Keystone Pipeline - a red line?

Walmart and China were two different examples. Ask anyone who has dealt with Walmart as a supplier. I think Hog can speak to some of this. They typically come in and work with a supplier to get the suppliers product on Walmart's shelf. Walmart requires them to supply X number of the product. enough where a smaller supplier either has to increase production or only supply to Walmart. Walmart will often require that that supplier only works with them. After this supplier has tied itself, either through contract or percentage of sales, Walmart comes back and says we will buy this product at a cheaper price. supplier has a choice. Either cut Walmart and find some other shelves to sell on, and who can replace Walmart, or take the loss from the price. a good number of suppliers are stuck in this trap.

China coerces but slashing their own prices and requiring their companies continue to produce beyond demands. again the goal being is by the time they correct the pricing they are the only ones, or who a much larger share, of the market. You and 8188 seem to be fine with it because it gives us cheaper crap. Steel is a perfect example if you need specifics. It was a big reason for the Brexit. the EU was not allowing Britain to make changes to their steel industry to be competitive with Chinese pricing. that ticked off a good number of people.

again I am getting, and have gotten, mixed messages from guys, you 8188 and Huff. Its a good thing (acceptable maybe a better word) if the market manipulates pricing. but it becomes the absolute worst thing imaginable if the government does it. even if the government does it forestalls a worse (vs higher prices) future for their nation.

Walmart also walks away from suppliers without notice or contract ramifications and hangs you with inventory. we used to supply casework store fixtures to them. Register cabinets, etc. Had about $1 mil in inventory to ship. We were required to have stock to ship on demand. One day they said we're done with you and walked with no repercussion to them per contract terms. They almost bankrupted us over that. Took about 5 years to recover. all their contracts are where they can just up and screw you with no consequences.
That’s what I think is most hilarious. The left believes they’ve somehow limited the carbon footprint. They’ve increased the carbon footprint, decreased jobs, and increased long term prices of goods.

Yet they celebrate. Because “oil bad!”

This is about control. The elits never feel it. Working americans do
Walmart also walks away from suppliers without notice or contract ramifications and hangs you with inventory. we used to supply casework store fixtures to them. Register cabinets, etc. Had about $1 mil in inventory to ship. We were required to have stock to ship on demand. One day they said we're done with you and walked with no repercussion to them per contract terms. They almost bankrupted us over that. Took about 5 years to recover. all their contracts are where they can just up and screw you with no consequences.

I've been a part of a company that stuck its toe into mass retail for the first time. They had no clue about the raping they were about to take.
Walmart also walks away from suppliers without notice or contract ramifications and hangs you with inventory. we used to supply casework store fixtures to them. Register cabinets, etc. Had about $1 mil in inventory to ship. We were required to have stock to ship on demand. One day they said we're done with you and walked with no repercussion to them per contract terms. They almost bankrupted us over that. Took about 5 years to recover. all their contracts are where they can just up and screw you with no consequences.

We used to service a lot of their distribution centers and they came to us wanting to take them all and a good portion of their auto care shops. It would have taken a massive investment in people and equipment so we walked away.
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We used to service a lot of their distribution centers and they came to us wanting to take them all and a good portion of their auto care shops. It would have taken a massive investment in people and equipment so we walked away.
We won't even try to sniff Walmart business anymore. They bring you a contract of what they will do. no negotiation. Designed where they have no responsibility. Not worth it.
I've been a part of a company that stuck its toe into mass retail for the first time. They had no clue about the raping they were about to take.
We made a killing on the contract. It was lucrative. But, when they can and will just up and walk and stick you with that much inventory, it will sink you in one fail swoop.
We won't even try to sniff Walmart business anymore. They bring you a contract of what they will do. no negotiation. Designed where they have no responsibility. Not worth it.

Yeah, there are much better companies to work for. They get you dependent on their business and start dictating terms.
Yeah, there are much better companies to work for. They get you dependent on their business and start dictating terms.
Our bread and butter for years after that was service industry. Universities, Hospitals, etc. Design build on kitchens, food service lines, dining rooms, etc. There's a massive amount of university and hospital dining rooms from Miami to Ogden to Yankee Stadium where you will find our stuff. We are picking up Kroger remodels now, and Regal Cinemas. We also do alot of independent places like local eateries, and such. If it has casework and millwork we will build and install. Every eatery at Tennessee Tech is our work.

Mercedes Benz in ATL is ours, AA Arena in Miami is ours.
We made a killing on the contract. It was lucrative. But, when they can and will just up and walk and stick you with that much inventory, it will sink you in one fail swoop.

We got these contracts about keeping X amount in safety stock, the numbers were ludicrous. I told them dont meet that obligation, they did. A little over a year later we had to unload the majority of it to Big Lots.
Yep, and they called Trump a con man. He is an amateur in comparison.

When will the left realize spending and printing money (inflation) is the real cause of the increases in the wealth gap?

That’s what amazes me the most. Their desire to spend more and more, while claiming to oppose the wealth gap.
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