Keystone Pipeline - a red line?

You don't want to admit that you are completely wrong and just parroting DNC talking points.

Why should I admit that when none of the things I just posted came from the DNC? I don't get their news. Never have. I do my own work. You're lying, Hog, in front of God and everybody.
Read it, no its from a organization out of DC called Global Energy Institute. Look just admit it this was another of bidens initiatives to say Trump bad. This action will hurt Americans much more than it helps.

Global Energy Institute is an oil industry publication. I's existence depends on money from oil companies, like TC Energy, for ads and other support. Why don't you just admit that you do not know wtf you are talking about and do not want to know? I was writing about Keystone XL before Trump was even a candidate for President, which makes your lies ridiculously disgusting and pathetic. The U.S. does not need Keystone XL Pipeline.
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Why should I admit that when none of the things I just posted came from the DNC? I don't get their news. Never have. I do my own work. You're lying, Hog, in front of God and everybody.

I'm lying about what? Lying about how crude oil is brought and sold, how pipelines are safer and more environmentally friendly than train transport? What exactly am I lying about? I'm surely not lying about you having no idea what you are talking about.
I'm lying about what? Lying about how crude oil is brought and sold, how pipelines are safer and more environmentally friendly than train transport? What exactly am I lying about? I'm surely not lying about you having no idea what you are talking about.

You are lying when you accuse me of parroting DNC talking points. You can take your cheap lies about me and go to hell.
I'm just amazed at the arrogance. This guy couldn't wait to plunge the knife in the back of energy producing States so soon after this election. In particular, Pennsylvania, where he lied about fracking and then stole that state in the election. Wow...
This makes it ok 🙄
Global Energy Institute is an oil industry publication. I's existence depends on money from oil companies, like TC Energy, for ads and other support. Why don't you just admit that you do not know wtf you are talking about and do not want to know? I was writing about Keystone XL before Trump was even a candidate for President, which makes your lies ridiculously disgusting and pathetic.

See this is easy it appears you don't know wtf you are talking about. If you were writing about it, let's see some of these published articles. We'll hang up and wait.
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I am sick. His first day of office and all this destruction. Guess he is not a moderate as some proclaimed.

If the Keystone Pipeline is not in the U.S. national interest, which it is not, then why should a moderate approve it? Your unfamiliarity with the issue inclines you to prejudicial personal attack, which is only evidence your unsound thinking and unethical method.
If the Keystone Pipeline is not in the U.S. national interest, which it is not, then why should a moderate approve it? Your unfamiliarity with the issue inclines you to prejudicial personal attack, which is only evidence your unsound thinking and unethical method.
Well, I actually worked on a gas pipeline as an Operator. What is your pipeline experience? Not that my personal experience is anything to national interests, but at least I have been in the industry and understand the importance of getting product to a demanding market.
BTW..what credentials you have on any topic?
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Biden building back our international respect!

There is no telling how much dark money TC Energy paid to get rubber stamped by our politicians. Is that what you call respect? Who thinks that is friendship? It appears that a lot of people start this issue with false assumptions which they are unwilling to question.
There is no telling how much dark money TC Energy paid to get rubber stamped by our politicians. Is that what you call respect? Who thinks that is friendship? It appears that a lot of people start this issue with false assumptions which they are unwilling to question.
...looks like the conspiratorial shoe is on the other foot.
There is no telling how much dark money TC Energy paid to get rubber stamped by our politicians. Is that what you call respect? Who thinks that is friendship? It appears that a lot of people start this issue with false assumptions which they are unwilling to question.

No telling how much Dark money. Is that an assumption or just code for lobbying? The belief that Biden, who is a 50 year carrer pol who is knee deep in it does not phase you though.
For your stance that the Canadian pipeline is not in our national intrerst is laughable while Biden commits more troops to the ME. Are they there to secure oil lifelines, which was the Dem proclamation during the Bush years? Better to secure your resources from friendlies.

Congrats you are now a Neocon.
Well, I actually worked on a gas pipeline as an Operator. What is your pipeline experience? Not that my personal experience is anything to national interests, but at least I have been in the industry and understand the importance of getting product to a demanding market.
BTW..what credentials you have on any topic?

This issue is not about you or me, but I'm glad to know you have that experience. I worked for a New Orleans company that contracted with pipeline fabricators, among other things. I did jobs in fab yards and on a couple of offshore lay barges. I have no general objection to pipelines. But when some other country wants to run their pipeline through my country, I want our State Department to assess whether or not it is in our national interest. When I discuss the issue with someone who hits me with personal attacks after weak arguments, I have no time for it. Our national interest is not served with hollow personal challenges and attacks. Lookit, this is not a simple topic. Oil markets are probably more complicated than either of us really understands. But the sales pitches from the Canadian PR firms just do not hold water.
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This issue is not about you or me, but I'm glad to know you have that experience. I worked for a New Orleans company that contracted for pipeline fabrication. I did jobs in fab yards and on a couple of offshore lay barges. I have no general objection to pipelines. But when some other country wants to run their pipeline through my country, I want our State Department to assess whether or not it is in our national interest. When I discuss the issue with someone who hits me with personal attacks after weak arguments, I have no time for it. Our national interest is not served with hollow personal challenges and attacks. Lookit, this is not a simple topic. Oil markets are probably more complicated than either of us really understands. But the sales pitches from the Canadian PR firms just do not hold water.
Where did I perosnally attack you?

Where did I personally attack you?
You are equating the State Dept of Biden to a State Dept of Trump, which makes it political. Anyone with common sense knows that the pipeline is good for NA. Now you will have blood on your hands.
Your defense of the cancellation of the pipeline is non sense. You just want to end carbon fuel..period.
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No telling how much Dark money. Is that an assumption or just code for lobbying? The belief that Biden, who is a 50 year carrer pol who is knee deep in it does not phase you though.
For your stance that the Canadian pipeline is not in our national intrerst is laughable while Biden commits more troops to the ME. Are they there to secure oil lifelines, which was the Dem proclamation during the Bush years? Better to secure your resources from friendlies.

Congrats you are now a Neocon.

You really missed the barn by calling me a neocon. It just shows how little you know me and how little you are able to work issues without reducing them to hollow personal attacks. "While Biden commits more troops to the ME?" When did that happen? lol He just took office, yesterday.

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