Kim Potter sentenced.

I imagine the burden of carrying that guilt is soul crushing, but I wonder how that person being arrested feels?

Sounds like your justification is "just doing my job". If you can live with that, that is on you I suppose. But don't expect a lot of sympathy from civilians about alleged uneasiness and awkwardness about taking away someone's freedoms or placing them in the judicial system over something that you know in your heart was unjust.
It’s unjust when a woman hits a man multiple times, forcing him to finally defend himself and suddenly she becomes the victim and he the perp. It’s unjust to suspend a mans drivers license over child support that is unreasonably high taking away his ability to support not only his child but himself. It’s unjust when a couple is on their property baring arms defending it from a well known mob only to catch felony charges for doing so.

It is not unjust to pull a man over for a tag light and discover he has a bench warrant. It’s not unjust to retaliate in such a way as to whatever level it takes to subdue a resisting suspect. But it IS unjust to tell me I have to base that level on the color of the suspects skin.

It’s really this simple. If you have a warrant, you know it. If you hit someone, you know the consequences. If you speed, you know the risk. Most of these “unjust” situations started with a risk someone took to something they already knew. The cops are simply being Scrutinized for enforcing. Which IS their jobs.
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Apparently I just didn't make my point. Law abiding people have the 2nd Amendment right - they basically aren't the people cops need to fear. The problem for everybody starts when non law abiding people have weapons (including the cars they drive) and threaten police - makes cops jumpy, and that in turn affects all of us.
Very good point. And one I’m sure not many think of. Cops deal with trash on a daily basis. In fact most of those they deal with. It’s human nature over time to assume the next man or woman you deal with as a cop will be trash and therefore raising your guard. So when a good man or woman gets pulled over and the cop is less than pleasant, they’re only thinking of the “here and now” and not considering the above point. To suggest a cop should be pleasant is really to suggest that he become complacent. Which is the most dangerous thing they could ever do.
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You said a mouthful right here. On the one hand, I can't stand a lot of these cops. Just being honest. Most of them (not all) have a God complex, think they are above the law, are tools of the state and politicians and will step on your rights at the drop of a hat no matter your race, age, sexual persuasion, gender etc.

However, there is the other side of this, and this is the actions of the individuals. People have got to realize that the police are going to police. That is their nature. The police is generally populated by sociopaths/psychopaths, so you need to understand that going in to a police encounter. They will likely have no remorse in killing you if it means getting you to comply or obey a law. And who wins? Because as we saw on the BLM website, the left just uses a black man's death to spread more destructive nihilistic objectives that destroys traditional families and morality. So all a dead civilian will end up being is a marketing tool or a way to push some leftists agenda.

In the inner cities especially, black men that are raised with no father are going to act emotionally... just like their mommas. So now you got an emotional man coming in contact with a sociopath/psychopath with a gun and a badge. How is that not a combustible situation?
Lmao “the police are psychopaths” said by a guy who stated doctors, nurses and administrators should be murdered because he disagrees with their expertise. Ever just think maybe you have no clue of what you speak of,
Fascinating how you're trying to pin your racist hang ups on me without knowing the first thing about my beliefs on the subject.

Well. At least you admit you're a racist, when you stop trying to justify it you'll be ready to take your first steps to the road of recovery.

Not sure what double standard you're talking about, then again you've been all over the place with the accusations.

I'll wait over here while you gin up more nonsensical, unknown or otherwise ridiculous assertions about what I believe that make it easier for you to lash out.
My "racist hangups"???
You are the one with "white liberal guilt". Do you still have the "Obama For President" bumper sticker on your 1997 Coupe DeVille? I know you're sorry for being white. Trust me, we're sorry you're white too, Porkchop. Liberal pansies like you make me sick. A Mexican-American Marine Veteran painted my house last year. He was brought to America by his parents ILLEGALLY at age 5. However he loves America (his words) and is a LEGAL Tax Paying Citizen and owns his own company. He served in the Marines and did 2 tours in Iraq. He said, "In all my time in America, I've never seen or met a White Supremacist". He said "According to Biden, they're on every street corner". Its a false narrative perpetuated by Biden, the Fake News, and morons like you. So go feel good about yourself for putting a BLM sign in your yard and shedding a tear when a criminal thug ends up dead by their own actions. Im guessing your parents were bed-wetting Liberals too. GTH.
No. You’re the reason I had to walk away from law enforcement before I found myself getting booked on bogus charges like the rest of these cops.

