Keystone Pipeline - a red line?

We won't even try to sniff Walmart business anymore. They bring you a contract of what they will do. no negotiation. Designed where they have no responsibility. Not worth it.

They bankrupted a basketball equipment company that I represented 15 years ago. Paid the asking price for the first order. Demanded they build up inventory and then cut their price they would pay in half on the second order.
The other reps and I warned the management but they thought they could not survive if they turned down that first huge order. Turns out they could not survive by, as we told them, accepting it.
Enjoy your votes dems. Your new president is pumping money in to countries that hate us while destroying American jobs. When's the next 9/11?

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Revoking the permit in reality will cause more pollution and use of fossil fuels. The crude from Canada will still be shipped to our Gulf refineries but instead of it flowing through a pipeline with minimal carbon emissions it will be shipped on trains which burn diesel. Oh and Warren Buffet owns BNSF Railway so a big Dem supporter profits.

We have a winner!
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State Department releases Keystone XL final environmental impact statement - The Washington Post

So Obama said he'd only approve if the pipeline doesn't "exacerbate" global climate change. The study (like many in the past) shows that it will not.

On what grounds will he choose not to approve given his conditions were met?

I thought this was a year of action...

The reason given by the State Department is that Keystone XL Pipeline is not in the national interest, because it is not. Global warming is the simple explanation for that reason, with a ready audience, but there are many reasons. I could go over several of them if you really want to know, but if you do not want to know then I won't bother.
The reason given by the State Department is that Keystone XL Pipeline is not in the national interest, because it is not. Global warming is the simple explanation for that reason, with a ready audience, but there are many reasons. I could go over several of them if you really want to know, but if you do not want to know then I won't bother.

Please go over all of the reasons and please explain how shipping the crude from Canada to the Gulf by train instead of pipeline is going to help with global warming.
The reason given by the State Department is that Keystone XL Pipeline is not in the national interest, because it is not. Global warming is the simple explanation for that reason, with a ready audience, but there are many reasons. I could go over several of them if you really want to know, but if you do not want to know then I won't bother.
As the report says the sands are being developed either way. So build a pipeline that has a small chance to create environmental risk or run the crude on rails using diesel trains that I believe produce emissions and can still derail and make a mess. Now if you owned a railroad company and a hedged that bet by buying bunch of pipeline assets you're happy either way.
Without political bias by VM...good luck!

Political bias has nothing to do with the reasons why Keystone XL is not in the national interest. Many of the reasons are not premised on global warming and not connected to that argument. I'll say this again. I can give several of those reasons if you really want to know, but if you do not want to know then I won't bother.
Political bias has nothing to do with the reasons why Keystone XL is not in the national interest. Many of the reasons are not premised on global warming and not connected to that argument. I'll say this again. I can give sveral of those reasons if you really want to know, but if you do not want to knw then I won't bother.
By all means elucidate.
The reason given by the State Department is that Keystone XL Pipeline is not in the national interest, because it is not. Global warming is the simple explanation for that reason, with a ready audience, but there are many reasons. I could go over several of them if you really want to know, but if you do not want to know then I won't bother.

How will this help with global warming? Are the trains solar powered?
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Political bias has nothing to do with the reasons why Keystone XL is not in the national interest. Many of the reasons are not premised on global warming and not connected to that argument. I'll say this again. I can give several of those reasons if you really want to know, but if you do not want to know then I won't bother.

It would be the FIRST thing you ever posted on VN that was void of your bias.
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Political bias has nothing to do with the reasons why Keystone XL is not in the national interest. Many of the reasons are not premised on global warming and not connected to that argument. I'll say this again. I can give several of those reasons if you really want to know, but if you do not want to know then I won't bother.
You have probably spent more time saying you could say the reasons than it would take you to actually list the reasons.

Please do. Inquiring minds want to know.
You have probably spent more time saying you could say the reasons than it would take you to actually list the reasons.

Please do. Inquiring minds want to know.

That is not true, but it might get to that if I keep responding to BS. Why can't you be honest and just say that you do not want to know?
Political bias has nothing to do with the reasons why Keystone XL is not in the national interest. Many of the reasons are not premised on global warming and not connected to that argument. I'll say this again. I can give several of those reasons if you really want to know, but if you do not want to know then I won't bother.

Please give the reasons.
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We want to know. Please post what you have.
He would love to tell you. Love to. But it's like so complex that you're too stupid to understand the reasons. It would be like Einstein talking to an embryo. It's better for you to just trust that he knows all the reasons and they're very good and you would agree if your tiny brain could even comprehend .1% of it.
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