Knoxville Mayor attends Drag Queen Christmas

Do children at a drag show see the performers as anything different than a Sesame Street or Barney show? Grown men in outlandish costumes.
Of course I don't recall any Sesame Street or Barney episodes with dry humping or pelvic thrusts
And I get the feeling you would still walk by and do nothing.

Not surprised you “get a feeling” that contradicts all evidence, considering that most of this thread “gets the feeling” that trans people are coming to **** your children
you’re a dope.

Your argument that this would be largely viewed as completely inappropriate for small children is reasonable. I certainly wouldn’t have taken my small child to this show.

However, trying to hold a theater criminally liable for parents who bring their children to a drag show is completely inconsistent with our stance on theatres that allow parents to bring children to see R rated movies.

The only real difference is that most R rated movies aren’t depicting LGBTQIA. So, just admit it’s the problem. You are terrified of the normalization of this segment of society.

You’re a coward.

My stance would be the same if there were 10 heterosexual couples exhibiting this behavior on the stage. Dumbass.
None of that is nudity or remotely criminal; the pearl-clutching in here is something else.

Sure I do. Did she make up her resume, lie about going to college, lie about her mom dying on 9/11 etc.? In that case, they would be the same
In the case of Christina Vavra. If an adult can be arrested for performing oral on a fake penis in front of a cop...surely exposing one to a child would be treated the same......same would have to be applied to other organs as well and how they are exposed..if the dra queen was breastfeeding that different the fake boobs exposed during a sexual dance or activity....and I pretty sure lieing about being a minority protected race is worse then lieing on a resume...but are we really just splittng hairs..both are despicable..difference is your till defending your tribe while I'm calling for him to resign or he recalld
Exposed plastic boobs and a “simulated sex act” involving clothed people has your panties in a wad?
In front of children yes...if an adult can catch a charge for performing oral on a fake penis in front of a cop then it should apply to childre being exposed to fake organs used as sex props as well
In front of children yes...if an adult can catch a charge for performing oral on a fake penis in front of a cop then it should apply to childre being exposed to fake organs used as sex props as well

She was arrested for offering to/performing oral sex for money, hard to overstate what a terrible and nonsensical comparison this is
In the case of Christina Vavra. If an adult can be arrested for performing oral on a fake penis in front of a cop...surely exposing one to a child would be treated the same......same would have to be applied to other organs as well and how they are exposed..if the dra queen was breastfeeding that different the fake boobs exposed during a sexual dance or activity....and I pretty sure lieing about being a minority protected race is worse then lieing on a resume...but are we really just splittng hairs..both are despicable..difference is your till defending your tribe while I'm calling for him to resign or he recalld

Saying you’re Native American when applying to Harvard is worse than lying about your school, lying about working for Citibank and Goldman, lying about being gay AND lying about your mom dying on 9/11 (among other things) after you ran on all of that? Might want to re-examine who is more of a homer for their “tribe”
Saying you’re Native American when applying to Harvard is worse than lying about your school, lying about working for Citibank and Goldman, lying about being gay AND lying about your mom dying on 9/11 (among other things) after you ran on all of that? Might want to re-examine who is more of a homer for their “tribe”
I said he should be recalled as don support him...but yes lieing about being a protected just as morally disgusting...
As for the arrest...she was charged with that yes...but until she performed on the fake penis she wasn't arrested....if she had money sencoukdbhave fought the charge based on the fact it was fake...but if performing oral on a fake organ for money is a crime that means the fake organ was treated as real..therefore exposing oneself to a minor is illegal whether real or fact organs ...
In front of children yes...if an adult can catch a charge for performing oral on a fake penis in front of a cop then it should apply to childre being exposed to fake organs used as sex props as well

I have seen no allegations of penises fake or otherwise being displayed. Your hypocritical pearl clutching borders on absurd.

Own your bigotry and defend it with religious conviction and I’d have more respect for you.
I said he should be recalled as don support him...but yes lieing about being a protected just as morally disgusting...
As for the arrest...she was charged with that yes...but until she performed on the fake penis she wasn't arrested....if she had money sencoukdbhave fought the charge based on the fact it was fake...but if performing oral on a fake organ for money is a crime that means the fake organ was treated as real..therefore exposing oneself to a minor is illegal whether real or fact organs ...

That’s an insane reach my guy. Cops can’t legally whip out their actual d**ks to catch prostitutes.

Are people who sell sex toys “exposing themselves” constantly by this logic?
I have seen no allegations of penises fake or otherwise being displayed. Your hypocritical pearl clutching borders on absurd.

Own your bigotry and defend it with religious conviction and I’d have more respect for you.
Fake breasts were exposed.... And not in a breasts feeding while sexual dancing and acts were done..
That’s an insane reach my guy. Cops can’t legally whip out their actual d**ks to catch prostitutes.

Are people who sell sex toys “exposing themselves” constantly by this logic?
By the precedent set in the case yes..but not to minors or those adults not willing to view...if a sexual act in public with a fake organ is a arrestable offense then same should applied when the exposed to children....
By the precedent set in the case yes..but not to minors or those adults not willing to view...if a sexual act in public with a fake organ is a arrestable offense then same should applied when the exposed to children....

That’s not how cases or precedent work at all lol, you are making this up as you go
That’s not how cases or precedent work at all lol, you are making this up as you go
Precedent is a prior example used as a guide for further similar yea it a precedent set around how fake organs are it hasn't been hit upon in court yet...Jacob Lee Bovia charged for exposed a fake penis...again viewed as real
Here's another case in which a transgender exposed fake breasts and was arrested.....and that was to adults not kids...once again setting a legal precedent that fake organs are treated as real..

WATCH: Transgender Woman Arrested for Exposing Breasts, Jailed With Men

They were real breasts. And I’d like to know the result of this case. They arrested her because they believed her to be a female with exposed breasts (illegal in ga), but treated her like a man. A man exposing his boobs is legal in ga.
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Your child. In this instance you’re trying to parent other children.
I'm in favor of protecting all children...and there are already laws to do so...the fact they are not enforced is the issue .

And yes that case is crazy interesting and I believe will set a huge precedent on how transgendered are viewed.. especially like we are discussing...what's the difference between a male with fake boob's and a female? Or whether said fake boobs can be removed?....

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