I'm sure you think that Potter and Chauvin are victims; based on your comments - you walking away from law enforcement probably saved your towns tax payers from a big ole legal settlement.
My "racist hangups"???
You are the one with "white liberal guilt". Do you still have the "Obama For President" bumper sticker on your 1997 Coupe DeVille? I know you're sorry for being white. Trust me, we're sorry you're white too, Porkchop. Liberal pansies like you make me sick. A Mexican-American Marine Veteran painted my house last year. He was brought to America by his parents ILLEGALLY at age 5. However he loves America (his words) and is a LEGAL Tax Paying Citizen and owns his own company. He served in the Marines and did 2 tours in Iraq. He said, "In all my time in America, I've never seen or met a White Supremacist". He said "According to Biden, they're on every street corner". Its a false narrative perpetuated by Biden, the Fake News, and morons like you. So go feel good about yourself for putting a BLM sign in your yard and shedding a tear when a criminal thug ends up dead by their own actions. Im guessing your parents were bed-wetting Liberals too. GTH.

White liberal guilt? LOL, what? I see - anyone who's white that doesn't subscribe to your racist narrative suffers from white guilt?

It's amusing to watch you narrate a worldview from a position that "Daunte didn't deserve to die."

You keep ginning up positions to topple, sadly you aren't unique in that dumbassery. But feel better knowing that you are the latest VNPF iteration of nutjobs shouting at cars as they pass by.
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It’s unjust when a woman hits a man multiple times, forcing him to finally defend himself and suddenly she becomes the victim and he the perp. It’s unjust to suspend a mans drivers license over child support that is unreasonably high taking away his ability to support not only his child but himself. It’s unjust when a couple is on their property baring arms defending it from a well known mob only to catch felony charges for doing so.
But the cops would still arrest those guys because they are just doing their jobs. But hey, the cops were torn up inside as they were putting the cuffs on them.

It is not unjust to pull a man over for a tag light and discover he has a bench warrant. It’s not unjust to retaliate in such a way as to whatever level it takes to subdue a resisting suspect. But it IS unjust to tell me I have to base that level on the color of the suspects skin.
And again, how many more arrests could be made if we didn't have The Constitution standing in the way? You still find nothing wrong with using these petty infractions as probable cause to expand a busted taillight into something far bigger. And with asset forfeiture, cops can get cash and prizes on the side of the road, so now there is a monetary incentive for doing all of these petty azz stops.

It’s really this simple. If you have a warrant, you know it. If you hit someone, you know the consequences. If you speed, you know the risk. Most of these “unjust” situations started with a risk someone took to something they already knew. The cops are simply being Scrutinized for enforcing. Which IS their jobs.
Yes, the job of the police is to enforce the law... no matter how ridiculous, petty or unjust that law may be. No one is arguing that point with you.
White liberal guilt? LOL, what? I see - anyone who's white that doesn't subscribe to your racist narrative suffers from white guilt?

It's amusing to watch you narrate a worldview from a position that "Daunte didn't deserve to die."

You keep ginning up positions to topple, sadly you aren't unique in that dumbassery. But feel better knowing that you are the latest VNPF iteration of nutjobs shouting at cars as they pass by.

Dont you have a BLACK LIES MATTER protest to attend? Maybe an ANTIFA rally to plan? Or maybe working on a Go Fund Me account to help pay for your Gender / Race Reassignment surgery?
You seem to have a lot of free time on your small lily-white Liberal hands, Septic Tank.
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I'm sure you think that Potter and Chauvin are victims; based on your comments - you walking away from law enforcement probably saved your towns tax payers from a big ole legal settlement.
Potter is a victim of being human and just made a mistake at the worst possible time. Chauvin is definitely a victim of the mob that is BLM. First degree is premeditated, carried out and intentionally done. He did not plan to kill Floyd and it wasn’t intentionally done. Therefore 3rd degree or manslaughter should’ve been the charge. So yes, Chauvin is a victim
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Potter is a victim of being human and just made a mistake at the worst possible time. Chauvin is definitely a victim of the mob that is BLM. First degree is premeditated, carried out and intentionally done. He did not plan to kill Floyd and it wasn’t intentionally done. Therefore 3rd degree or manslaughter should’ve been the charge. So yes, Chauvin is a victim
Chauvin had about 9 minutes to think about what he was doing. Potter had seconds.
Chauvin had about 9 minutes to think about what he was doing. Potter had seconds.
Doesn’t matter It’s not first degree. I’ve seen the videos and o know what happened. Yes he’s guilty and should do time but 3rd degree is the most they should have been able to do. That court let BLM dictate his sentence
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Doesn’t matter It’s not first degree. I’ve seen the videos and o know what happened. Yes he’s guilty and should do time but 3rd degree is the most they should have been able to do. That court let BLM dictate his sentence
If that is the most, what should have been the least?
My "racist hangups"???
You are the one with "white liberal guilt". Do you still have the "Obama For President" bumper sticker on your 1997 Coupe DeVille? I know you're sorry for being white. Trust me, we're sorry you're white too, Porkchop. Liberal pansies like you make me sick. A Mexican-American Marine Veteran painted my house last year. He was brought to America by his parents ILLEGALLY at age 5. However he loves America (his words) and is a LEGAL Tax Paying Citizen and owns his own company. He served in the Marines and did 2 tours in Iraq. He said, "In all my time in America, I've never seen or met a White Supremacist". He said "According to Biden, they're on every street corner". Its a false narrative perpetuated by Biden, the Fake News, and morons like you. So go feel good about yourself for putting a BLM sign in your yard and shedding a tear when a criminal thug ends up dead by their own actions. Im guessing your parents were bed-wetting Liberals too. GTH.

