Keystone Pipeline - a red line?

The majority of the land will not be taken! The company will pay the landowner to put a pipeline right of way in. The landowner still owns the land.

Exactly. The land owner owns the land. The company owns the pipe. The landowner is compensated for his troubles (nicely I might add)
Exactly. The land owner owns the land. The company owns the pipe. The landowner is compensated for his troubles (nicely I might add)

TransCanada Tries To Seize U.S. Land For Keystone Pipeline - Forbes

This article from forbes doesn't make it sound like they are going to still own their land. Nor does it sound like this is being down by the government. But a private foreign business.

Why would we allow a private foreign business to use imminent domain in the us?
If not for imminent domain we wouldn't have interstates, airports, railroads, ports, power transmission lines ext ext.

Now you tell me how we could do without.

I didn't ask why it's required. I asked why it's required here.
Because not all Americans would sell land for the greater need of society. That's why it's needed in the good 'ol USA.

You're missing the question. I understand why it exists.

I don't understand why it is needed here.
You're missing the question. I understand why it exists.

I don't understand why it is needed here.

If this actually happens, it will be the first time I've ever seen that go down and I've been part of hundreds of gas/methane wells.
Lol what?

Think about it.

We would essentially control enough oil, about all of North Americas production. This would almost completely offset the ME, Russia and Venezuela and all of the instability associated with them.
Think about it.

We would essentially control enough oil, about all of North Americas production. This would almost completely offset the ME, Russia and Venezuela and all of the instability associated with them.

You do know that Canada is already where the majority of US oil comes from, right? What does this change?
has all the pipeline land been bought up? and has the final location been determined? If not for the first and if so on the second I need to buy up some land real quick.
You do know that Canada is already where the majority of US oil comes from, right? What does this change?

They can't refine it or process the stuff from the tar sands, we can. And you're wrong we produce more crude than Canada. They are just our biggest importer.

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