Kim Potter sentenced.

How many cops do you know on a personal level to judge them like you just did? You are right in some cases, I’ll admit that but I can tell you based on experience that you have it backward. Very few have the “god” complex (or what we refer to as “Cowboy”) you think they do and even fewer are sociopaths or psychopaths. I already know the answer to my question and you don’t know any personally. You can’t. Otherwise you would know the extensive “interview” process they have to go through to get the job as even a beat cop and you wouldn’t have such a lack of respect.
I don't know that many on a close personal level. Friends of friends type deal. I worked in the same office with a few, also. Go back and re-read what I posted. I didn't say "all" and tried my best to make sure that was perfectly clear, because heaven knows I don't want to be accused of painting with a broad brush. I'm sure there are plenty of good cops out there that would give the shirt off their backs to a total stranger or let somebody slide here or there.

5 different interviews. The last of which is front of a board of high ranking officials. Usually the chief or sheriff is present along with sometimes the mayor of the city. To reach that point you’ve already passed 4 interviews which include an initial, extensive background, polygraph, drug test, mental evaluation, firearm competence and people skills. Only to meet with those high ranking officials in front of you with a series of questions of their own designed to make you nervous, unsettled and unsure of yourself. If you get hired, it’s a safe bet that you’re not the kind of person you defined them to be. And if you are, you can bet he or she is incredibly smart to have deceived the process.
A psychopath (or a person with psychopathic tendencies) would be able to easily move around and navigate the interview process.

Could you not just be judging cops based on YOUR personal experiences?
That is apart of it. That plays a role along with seeing how other people are treated. How else am I supposed to form my opinions outside of empirical experiences? Should I not believe my lying eyes?

Can you tell when someone is in a bad mood based on their body language? If so, how much of a stretch would it be to say your hate for cops oozes out of your pores when they see you themselves and therefore severely effected your interactions and your opinions as a result?

Dude, whenever you encounter a cop, it is never (or rarely) a situation where something good is happening. So people are likely to be pizzed. I could really care less about their mood at that moment. They are usually there to shake you down over some petty infraction or get their power hungry jollies off on some civilian because they may not comply in the manner they see fit.

Now having said all that, I'm not a crazy person or a wild man. I realize that these cops are untouchable and can drop you without a care or concern in the world, so I try to be cooperative. They have a badge and a gun and I know they will use it. But that is me... I have not just my life to lose, but even if I survive an encounter, I could lose a lot more by getting arrested and all of the other things involved with that. However, if I had nothing to lose and really DGAF about some ticket or the consequences of holding court on the side of the road, my mentality might be different. What these cops and people in general that support cops don't understand is that there are a lot of people out here that feel they have nothing to lose and just DGAF... and now you pull them over on some pettiness and that might be the straw that breaks the camel's back. I'm not saying that we need to let criminals be criminals, I'm just saying that a cop should expect people to not be in a pleasant mood in some of these encounters and act accordingly, yet professionally. I guarantee you, a cashier at a drive through window sees all kinds of disrespect and profanity and they still have to act professionally and with courtesy. All I'm saying is that if we expect that from a minimum wage high school cashier, that it isn't asking too much to expect the same level of courtesy and restraint from a cop with a gun.

Lastly, the cops are not on the people's side, in a general sense. Again, I'm generalizing, so not all. However, if these "Blue Lives Matter" cop supporters and "patriots" are expecting their local cops or sheriff deputies to stand shoulder to shoulder with the people when the time comes, these people are going to get a rude awakening and a black pill moment. Police are going to police. And they will follow orders no matter how dumb, tyrannical or unconstitutional they are.
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You make an excellent point about the fatherless homes and the devastating effect that has. Might explain the black-on-black homicide rates. However, white single parent households have increased dramatically as well, but those murder rates lag significantly behind blacks.
And again, this speaks to something else I have been screaming for years now, but the evidence of this didn't reveal itself until 2020 when you had white kids in places like Minneapolis, Seattle, Portland and Salt Lake City rioting in the streets and representing a significant portion of the crowds, if not in some instances the majority of the crowd.

