Keystone Pipeline - a red line?

That's the funniest thing I've read in a while. Leave job creation up to liberals? Lol. You all survive off keeping people on welfare and in government-dependent low paying jobs. Hahahahahaha

It's the truth, do some research. Or, you can continue to bury your head in the sand. I'm pretty sure I know which choice you will make. Free your mind.
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The Cornell report mentioned by Sen. Sanders went further and claimed that gas prices could increase by 10-20 cents a gallon, “KXL will divert tar sands oil from Midwest refineries to refineries in the Gulf Coast where the oil will sell for a higher price. Tar Sands oil will also be available for export to countries like China where the demand for oil is growing rapidly. TransCanada states that KXL will increase the price of heavy crude oil in the Midwest by almost $2 to $4 billion annually. Top energy economists believe Midwestern consumers may end up paying 10 – 20 cents more for a gallon of gas as a result of tar sands oil being diverted to refineries in Texas. Just one year of fuel price increases as a result of KXL could cancel out some or all of the jobs created by KXL, based on the $3- $4 billion budget.”

Well what do you say VN? Any truth to this?
It's the truth, do some research. Or, you can continue to bury your head in the sand. I'm pretty sure I know which choice you will make. Free your mind.

I say both of these parties only do what is necessary to stay in power. To argue that one or the other creates more jobs is probably impossible.
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The Cornell report mentioned by Sen. Sanders went further and claimed that gas prices could increase by 10-20 cents a gallon, “KXL will divert tar sands oil from Midwest refineries to refineries in the Gulf Coast where the oil will sell for a higher price. Tar Sands oil will also be available for export to countries like China where the demand for oil is growing rapidly. TransCanada states that KXL will increase the price of heavy crude oil in the Midwest by almost $2 to $4 billion annually. Top energy economists believe Midwestern consumers may end up paying 10 – 20 cents more for a gallon of gas as a result of tar sands oil being diverted to refineries in Texas. Just one year of fuel price increases as a result of KXL could cancel out some or all of the jobs created by KXL, based on the $3- $4 billion budget.”

Well what do you say VN? Any truth to this?

Not in my opinion. When was that report written?
Not in my opinion. When was that report written?

Not sure I haven't found a date yet. Just started trying to find as much info on this as possible since the GOP is telling me that it is the most important issue to our country.

"Remember, prior to taking control of the House and promising “hundreds-of-thousands of American jobs” in early 2011, Boehner bought stock in seven Canadian tar sand companies in 2010 in anticipation of the windfall from the pipeline’s construction" hmm wonder if this is personal for Boehner?
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It's an easy win for the GOP but it's not the most important thing because oil prices aren't favorable for the oil shale development now. The bill will pass but the developers could delay the construction.

With that said, voters delivered a clear message to Obama that his political delays and pandering to environmentalists wasn't appreciated. I hope the bill passes.
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Yeah, here's a neat quote from that very same article...

If you want a jobs program, let’s rebuild our crumbling infrastructure Invest a trillion dollars into doing that, and create 13 million jobs, not 2,000 jobs.

Oh goody! Let's spend yet another trillion dollars we don't have on "shovel ready" projects!

Whoa there big spender! Here's Bernie Sanders on the issues:

Bernie Sanders on the Issues

And has made his anti-fossil fuel stance very well known over the years. Pick someone a little less partisan next time...
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The Cornell report mentioned by Sen. Sanders went further and claimed that gas prices could increase by 10-20 cents a gallon, “KXL will divert tar sands oil from Midwest refineries to refineries in the Gulf Coast where the oil will sell for a higher price. Tar Sands oil will also be available for export to countries like China where the demand for oil is growing rapidly. TransCanada states that KXL will increase the price of heavy crude oil in the Midwest by almost $2 to $4 billion annually. Top energy economists believe Midwestern consumers may end up paying 10 – 20 cents more for a gallon of gas as a result of tar sands oil being diverted to refineries in Texas. Just one year of fuel price increases as a result of KXL could cancel out some or all of the jobs created by KXL, based on the $3- $4 billion budget.”

Well what do you say VN? Any truth to this?

No because oil is a global commodity.
Keystone will be passed because it will help the US get independent of Middle East oil.

as it should be. Lower gas prices >> more consumer consumption spending >> 2/3's of GDP >> economic growth

This is really a no brainer but leave it to liberals to not be able to understand any of this.
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We still get oil from them and Venezuela. I'd like to tell both to pound sand and would rather do business with our friends up north

Canada is #2, Mexico is #3, Venezuela is #4, and Saudi Arabia is #6. There's a massive drop off between 2 and 3 and an even bigger one to 4. Without reducing consumption, we'll never stop buying from them until they run out.
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Yeah, here's a neat quote from that very same article...

Oh goody! Let's spend yet another trillion dollars we don't have on "shovel ready" projects!

Whoa there big spender! Here's Bernie Sanders on the issues:

Bernie Sanders on the Issues

And has made his anti-fossil fuel stance very well known over the years. Pick someone a little less partisan next time...

I'm not going to dismiss this mans opinion just because you think he doesn't love the O&G industry enough. haha

So do we need to invest in fixing our infrastructure?
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