Keystone Pipeline - a red line?

And who cares what the ones that didn't vote think.

High voter turnout is not always a good thing, see 2008 and 2012.

Because it is 2/3 of our population. Not all of them are gov tit sucking morons either.
Really? wow dude

Let's see, everyone that took the settlement recieved at least 1.5 times some recieved double market value for their homes, cash, Exxon paid their mortgage and rent while displaced reimbursed personal property ext. Yes I know a couple families and one of the real estate brokers who worked the settlement.

Most made out like bandits.
That pipeline break in Mayflower was the best thing that ever happened to most of those affected.

The rest of your post is hysteria.

With such a commanding insight into what the people of Mayflower thought and felt throughout that pipeline break.. I must assume that you live within 10 mins or so of Mayflower and know plenty of people throughout that small community..

So with that assumption made.. what are your people saying?
Let's see, everyone that took the settlement recieved at least 1.5 times some recieved double market value for their homes, cash, Exxon paid their mortgage and rent while displaced reimbursed personal property ext. Yes I know a couple families and one of the real estate brokers who worked the settlement.

Most made out like bandits.

Like I said earlier, money doesn't matter to some people.
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Let's see, everyone that took the settlement recieved at least 1.5 times some recieved double market value for their homes, cash, Exxon paid their mortgage and rent while displaced reimbursed personal property ext. Yes I know a couple families and one of the real estate brokers who worked the settlement.

Most made out like bandits.

If it didnt effect anyone else.. I would be looking forward to a pipeline break in your neighborhood
Maya Angelou?

Ill admit.. I should have stopped responding to you a long time ago because it's clear that perhaps you were conceived with a weak sperm.

However, I must ask.. what does Maya Angelou have to do with anything?

She is a writer who has won multiple Pulitzer Prize and Grammys for her writing. She is also an English professor
With such a commanding insight into what the people of Mayflower thought and felt throughout that pipeline break.. I must assume that you live within 10 mins or so of Mayflower and know plenty of people throughout that small community..

So with that assumption made.. what are your people saying?

Everyone of my wife's family live in Mayflower minus her dad. Her aunt owns the dinner, two cousins lived in the neighborhood and her mom is the real estate broker I referenced.

I've has a few discussion on the subject.
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I'd happily take that chance if i get cheaper gas and the USA becomes more independent of middle east gas.

Okay so when this pipeline is built and none of us see cheaper prices on energy what is going to be your response?
2 maybe 3 didn't settle. And I said most.

I get your point and I think you get mine. So let's build it and deal with it as it happens. I just expect them to fight just as hard for our problems as they do job creators.
Then vote! You don't vote I don't care what you think!

Voting does not make that much of a difference on the federal level. I vote in every election.. but I only really reserve any hope that my vote will matter with the local elections.

If horse races and baseball games could be so easily fixed back at the turn of the 20th century.. do you really think we've gotten more honest today?
Okay so when this pipeline is built and none of us see cheaper prices on energy what is going to be your response?

Wow we created tens thousands of jobs! And we eliminated our dependence of oil from places like Venezuela and Iraq
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Okay so when this pipeline is built and none of us see cheaper prices on energy what is going to be your response?

Even if prices didn't go down i would take it. That has a very good chance seriously reducing the amount of middle east gas the USA would have to ship in.
Everyone of my wife's family live in Mayflower minus her dad. Her aunt owns the dinner, two cousins lived in the neighborhood and her mom is the real estate broker I referenced.

I've has a few discussion on the subject.

So you're familiar. No one in your family is angry that this happened as long as they get their money?

What about our environment? What about Lake Conway? What about ground water? Local wild game? etc. etc. etc.?

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