I draw the line at 1992. People laughed and mocked Dan Quayle (myself included at the time) for his Murphy Brown comments. But the white kids you saw in the streets of cities in 2020 are of that under 30 generation of kids. The black community was simply the testing grounds for how to ruin a populace. Flood the area with drugs and then arrest a large number of people on petty drug charges, break up the family and allow the state to become the husband, emasculate the male population and remove economic opportunities from the native born men by pulling trades from schools and moving what few trade jobs you have overseas, and make the women more masculine and have less of a desire to raise a family or have children in a functioning two parent household with another man.

I said a lot and I ranted a bit.
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I don't know that many on a close personal level. Friends of friends type deal. I worked in the same office with a few, also. Go back and re-read what I posted. I didn't say "all" and tried my best to make sure that was perfectly clear, because heaven knows I don't want to be accused of painting with a broad brush. I'm sure there are plenty of good cops out there that would give the shirt off their backs to a total stranger or let somebody slide here or there.

A psychopath (or a person with psychopathic tendencies) would be able to easily move around and navigate the interview process.

That is apart of it. That plays a role along with seeing how other people are treated. How else am I supposed to form my opinions outside of empirical experiences? Should I not believe my lying eyes?

Dude, whenever you encounter a cop, it is never (or rarely) a situation where something good is happening. So people are likely to be pizzed. I could really careless about their mood at that moment. They are usually there to shake you down over some petty infraction or get their power hungry jollies off on some civilian because they may not comply in the manner they see fit.

Now having said all that, I'm not a crazy person or a wild man. I realize that these cops are untouchable and can drop you without a care or concern in the world, so I try to be cooperative. They have a badge and a gun and I know they will use it. But that is me... I have not just my life to lose, but even if I survive an encounter, I could lose a lot more by getting arrested and all of the other things involved with that. However, if I had nothing to lose and really DGAF about some ticket or the consequences of holding court on the side of the road, my mentality might be different. What these cops and people in general that support cops don't understand is that there are a lot of people out here that feel they have nothing to lose and just DGAF... and now you pull them over on some pettiness and that might be the straw that breaks the camel's back. I'm not saying that we need to let criminals be criminals, I'm just saying that a cop should expect people to not be in a pleasant mood in some of these encounters and act accordingly, yet professionally. I guarantee you, a cashier at a drive through window sees all kinds of disrespect and profanity and they still have to act professionally and with courtesy. All I'm saying is that if we expect that from a minimum wage high school cashier, that it isn't asking too much to expect the same level of courtesy and restrain from a cop with a gun.

