Keystone Pipeline - a red line?

Yes. Those closer to the disaster will obviously be more effected by it. It's not a liberal excuse, it's a reality. These things happen and are preventable.

Maybe youre confused or are you saying our Elk are more important than Venezuelas frogs? A disaster is a disaster, imo. If a disaster occurs in South America would you trust them to clean it up? Do you trust Russia or China to?
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Maybe youre confused or are you saying our Elk are more important than Venezuelas frogs? A disaster is a disaster, imo. If a disaster occurs in South America would you trust them to clean it up? Do you trust Russia or China to?

Where did Venezuelan frogs come into discussion? Russia? China? How relevant are they to KXL?
Where did Venezuelan frogs come into discussion? Russia? China? How relevant are they to KXL?

The fact that they have pipelines that are most likely less regulated than one that would exist in the US. Certain people like to point to environmental disasters as one reason not to have one.
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I didn't realize Obama has an official position on the matter...

Obama won't budge on Keystone ahead of House vote | Fox News

President Obama would not budge on the Keystone pipeline ahead of a key House vote on Friday, indicating during a press conference that he wants to let a review process run its course even as lawmakers threaten to send a bill fast-tracking the project to his desk.

The president spoke during a joint press conference in Burma with opposition leader Aung San Suu Kyi. As the House prepares to vote on the pipeline -- and the Senate is set to vote next week -- Obama made clear his position has not changed.
His dumbass still thinks his party won the mid-terms..rigid ideologue,he's not budging for anyone.

Landrieu only has one hope of retaining her seat. And that's to be the largest advocate of Keystone she can. Up to and including putting Obama on full blast and claiming he IS the anti-Christ.

And I doubt that will even be enough.
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I didn't realize Obama has an official position on the matter...

Obama won't budge on Keystone ahead of House vote | Fox News

dear lord, he is going to the experts make a ruling on this for deciding his stance! He has held that stance since 2010 or so. He has been pretty good about leaving this up to the states to figure out, Nebraska was a big hold out for a while, went to their Supreme Court, i didn't hear how that turned out.
dear lord, he is going to the experts make a ruling on this for deciding his stance! He has held that stance since 2010 or so. He has been pretty good about leaving this up to the states to figure out, Nebraska was a big hold out for a while, went to their Supreme Court, i didn't hear how that turned out.


Obama is going through this guy.
That is good news, however I'm sure Barry is going to veto it.

I do not think he will. I would think Harry has already cleared this with Obama. This may be one bill that would have enough votes to override a veto in both chambers.
I would not be surprised if there was a deal to allow this to pass without a veto, in return for Obama to do an EO on immigration.

A veto and Senate override would be a good political strategy for the Dems. Obama gets to appease the wacko base and the Dems in the Senate (possible POTUS candidates) get to separate themselves from him.
A veto and Senate override would be a good political strategy for the Dems. Obama gets to appease the wacko base and the Dems in the Senate (possible POTUS candidates) get to separate themselves from him.

Why would they need to override a veto? It would be a good political strategy passing this in the Senate while Obama is stating he is opposed, I do not believe a veto override would be necessary because Obama will not veto.

Obama will do an EO that have been agreed to by congressional leadership. We will have some GOP members make statements to act all torn up over it but the leadership does nothing to pass anything to pass anything to change it.

GOP and Centrist Dems get Keystone
Dems and Centrist GOP gets Immigration
The majority of both sides in congress are happy.

This of course is just my opinion.
No way, we'll just wait until after January .

Some members of the House and Senate would be destroyed at home if they voted for anything substantial on immigration. This would be a way to get immigration reform and blame it on Obama. Something is going to have to be done on immigration. This would be a way to get it without casting a vote that would hurt members of congress politically.
IMO this is essentially what this project is about. Not about jobs, not about lower gas prices, and it's not about "helping the American people". It's about raising the share prices of those Canadian oil companies Boehner and others bought stock in a few years ago knowing they would have the ability to influence the companies worth by providing them our land. I am 1,000% okay with VN disagreeing with me but that is the way I see this.


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