Kim Potter sentenced.

But Chauvin was wearing his knees (instrument of death) when he went to work that morning ... and obviously he had a plan to use them. How could you possibly think differently? Poor ole George just happened along (instead of some other poor black guy) to initiate the murderous rampage.

Seriously, I'd still think that manslaughter was more the appropriate charge, and it's highly offensive that the DA was able to charge at multiple levels in case the more stringent one didn't pass muster with the jury. Just sling crap against the way and see what you can make stick rather than go for the most you think you can actually prove.
Chauvin definitely made cops look bad but that’s not a charge. He absolutely should not have stayed on the man’s neck for 9 min. That being said, there is no time limit in the law stating how long is too long. From Chauvin POV it’s easy to see what he was thinking. This man under my knee is twice my size, high on something and resisting. If I let him up, the resistance starts all over again and who knows if I’ll be able to subdue him again.
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3rd degree and manslaughter are two different charges where I’m from. Idk if your state is different but here it ranks
1st degree-premeditated and intentional
2nd- intentional but not premeditated
3rd- accidental death
Manslaughter- accidental death under the influence or human misjudgment.

For example I had a friend a while back that has two drinks at a local wing house. When he left his best friend had never ridden on a motorcycle so he insisted he give him a ride home. On the way, his best friend didn’t go with the bike around a sharp corner and they left the road. hitting an iron fence and stopping the bike in its tracks. It snapped his best friends neck and killed him instantly. Because of those two beers he got charged with manslaughter and just recently got out of prison.
They don't have 3rd degree manslaughter in Minnesota. My mistake. I was going off of memory from the trial.
Ch. 609 MN Statutes


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Chauvin definitely made cops look bad but that’s not a charge. He absolutely should not have stayed on the man’s neck for 9 min. That being said, there is no time limit in the law stating how long is too long. From Chauvin POV it’s easy to see what he was thinking. This man under my knee is twice my size, high on something and resisting. If I let him up, the resistance starts all over again and who knows if I’ll be able to subdue him again.
Nice try attempting to pigeon hole me champ but if you can point out even one example where I've used race to divide, you'd be the first. I called that clown a racist because he says racist **** and he admits to it, then goes on to try and justify it. If you want to head down that same road then you should expect the same.

I checked back in this thread and didn't see anything racist that he said, but I could have missed it of course.

Here is great example how people in your camp divide us based on race: People in your camp care about race. No one should care about race. People should only care about the merit of people. Who gives two sh!ts if someone is black, white, ect. Stop talking about it. Now, when some one says that because of a persons skin color they are inferior to them, then that person is most certainly racist. I personally have never seen that on this board.
Never did I say there shouldn’t be. What I said was “there isn’t”. Which means no written “laws” were broken. And if you want to get technical, the knee on the neck IS a warranted hold for a resisting subject. Look it up
No written laws were broken? Sounds like semantical lawyer-speak.

And just because it is a warranted hold, that doesn't make it right.

I swear, cops and their supporters will find anything to try to justify cops behaving badly.
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No written laws were broken? Sounds like semantical lawyer-speak.

And just because it is a warranted hold, that doesn't make it right.

I swear, cops and their supporters will find anything to try to justify cops behaving badly.
What was he supposed to do Ras? Guess how long was too long? Assume he was done resisting? Why not put yourself in that position with a man that size and tell me if YOU would let him up.
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What was he supposed to do Ras? Guess how long was too long? Assume he was done resisting? Why not put yourself in that position with a man that size and tell me if YOU would let him up.
9 minutes and 1 or 2 other guys helping him hold down George and they can't cuff him?
No written laws were broken? Sounds like semantical lawyer-speak.

And just because it is a warranted hold, that doesn't make it right.

I swear, cops and their supporters will find anything to try to justify cops behaving badly.