Lastly, the cops are not on the people's side, in a general sense. Again, I'm generalizing, so not all. However, if these "Blue Lives Matter" cop supporters and "patriots" are expecting their local cops or sheriff deputies to stand shoulder to shoulder with the people when the time comes, these people are going to get a rude awakening and a black pill moment. Police are going to police. And they will follow orders no matter how dumb, tyrannical or unconstitutional they are.
Respectable. However I think you misunderstood my point about the “bad mood”. I’m referring to the cops POV. Not yours. Point being if you can tell when an individual is in a bad mood based on body language, so can he/she. Kinda puts a damper on the entire encounter from the jump and severely effects the outcome. I’ve been pulled several times myself and only once did it not turn out to be a decent encounter. Rookie of course but none the less, he was looking for problems and he found it. Every other time, I understood what I did wrong and accepted my citation with a smile and back and forth banter and I’ve never been mistreated as a result. I have friends and family that both hate cops as well as those that respect them. Those that respect them have had similar experiences as mine. Whereas those that don’t have had similar experiences as you. You bring it on yourself as to what kind of encounter you wish to have.
Respectable. However I think you misunderstood my point about the “bad mood”. I’m referring to the cops POV. Not yours. Point being if you can tell when an individual is in a bad mood based on body language, so can he/she. Kinda puts a damper on the entire encounter from the jump and severely effects the outcome. I’ve been pulled several times myself and only once did it not turn out to be a decent encounter. Rookie of course but none the less, he was looking for problems and he found it. Every other time, I understood what I did wrong and accepted my citation with a smile and back and forth banter and I’ve never been mistreated as a result. I have friends and family that both hate cops as well as those that respect them. Those that respect them have had similar experiences as mine. Whereas those that don’t have had similar experiences as you. You bring it on yourself as to what kind of encounter you wish to have.
Let me say again, I'm not crazy. They have a gun and a badge. When I encounter a cop, I'm not out here trying to hold court in the streets or arguing balls and strikes for the most part. The interactions I've had personally have been calm for the most part. My point remains, however that many of these interactions are based on petty infractions. That is where the real source of the anger comes in for most people. We have killers and thieves running around out here and these cops are harassing working class people over taillights, tinted windows or going 85 in a 70... or 70 in a 55.
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Let me say again, I'm not crazy. They have a gun and a badge. When I encounter a cop, I'm not out here trying to hold court in the streets or arguing balls and strikes for the most part. The interactions I've had personally have been calm for the most part. My point remains, however that many of these interactions are based on petty infractions. That is where the real source of the anger comes in for most people. We have killers and thieves running around out here and these cops are harassing working class people over taillights, tinted windows or going 85 in a 70... or 70 in a 55.
Let me help you with that. Do you know how many warrants, murderers, cold cases, robberies, kidnappings etc have been solved by pulling someone over for “petty” infractions? You’d be surprised at the number. The reason they pull you for small things is because of that fact. You have an out tail light and they now have a reason to interact. They can’t interact legally without cause. When you have nothing to hide, truth is, they can care less about the petty chit. Your attitude a lot of times determines warning or citation believe it or not. But put yourself in one of those cases where someone abducted your kid or mugged your wife and you’d hope to god they have a tag light out, wouldn’t you?
Let me help you with that. Do you know how many warrants, murderers, cold cases, robberies, kidnappings etc have been solved by pulling someone over for “petty” infractions? You’d be surprised at the number.
And my response to that is always, "Just think of how many more we could solve if we didn't have the Constitution and the 4th Amendment?"

So is this going to be your excuse for police having all of these interactions? If your argument is going to be "look at how many criminals we catch", then you are making the case for us bypassing the 3rd and 4th Amendment protections and just setting up roadblocks everywhere and having door-to-door sweeps of houses to find contraband.

The reason they pull you for small things is because of that fact. You have an out tail light and they now have a reason to interact. They can’t interact legally without cause.
Exactly... these minimal infractions gives them probable cause to do just about anything. That is exactly the point I'm making.

When you have nothing to hide, truth is, they can care less about the petty chit.
So should we just forfeit our rights in order to reassure the officer that we have nothing to hide? Should we just be overly compliant? Volunteer info they don't even ask for? Maybe a blood and stool sample or a negative COVID test result?

Your attitude a lot of times determines warning or citation believe it or not.
Oh, I believe it. It is very unfortunate that is the case, however. Again, if a high school student in the drive through window has to be courteous and professional at Wendy's, a grown adult that the govt gives the responsibility of carrying gun should be held to at least the same level of professionalism. Even if a customer is rude and obnoxious, they are still not expected to return that same energy. This is really not that hard of a concept for you and the cop lovers to understand, or is it?

But put yourself in one of those cases where someone abducted your kid or mugged your wife and you’d hope to god they have a tag light out, wouldn’t you?
A busted tag light would likely be the furthest thing from my mind.
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I do "worship" the thug life, it's true. I don't even try to hide it, I drive a '64 Impala on 22's, I have a 24k grill and turn my Glock 43 sideways when I shoot it.

Not sure where you got the "tank" thing, but whatever - I suppose I shouldn't assume a hick like you would understand there is more than one use for the word septic.

As a side, I see I struck a nerve with the wife thing, you really came off the bench swinging. Too bad, unlike her you really seem to have a problem with the other race. Maybe you could learn a little something about tolerance from her and her boyfriend.
I never had any problem with "the other race" until the last few years. Every white person is a racist to you. America is the most racist country on earth to you. If a black thug is killed by a White police officer you take it as a license to riot, burn, and loot. You fail to mention that 90% of black homicides in America are at the hands of OTHER blacks. How convenient. Im sick of hearing black Lives Matter but if i say White Lives Matter I'm a racist. Double Standard much Septic Tank? If America is so racist, GTFO. I hear Mozambique is lovely this time of year.
And my response to that is always, "Just think of how many more we could solve if we didn't have the Constitution and the 4th Amendment?"

