Keystone Pipeline - a red line?

I'm lying about what? Lying about how crude oil is brought and sold, how pipelines are safer and more environmentally friendly than train transport? What exactly am I lying about? I'm surely not lying about you having no idea what you are talking about.

You lied when you said I was parroting the DNC.
Tell yourself what to do and how to research. I already know how to do that. Tar sand oil sells at a discount, because it costs more to refine. But the refined products do not sell at a discount. The Canadians want to send their tar sand oil to a refinery on the Gulf in a free trade zone, to be refined and exported at top market dollar. If they want to ship their crude oil overseas, let them pipe it or rail it to their own coasts. America is not Canada, and we do not benefit from their oil shipments.

So our refineries aren’t charging Canada to refine that oil? I would think those would have to be fairly lucrative contracts for the owners of those refineries.
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I suppose you have a definition for, and proof of, dark money?
Politicians are scum. But without proof, you're just a crackpot.

OK, here is another personal attack based on nothing more than your own ignorance of me and this issue. At one time, I could tell you how much money was paid through what PR and lobby firms. How? It was in TC Energy's annual report and the prospectus covering Keystone Pipeline. But like I already said, that was a long time ago. This issue is not new to me. I worked it years ago. If I could put you on a filter which prevented you from seeing my posts, I would. You can do that, and I think you should since my posts are nothing more than irritation to you. Please, you and the others who have nothing better to say to me than stupid personal attacks, put me on filter and never read anything I post ever again.
OK, here is another personal attack based on nothing more than your own ignorance of me and this issue. At one time, I could tell you how much money was paid through what PR and lobby firms. How? It was in TC Energy's annual report and the prospectus covering Keystone Pipeline. But like I already said, that was a long time ago. This issue is not new to me. I worked it years ago. If I could put you on a filter which prevented you from seeing my posts, I would. You can do that, and I think you should since my posts are nothing more than irritation to you. Please, you and the others who have nothing better to say to me than stupid personal attacks, put me on filter and never read anything I post ever again.
You didn't define dark money nor did you offer proof.

Perhaps QAnon thread is more your speed?
So our refineries aren’t charging Canada to refine that oil? I would think those would have to be fairly lucrative contracts for the owners of those refineries.

Canada's TC Energy is not contracting with a U.S. owned refinery to process oil for export through Keystone Pipeline. It is a foreign owned refinery in a free trade zone in Texas.
You didn't define dark money nor did you offer proof.

Perhaps QAnon thread is more your speed?

OK, you are getting too stupid for my tolerance, so I will put you on filter. Please do the same and never read any of my posts in the future. Forget about the information I offer since it has no value to you.
OK, you are getting too stupid for my tolerance, so I will put you on filter. Please do the same and never read any of my posts in the future. Forget about the information I offer since it has no value to you.
Ignoring me won't prove your conspiracy theory or make it go away.

To the board: he knows this, right?
Ted Cruz spars with Buttigieg over Loss of Jobs after Keystone XL cancellation

Sen. Ted Cruz slammed the Biden administration during transportation secretary nominee Pete Buttigieg’s confirmation hearing for canceling the Keystone XL pipeline on his first day in office.

"And with the stroke of a pen, President Biden has told those 11,000 workers, those union workers, 'Your jobs are gone,’" Cruz said during Buttigieg’s confirmation hearing on Thursday morning. “Mr. Buttigieg, what do you say to those workers whose jobs have just been eliminated by presidential edict?"

Buttigieg responded by saying that Biden’s climate agenda will create a net increase in jobs, to which Cruz shot back, “So, for those workers, the answer is someone else will get a job?”

Ted Cruz spars with Buttigieg over loss of jobs after Keystone XL cancellation

Even if what Buttigieg is saying is true the obvious objection is “why not both”?

Clearly the two things aren’t mutually exclusive
If the Keystone Pipeline is not in the U.S. national interest, which it is not, then why should a moderate approve it? Your unfamiliarity with the issue inclines you to prejudicial personal attack, which is only evidence your unsound thinking and unethical method.

You have yet to explain how it’s not in our interest.
You have yet to explain how it’s not in our interest.

further - so long as it doesn't hurt our interests why wouldn't we approve it?

prior EPA studies demonstrated that the pipeline is a lower carbon footprint option so that at a minimum is in our interest even if the US never saw a dime (which we already know isn't true)
There is no telling how much dark money TC Energy paid to get rubber stamped by our politicians. Is that what you call respect? Who thinks that is friendship? It appears that a lot of people start this issue with false assumptions which they are unwilling to question.
Can you define dark money? I'm a little fuzzy on what that really means
Tell yourself what to do and how to research. I already know how to do that. Tar sand oil sells at a discount, because it costs more to refine. But the refined products do not sell at a discount. The Canadians want to send their tar sand oil to a refinery on the Gulf in a free trade zone, to be refined and exported at top market dollar. If they want to ship their crude oil overseas, let them pipe it or rail it to their own coasts. America is not Canada, and we do not benefit from their oil shipments.

I would say the ports benefit.

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