Knoxville Mayor attends Drag Queen Christmas

Biblically speaking, Babylon is another example. Carthage with its human and child sacrifice is another. The thing that makes Rome the perfect case study is that, right before their fall, they were unassailable militarily, economically, or diplomatically. Just like the US after WWII (and even more so after the collapse of the Soviet Union), there was no power on earth that could contest them from without. But from the height of their power under Hadrian and Trajan, they collapsed in just over 200 years due to their own devices until they were overrun by wandering tribes that crossed a border that could no longer be defended. The moral decay and corruption did what no foreign army had been able to do in 800 years:
Good examples. Kind of sounds familiar…
Biblically speaking, Babylon is another example. Carthage with its human and child sacrifice is another. The thing that makes Rome the perfect case study is that, right before their fall, they were unassailable militarily, economically, or diplomatically. Just like the US after WWII (and even more so after the collapse of the Soviet Union), there was no power on earth that could contest them from without. But from the height of their power under Hadrian and Trajan, they collapsed in just over 200 years due to their own devices until they were overrun by wandering tribes that crossed a border that could no longer be defended. The moral decay and corruption did what no foreign army had been able to do in 800 years:

[Moral decay in Rome exists.]

[Rome rises to power.]

[Moral decay continues.]

[Rome falls.]

The religious right: See?!
Damn..anybody who thinks a Pol should be at this event or with children are sick as hell.
Damn..anybody who thinks a Pol should be at this event or with children are sick as hell.

This is one of those threads where I have to remind myself I don’t know the people on the other side of these replies.

Literally have people in here angry over adults calling other adults crude names, but not really bothered about adults wanting to introduce children into very sexualized situations.
This is one of those threads where I have to remind myself I don’t know the people on the other side of these replies.

Literally have people in here angry over adults calling other adults crude names, but not really bothered about adults wanting to introduce children into very sexualized situations.
This is the world we live in now. Disgusting.
This is one of those threads where I have to remind myself I don’t know the people on the other side of these replies.

Literally have people in here angry over adults calling other adults crude names, but not really bothered about adults wanting to introduce children into very sexualized situations.

What happened?
I'm sorry, but despite the numerous character assaults I've endured over the past 2.5 years, I have a lifelong commitment to what I believe was a God-calling to care for children. So screw all of the a-holes that question my motives or politics. Anyone who defends this sort of filth deserves to be locked up and rot in hell.
I'm sorry, but despite the numerous character assaults I've endured over the past 2.5 years, I have a lifelong commitment to what I believe was a God-calling to care for children. So screw all of the a-holes that question my motives or politics. Anyone who defends this sort of filth deserves to be locked up and rot in hell.

I’m with you and am frankly astonished by some of the tolerance I see for this.

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