So is this going to be your excuse for police having all of these interactions? If your argument is going to be "look at how many criminals we catch", then you are making the case for us bypassing the 3rd and 4th Amendment protections and just setting up roadblocks everywhere and dooring door-to-door sweeps of houses to find contraband.

Exactly... these minimal infractions gives them probable cause to do just about anything. That is exactly the point I'm making.

So should we just forfeit our rights in order to reassure the officer that we have nothing to hide? Should we just be overly compliant? Volunteer info they don't even ask for? Maybe a blood and stool sample or a negative COVID test result?

Oh, I believe it. It is very unfortunate that is the case, however. Again, if a high school student in the drive through window has to be courteous and professional at Wendy's, a grown adult that the govt gives a the responsibility of carrying gun should be held to at least the same level of professionalism. Even if a customer is rude and obnoxious, they are still not expected to return that same energy. This is really not that hard of a concept for you and the cop lovers to understand, or is it?

A busted tag light would likely be the furthest thing from my mind.
I’m not going to convince you so there’s no point in trying. You have to be willing to change your mind based on new information that you didn’t know rather than be convinced you know everything you need to know
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I never had any problem with "the other race" until the last few years. Every white person is a racist to you. America is the most racist country on earth to you. If a black thug is killed by a White police officer you take it as a license to riot, burn, and loot. You fail to mention that 90% of black homicides in America are at the hands of OTHER blacks. How convenient. Im sick of hearing black Lives Matter but if i say White Lives Matter I'm a racist. Double Standard much Septic Tank? If America is so racist, GTFO. I hear Mozambique is lovely this time of year.
Can’t like this enough but I still got no problem with race. Just character
I never had any problem with "the other race" until the last few years. Every white person is a racist to you. America is the most racist country on earth to you. If a black thug is killed by a White police officer you take it as a license to riot, burn, and loot. You fail to mention that 90% of black homicides in America are at the hands of OTHER blacks. How convenient. Im sick of hearing black Lives Matter but if i say White Lives Matter I'm a racist. Double Standard much Septic Tank? If America is so racist, GTFO. I hear Mozambique is lovely this time of year.
Is @Septic black???
I’m not going to convince you so there’s no point in trying. You have to be willing to change your mind based on new information that you didn’t know rather than be convinced you know everything you need to know
I'm a pretty open minded person. I haven't come out here ranting and raving about every police shooting that goes down. Hell, while we are on the subject, I haven't come out against this shooting. It was a screwed up situation all the way around. Both parties had some blame with the majority of it falling on Daunte Wright, in my opinion.

But cops/LEOs are the ones that maybe need to change and be open minded... or more reflective is probably better. They need to put themselves in the general public's shoes for a bit. There is a reason why they have grown a more resentful public opinion over the years, and not just with inner city folks.
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I never had any problem with "the other race" until the last few years. Every white person is a racist to you. America is the most racist country on earth to you. If a black thug is killed by a White police officer you take it as a license to riot, burn, and loot. You fail to mention that 90% of black homicides in America are at the hands of OTHER blacks. How convenient. Im sick of hearing black Lives Matter but if i say White Lives Matter I'm a racist. Double Standard much Septic Tank? If America is so racist, GTFO. I hear Mozambique is lovely this time of year.
Typical response. I sympathize with you to an extent. White men have been the target very recently of a lot of criticism. I do have two things, however, in response to your comments. First off, why is it that anytime anyone levels a criticism of America in the hopes of making it better or at least live up the marketing and propaganda that this country promotes, it ends up with a comment like GTFO if you're unhappy, rather than acknowledging sometimes that there may be valid reasons to address some of these issues if we are going to live up to the propaganda? Second, now that white heterosexual men are on the hot seat now, maybe you are starting to get a little bit of what black men have had to go through. Not saying that right now in 2022 we necessarily have it bad, but you know in the past what went on. But with these white liberals running sh^t right now, black men might be one of the few allies you (might) have that can at least sympathize and work with you.

