a tsunami are 0bama drones. You've had 6-8 years to get things done and all that has changed is my wife's BC is cheaper. Congrats, but now it's the Rs turn to get some work done

Is it too much to ask that you at least speak in full, complete sentences?
I think people are tired of all of them to be honest.The GOP got enough people to vote who still believe that these people are going to do something for us. I don't think they will but I'll be the first to admit I was wrong if the GOP majority starts pumping out solutions to our laundry list of problems.

Ill be the second one to admit I was wrong, in that case. I don't give a sh*t who actually does some solid, long-term good for this country.. I'll support the first one that does.

In the mean time, we do we best we can to choose between two evils.
The people spoke. The only people not calling it a tsunami are 0bama drones. You've had 6-8 years to get things done and all that has changed is my wife's BC is cheaper. Congrats, but now it's the Rs turn to get some work done

I'll refer you to Mitch McConnell after Obama got elected. Everyone knew that nothing would get done. That's not saying Obama hasn't been a colossal dump but everyone knew what was going to happen.
I think people are tired of all of them to be honest.The GOP got enough people to vote who still believe that these people are going to do something for us. I don't think they will but I'll be the first to admit I was wrong if the GOP majority starts pumping out solutions to our laundry list of problems.

The people were more tired of Democrat incumbents it seems. The so-called dysfunctional, say no, House gained 12 seats. No incumbent gop senate seat was lost. I am not for tons of legislation myself, but some is coming. The onus is on the president.
I'll refer you to Mitch McConnell after Obama got elected. Everyone knew that nothing would get done. That's not saying Obama hasn't been a colossal dump but everyone knew what was going to happen.

Mitch the senate MINORTY leader? That one?
Mitch the senate MINORTY leader? That one?

He flat out stated that his party was going to do everything in their power to obstruct him. What do you know, absolutely nothing got done. It's on them both but like I said I'm not covering my eyes and only blaming Obama for being a steamy pile of dung.
He flat out stated that his party was going to do everything in their power to obstruct him. What do you know, absolutely nothing got done. It's on them both but like I said I'm not covering my eyes and only blaming Obama for being a steamy pile of dung.

So what?? You controlled the US congress and WH and all you passed was a BS HC law. Your time is over
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He flat out stated that his party was going to do everything in their power to obstruct him. What do you know, absolutely nothing got done. It's on them both but like I said I'm not covering my eyes and only blaming Obama for being a steamy pile of dung.

I'm glad he did keep it obstructed. I'd like it to stay that way forever if that's what it takes to stop Socialist measures from being passed.
So what?? You controlled the US congress and WH and all you passed was a BS HC law. Your time is over

I haven't controlled anything? My time isn't over.

I'm not interested in having a biased argument about who is right or wrong.

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