A friend of ours was shot and killed by a cop. He heard a noise outside (mostly rural area) at something like 1 AM, went downstairs with a pistol in his hand to investigate, and was shot through a window as he walked to the door by a cop who never even attempted to identify himself or why they were there. His daughter's mother in law called in a fake report about a disturbance in the house, and the sheriff's dept handled the call without any investigation apparently. Our friend was white, retired Navy officer, and one of the nicest guys you'd ever hope to meet. Guess what - nothing really ever became of it. Do I have outrage over that? Yes. A black reservist (in uniform) driving home after a weekend of drill was stopped and roughed up (as I recall) in VA. Not much happened or would have happened until it became public Was I offended that the cops responded the way they did - you bet.

I don't think either of the guys discussed in this thread deserved death, but I don't condemn the police acting against them either. Resist and bad things happen. These weren't model citizens, and they paid for their poor choices. We can argue until the end of time about the right and wrong that led to their deaths, but in each case they unnecessarily instigated the more violent action. They changed it from a peaceful confrontation with no urgency to one where urgency and force decided outcomes.
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Why couldn't they cuff him? Seems like an easy solution to me.

I still think cuffs on hands wrists and ankles are a solution at times like that. If the guy manages to escape bound like that ... I'm thinking superhuman.
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Why couldn't they cuff him? Seems like an easy solution to me.
Looked to me that the two other cops there were trying to control a hostile crowd. In hind sight, they could have. However, we can’t pretend that at the time they knew he was high on Fentanyl and not PCP. Once a resisting subject is detained, your backup will then tend to the greater threat. Which was the crowd forming.
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OK, I've imagined it. Coupled with the video. Why couldn't they cuff him?
Because he was subdued. Like I said, in hind sight I’m sure they wish they would have but with an angry crowd forming and filming, it’s easy to understand why the back up officers would think the crowd was the biggest remaining threat.
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Because he was subdued. Like I said, in hind sight I’m sure they wish they would have but with an angry crowd forming and filming, it’s easy to understand why the back up officers would think the crowd was the biggest remaining threat.
So they had him subdued. And yet you went on about me having any experience wrestling a guy on PCP.

You can't explain why they didn't cuff him within that 9 minute window. Just say it.
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So they had him subdued. And yet you went on about me having any experience wrestling a guy on PCP.

You can't explain why they didn't cuff him within that 9 minute window. Just say it.
I thought it was clear. Floyd was high on something and they didn’t know what. The fact that he was subdued enabled the backup officers to concentrate on the greater threat which was crowd control. IF he were high on PCP he could easily take all three officers without much effort. However, they didn’t know what he was high on. Just that he was high on something. The reason I asked you about wrestling a man on PCP was to plant a seed that you don’t want to take the chance if you know a man is high. The safe bet is to assume the worst until proven otherwise. Once he was in the ground, his threat was gone.
I thought it was clear. Floyd was high on something and they didn’t know what. The fact that he was subdued enabled the backup officers to concentrate on the greater threat which was crowd control. IF he were high on PCP he could easily take all three officers without much effort. However, they didn’t know what he was high on. Just that he was high on something. The reason I asked you about wrestling a man on PCP was to plant a seed that you don’t want to take the chance if you know a man is high. The safe bet is to assume the worst until proven otherwise. Once he was in the ground, his threat was gone.
You still are not making sense. He was on the ground for 9 minutes. Why didn't they hand cuff him if the threat was gone? Now you are saying they didn't know what he was high on, yet you came in quizzing me about subduing someone on PCP. You are just doing everything you can to justify the unjustifiable.
I thought it was clear. Floyd was high on something and they didn’t know what. The fact that he was subdued enabled the backup officers to concentrate on the greater threat which was crowd control. IF he were high on PCP he could easily take all three officers without much effort. However, they didn’t know what he was high on. Just that he was high on something. The reason I asked you about wrestling a man on PCP was to plant a seed that you don’t want to take the chance if you know a man is high. The safe bet is to assume the worst until proven otherwise. Once he was in the ground, his threat was gone.
So why didn't they put cuffs on his hands and feet once he was on the ground?

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