Keystone Pipeline - a red line?

So you're familiar. No one in your family is angry that this happened as long as they get their money?

What about our environment? What about Lake Conway? What about ground water? Local wild game? etc. etc. etc.?

These are Arkansans we're talking about, their not smart enough to care.
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Zinger! VN's political forum strikes again! Or we could just call those people true Christians.

You ever been in a sermon where the pastor mentions offerings or even giving to charitable organizations outside the church? The animosity to the pastor is palpable. Christians aren't supposed to covet but we are all sinners and many struggle greatly with cheerful giving (which is different than giving forced on us by uncle Sam.)
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You ever been in a sermon where the pastor mentions offerings or even giving to charitable organizations outside the church? The animosity to the pastor is palpable. Christians aren't supposed to covet but we are all sinners and many struggle greatly with cheerful giving (which is different than giving forced on us by uncle Sam.)

I'm just stating that our country has evolved into a money over everything mindset. It's the exact opposite of what we are told to do.
Ok, the alt is eat dirt for a year? Take welfare?

Yeah..... Let's several years if not much longer.....making damn good money.....or sit on your fat ass collecting welfare and good stamps.....just because it's not a career .....
Do you think this is true today?

Thomas Jefferson was in debt virtually his entire life. He lived way beyond his means. He spent huge amounts of money on building projects, wine, and clothes.

Some his of largest creditors were British. There were no bankruptcy laws in that era. The only thing that kept him from being sued by his creditors was his reputation.

At his death he owed the equivalent of about $2,000,000. His family was forced to sell off his possessions in order to pay Jefferson's debts.

The founding fathers had reason to dislike the British, but Jefferson's dislike of the British went beyond politics.

Jefferson was constantly past-due on his debts to his British creditors and was constantly being hounded to pay those debts.

So, it is my opinion that Jefferson's dislike of the monied interests stems at least in part to his indebtedness to his British creditors.

Jefferson always supported France against the British, even when the French were murdering just about anyone they could get their hands on during the French Revolution.

With Jefferson, his indebtedness to creditors played a huge part in his statements about the monied interests and corporations.
I'd show you the breakdown over the last 50 years (hint: it's not even a contest) but I'm pretty sure it would well above your level of comprehension.

You should just leave the job creation to us and you worry about things like banning same-sex marriage.

That's the funniest thing I've read in a while. Leave job creation up to liberals? Lol. You all survive off keeping people on welfare and in government-dependent low paying jobs. Hahahahahaha
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