Keystone Pipeline - a red line?

Businesses will decide, as they should.

That's what I'm asking. I mean, at the time it was proposed and debated, pbl price of oil was more than twice what it is now. My assumption is that the KPL adds to the price of oil extracted in Canada, and if when one adds the cost of the pipeline to that oil, across some period of time, and subtracts the amount otherwise saved in transport, is it a net win?

Might be. Might not be. If its not, they won't build it, at least for now, and the reemergence of this is quite beside the point, at least for the time being.
What is the effect of the substantially lower oil prices on the KSP? Is it even feasible or cost-efficient to do it now?

I'd bet Warren Buffett would love to see the status quo of no Keystone continue.

It's not like it's his trains moving the oil right now or anything...
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What is the effect of the substantially lower oil prices on the KSP? Is it even feasible or cost-efficient to do it now?

Instead of planning for the future and running our country on a day by day basis is what has lead us to where we are now.
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What is the effect of the substantially lower oil prices on the KSP? Is it even feasible or cost-efficient to do it now?

Somewhere way back in the thread I predicted that Obama would allow it before he left office.

I still think he would have, had oil stayed north of $100/barrel.

It's a much different equation now.
That's what I'm asking. I mean, at the time it was proposed and debated, pbl price of oil was more than twice what it is now. My assumption is that the KPL adds to the price of oil extracted in Canada, and if when one adds the cost of the pipeline to that oil, across some period of time, and subtracts the amount otherwise saved in transport, is it a net win?

Might be. Might not be. If its not, they won't build it, at least for now, and the reemergence of this is quite beside the point, at least for the time being.

Were you around for the oil embargo in the 70's? If we can be self sufficient for oil, we should be.
Somewhere way back in the thread I predicted that Obama would allow it before he left office.

I still think he would have, had oil stayed north of $100/barrel.

It's a much different equation now.

He never would have approved it regardless of the price per barrel.

The entire move was an appeasement to the environmental crowd.
If only that was controllable.

Still wouldn't trade her for the world. I'll need somebody to take care of my decrepit old ass one day. The boy ain't gonna do it.

Amen brother.

I just paid for a wedding, thank God she was the last one.

Many may believe I'm a not that swift, but I do recall someone talking about high six figures at one point.

Probably Freak. We are but mere peasants who bicker amongst one another while he pillages the fruits of our labors. No telling how much he profited from his evil alliance with Amway
If you don't like the product, don't buy it.

China floods the mkt with cheap materials (in this case steel) produced by what equates to slave labor. Notwithstanding, U.S. quality control gives it a yea or nay and Corp bottom line determines the rest

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