Keystone Pipeline - a red line?

Tar sands oil is disgustingly bad for the environment. A 17% increase in greenhouse gas emissions, low net energy yield, and it requires massive deforestation of the treeline that is the most effective at removing CO2 from the atmosphere.

That oil's getting drilled one way or the other. The US has no say in that. Without the pipeline, they'll be shipping it by train and boat, which is, in and of itself, worse for the environment, and more dangerous for the local population.
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Tar sands oil is disgustingly bad for the environment. A 17% increase in greenhouse gas emissions, low net energy yield, and it requires massive deforestation of the treeline that is the most effective at removing CO2 from the atmosphere.

Yet the EPA has studied this at least 3x IIRC and concluded no real impact on climate change
That oil's getting drilled one way or the other. The US has no say in that. Without the pipeline, they'll be shipping it by train and boat, which is, in and of itself, worse for the environment, and more dangerous for the local population.

And the funny thing that's often omitted is the simple fact those trains run on...

Diesel. And it takes a bunch to run a train from Canada to the Gulf Coast.
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And the funny thing that's often omitted is the simple fact those trains run on...

Diesel. And it takes a bunch to run a train from Canada to the Gulf Coast.

True, with one correction: the trains won't be running to the Gulf. They'll be running to the Pacific, where the oil will be put on boats and shipped to China. The American refineries won't be getting the oil without the pipeline.
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True, with one correction: the trains won't be running to the Gulf. They'll be running to the Pacific, where the oil will be put on boats and shipped to China. The American refineries won't be getting the oil without the pipeline.

But that's perfectly fine in the minds of the enviro-Nazi crowd. At least we did out part to keep pollution to a minimum!

(and please don't remind us the Chinese will be making just as much of more pollution)
True, with one correction: the trains won't be running to the Gulf. They'll be running to the Pacific, where the oil will be put on boats and shipped to China. The American refineries won't be getting the oil without the pipeline.

It's going to be sold to the highest bidder from the refineries anyways.
Right, so where do people get off saying it's going to lower fuel prices in the US when it may not even stay here?

Oil is a global commodity.

Most US crude cannot be exported, this is Canadian crude so it can. It will be on the global market, pipeline or not. We might as well profit from and control it.
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Right, so where do people get off saying it's going to lower fuel prices in the US when it may not even stay here?

To the extent stable and more available supply of oil to the world market the less the risk premium in oil pricing.

Bottomline - expand the supply, lower the price. Cheaper crude = cheaper gas.
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Right, so where do people get off saying it's going to lower fuel prices in the US when it may not even stay here?

because we still import some gas, and if there is less demand/greater supply in the global market what we are paying for will be cheaper. is showing 200 jobs available in North Dakota for "pipeline". I'm thinking the Keystone will bring more than 50 jobs
I was asking an actual question looking for an actual answer, bro. Jesus.

How many jobs will be created if Keystone isn't built and Warren Buffet's railroad hauls the oil to Pacific ports where it is then sent to China?
What's the opinion on the use of imminent domain to take the land of hard working Americans across the Midwest?
What's the opinion on the use of imminent domain to take the land of hard working Americans across the Midwest?

I don't like. I think a fair market price should be made. Which most of the time it's done that way.

Here in arkansas they make 3 offers to buy your property. If you decline at all 3 offers, they take it, and give you the lowest price they offered.
I don't like. I think a fair market price should be made. Which most of the time it's done that way.

Here in arkansas they make 3 offers to buy your property. If you decline at all 3 offers, they take it, and give you the lowest price they offered.

Why should a private company be able to force me to sell my land?
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What's the opinion on the use of imminent domain to take the land of hard working Americans across the Midwest?

Very little land will be "taken". Most of this pipeline is underground, farmers (which will be most of the land impacted) will get paid and still be able to use the land.

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