Now, now. You know deep down that all of us on the conservative side who disagree with the liberal agenda, with all the diversity propaganda, with the disabling grief over things that happened over a century ago, with violent demonstrations to prove "oppression", and so on are just white supremacists. Hiliary just stepped it down a notch by calling us "deplorable"; the current crop wants to relabel us "domestic terrorists". If it keeps up, one day they'll want to isolate those who dare think our way in special places so we don't continue to contaminate the gene pool and corrupt innocent minds. Just remember the peace loving, tolerant, liberal brand are rabid dogs disguised as sheep, but we are the ones everybody should fear since we just can't seem to get the message and obey.
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Accidently pulling your gun instead of a taser.

Don't you think mistakes like that are somewhat due to ergonomics? Why should a taser be configured something like a gun? I wonder how often police actually draw much less fire either weapon on a daily basis. Think about those things before condemning anyone acting in an emergent situation. There's a reason some people get to be very good at "finger memory" when playing musical instruments - it's called repetition, but I don't think you want cops gaining that kind of daily familiarity with guns and tasers - right?
3rd degree is manslaughter. When you say "the most", sounds like you are saying that is the most he should have been charged with. If manslaughter is your ceiling, then what should his least charge for that have been? Simple assault? No charge at all?
Doesn’t matter It’s not first degree. I’ve seen the videos and o know what happened. Yes he’s guilty and should do time but 3rd degree is the most they should have been able to do. That court let BLM dictate his sentence

But Chauvin was wearing his knees (instrument of death) when he went to work that morning ... and obviously he had a plan to use them. How could you possibly think differently? Poor ole George just happened along (instead of some other poor black guy) to initiate the murderous rampage.

Seriously, I'd still think that manslaughter was more the appropriate charge, and it's highly offensive that the DA was able to charge at multiple levels in case the more stringent one didn't pass muster with the jury. Just sling crap against the way and see what you can make stick rather than go for the most you think you can actually prove.
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3rd degree is manslaughter. When you say "the most", sounds like you are saying that is the most he should have been charged with. If manslaughter is your ceiling, then what should his least charge for that have been? Simple assault? No charge at all?

You really have to address extenuating circumstances. A giant who didn't want to be restrained, who wouldn't sit quietly in a car, who had severe health issues (not obvious from the outside), who had apparently ingested drugs that compromised his ability to breathe. Play stupid games; win stupid prizes. You and I would have behaved differently because we would recognize the futility of the situation; if we got the same treatment, I could agree with your outrage because one size doesn't fit all.
3rd degree is manslaughter. When you say "the most", sounds like you are saying that is the most he should have been charged with. If manslaughter is your ceiling, then what should his least charge for that have been? Simple assault? No charge at all?
3rd degree and manslaughter are two different charges where I’m from. Idk if your state is different but here it ranks
1st degree-premeditated and intentional
2nd- intentional but not premeditated
3rd- accidental death
Manslaughter- accidental death under the influence or human misjudgment.

For example I had a friend a while back that has two drinks at a local wing house. When he left his best friend had never ridden on a motorcycle so he insisted he give him a ride home. On the way, his best friend didn’t go with the bike around a sharp corner and they left the road. hitting an iron fence and stopping the bike in its tracks. It snapped his best friends neck and killed him instantly. Because of those two beers he got charged with manslaughter and just recently got out of prison.
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