I know that some of it is shipped by rail to the U.S. West coast, which is much closer to the source than the Gulf. The money coming from the deal goes to law firms, public relations firms, lobbies, and PACs, not to the U.S. Treasury or to State and local governments in the form of taxes. Why? Because Keystone XL plans to connect to a foreign owned refinery in the free trade zone on the Gulf. No taxes are collected on it, from A to Z. You say that it is already crossing our border anyway, but I don't think that is accurate, if you are arguing that Keystone would merely be a change in transportation. I know it is not, because Keystone XL will require a major build out of capacity for tar sand oil in the Gulf refinery. Yes, that will create some jobs. Taken as a whole, is Keystone XL in the U.S. national interest? No.