Just a thought...
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I'm a pretty open minded person. I haven't come out here ranting and raving about every police shooting that goes down. Hell, while we are on the subject, I haven't come out against this shooting. It was a screwed up situation all the way around. Both parties had some blame with the majority of it falling on Daunte Wright, in my opinion.

But cops/LEOs are the ones that maybe need to change and be open minded... or more reflective is probably better. They need to put themselves in the general public's shoes for a bit. There is a reason why they have grown a more resentful public over the years, and not just with inner city folks.
You’ve been somewhat open minded. But it’s clear you’re set in your opinions. It’ll take an act to prove to you that 98% of them are just like you and I. What you describe as the majority is actually the remaining 2% that give the rest of them a bad rap. But until the chit in the world calms down, you’ll never be convinced. We all follow policies at our jobs that we don’t agree with and you’re guilty of taking what you see at face value. Most people are so that’s not an insult. But face value is deceiving because it gives the impression that the cop agrees with the reason he’s arresting you. I can tell you guys some stories of plenty of times that I disagreed with I had to do.
Most people are so that’s not an insult. But face value is deceiving because it gives the impression that the cop agrees with the reason he’s arresting you. I can tell you guys some stories of plenty of times that I disagreed with I had to do.
I imagine the burden of carrying that guilt is soul crushing, but I wonder how that person being arrested feels?

Sounds like your justification is "just doing my job". If you can live with that, that is on you I suppose. But don't expect a lot of sympathy from civilians about alleged uneasiness and awkwardness about taking away someone's freedoms or placing them in the judicial system over something that you know in your heart was unjust.
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You're talking about a 2nd Amendment issue, not a police issue.

Apparently I just didn't make my point. Law abiding people have the 2nd Amendment right - they basically aren't the people cops need to fear. The problem for everybody starts when non law abiding people have weapons (including the cars they drive) and threaten police - makes cops jumpy, and that in turn affects all of us.
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Apparently I just didn't make my point. Law abiding people have the 2nd Amendment right - they basically aren't the people cops need to fear. The problem for everybody starts when non law abiding people have weapons (including the cars they drive) and threaten police - makes cops jumpy, and that in turn affects all of us.
And yet, quite often, cops ask on routine stops if there are any weapons in the car. Why would they need to ask that? It is still America, right? I can still legally own a weapon, right? So shouldn't it be assumed that every car could potentially have a weapon in it?
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I'm a pretty open minded person. I haven't come out here ranting and raving about every police shooting that goes down. Hell, while we are on the subject, I haven't come out against this shooting. It was a screwed up situation all the way around. Both parties had some blame with the majority of it falling on Daunte Wright, in my opinion.

But cops/LEOs are the ones that maybe need to change and be open minded... or more reflective is probably better. They need to put themselves in the general public's shoes for a bit. There is a reason why they have grown a more resentful public over the years, and not just with inner city folks.

You and I and a lot of others (I think) have authority issues. To be honest I agree with you that people "policing" things whether police or the school hall monitor generally tend to get a little too officious - like even a little bit of power feels good. Often though they are simply the people in the middle. Somebody else sets speed limits and determines where zones should be more strict and more enforced - like speed traps in some cases. Sometimes we elect those people from a barrel of garbage on the ticket, and sometimes they are nameless, faceless, bureaucrats somebody appointed. Seems like overall we have way too many laws - laws made by legislators and bureaucrats because they can, and not because they are necessary.
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I draw the line at 1992. People laughed and mocked Dan Quayle (myself included at the time) for his Murphy Brown comments..

I have said it for years that while Dan Quayle was a bit of a goofball, he was spot on right with the Murphy Brown comments.

When Candace Bergen then carved out a few moments to "explain" how "wrong" he was, I steamed at the irresponsibility. Ms. Bergen was a rich liberal in Hollywood playing a well off liberal on TV.

The message she sent were to girls who didn't have Ms. Bergen's resources and, unfortunately like Ms. Bergen, did not possess enough wisdom to know it. The disaster expanded as the socialist programs of the Great Society were right there to to ease the pain of terrible decisions.
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I never had any problem with "the other race" until the last few years. Every white person is a racist to you. America is the most racist country on earth to you. If a black thug is killed by a White police officer you take it as a license to riot, burn, and loot. You fail to mention that 90% of black homicides in America are at the hands of OTHER blacks. How convenient. Im sick of hearing black Lives Matter but if i say White Lives Matter I'm a racist. Double Standard much Septic Tank? If America is so racist, GTFO. I hear Mozambique is lovely this time of year.

Fascinating how you're trying to pin your racist hang ups on me without knowing the first thing about my beliefs on the subject.

Well. At least you admit you're a racist, when you stop trying to justify it you'll be ready to take your first steps to the road of recovery.

Not sure what double standard you're talking about, then again you've been all over the place with the accusations.

I'll wait over here while you gin up more nonsensical, unknown or otherwise ridiculous assertions about what I believe that make it easier for you to lash out.
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I never had any problem with "the other race" until the last few years. Every white person is a racist to you. America is the most racist country on earth to you. If a black thug is killed by a White police officer you take it as a license to riot, burn, and loot. You fail to mention that 90% of black homicides in America are at the hands of OTHER blacks. How convenient. Im sick of hearing black Lives Matter but if i say White Lives Matter I'm a racist. Double Standard much Septic Tank? If America is so racist, GTFO. I hear Mozambique is lovely this time of year.

He and his ilk love dividing people based on race, and hurling insults at them like calling them a "racist", when they are the most racist people in this country.
I don't know that many on a close personal level. Friends of friends type deal. I worked in the same office with a few, also. Go back and re-read what I posted. I didn't say "all" and tried my best to make sure that was perfectly clear, because heaven knows I don't want to be accused of painting with a broad brush. I'm sure there are plenty of good cops out there that would give the shirt off their backs to a total stranger or let somebody slide here or there.

A psychopath (or a person with psychopathic tendencies) would be able to easily move around and navigate the interview process.

That is apart of it. That plays a role along with seeing how other people are treated. How else am I supposed to form my opinions outside of empirical experiences? Should I not believe my lying eyes?

Dude, whenever you encounter a cop, it is never (or rarely) a situation where something good is happening. So people are likely to be pizzed. I could really careless about their mood at that moment. They are usually there to shake you down over some petty infraction or get their power hungry jollies off on some civilian because they may not comply in the manner they see fit.

Now having said all that, I'm not a crazy person or a wild man. I realize that these cops are untouchable and can drop you without a care or concern in the world, so I try to be cooperative. They have a badge and a gun and I know they will use it. But that is me... I have not just my life to lose, but even if I survive an encounter, I could lose a lot more by getting arrested and all of the other things involved with that. However, if I had nothing to lose and really DGAF about some ticket or the consequences of holding court on the side of the road, my mentality might be different. What these cops and people in general that support cops don't understand is that there are a lot of people out here that feel they have nothing to lose and just DGAF... and now you pull them over on some pettiness and that might be the straw that breaks the camel's back. I'm not saying that we need to let criminals be criminals, I'm just saying that a cop should expect people to not be in a pleasant mood in some of these encounters and act accordingly, yet professionally. I guarantee you, a cashier at a drive through window sees all kinds of disrespect and profanity and they still have to act professionally and with courtesy. All I'm saying is that if we expect that from a minimum wage high school cashier, that it isn't asking too much to expect the same level of courtesy and restrain from a cop with a gun.

Lastly, the cops are not on the people's side, in a general sense. Again, I'm generalizing, so not all. However, if these "Blue Lives Matter" cop supporters and "patriots" are expecting their local cops or sheriff deputies to stand shoulder to shoulder with the people when the time comes, these people are going to get a rude awakening and a black pill moment. Police are going to police. And they will follow orders no matter how dumb, tyrannical or unconstitutional they are.

Great point.
He and his ilk love dividing people based on race, and hurling insults at them like calling them a "racist", when they are the most racist people in this country.

Nice try attempting to pigeon hole me champ but if you can point out even one example where I've used race to divide, you'd be the first. I called that clown a racist because he says racist **** and he admits to it, then goes on to try and justify it. If you want to head down that same road then you should expect the same.

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