Knoxville Mayor attends Drag Queen Christmas

There are actually laws in place to protect minors that state otherwise.

I'm fully aware of that, I disagree with those laws but I know that they are there. I'm mostly talking about the right/wrong of it.
I'm fully aware of that, I disagree with those laws but I know that they are there. I'm mostly talking about the right/wrong of it.
I don't like the government telling people what to do, either, but protecting minors is something I will allow. Admittedly, I've seen a lot of horrible crap in my line of work, so I'm a bit biased here.
I don't like the government telling people what to do, either, but protecting minors is something I will allow. Admittedly, I've seen a lot of horrible crap in my line of work, so I'm a bit biased here.

I have no doubt that you have seen some real terrible stuff, I don't envy you one bit in that.

I don't like .gov telling people how they should raise their kids outside of abuse, food, shelter, general neglect being forbidden. I don't agree with laws forbidding a parent from letting their kid handle a firearm just like I don't agree with laws forbidding a parent from letting their kid see a drag show.
It’s not only wrong to have an all ages drag show, but having a “Christmas” Drag Queen Show is hateful.
Between celebrating Christ‘s Birthday with Drag Shows and co opting the sign of God‘s forbearance (the Rainbow) as the flag for gay „pride“ it is almost like our society is deliberately poking the Almighty in the eye in an effort to see how far we can provoke him. I have seen this particular path before in history. It never ends well
Nothing matters. Kids aren't special. They should have their burdensome innocence taken from them asap. Parents should take their kids to strip clubs too. Maybe even to a donkey show in Tijuana. Why not? Youth is just a social construct.

The dads that stroke it off to their daughters….”eh that is just their parenting style, who are you to question it!”
Between celebrating Christ‘s Birthday with Drag Shows and co opting the sign of God‘s forbearance (the Rainbow) as the flag for gay „pride“ it is almost like our society is deliberately poking the Almighty in the eye in an effort to see how far we can provoke him. I have seen this particular path before in history. It never ends well
I guess he'll just have to get over it.
Lot of hysteria in this thread. Was there anything at this event that much worse than what's on rupaul? Tons of young people watch that show. If you don't want your kids to go, don't take them. All this talk about throwing people in jail from so called small government conservatives, lol.
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Well, as someone who was right next to it, through the whole thing, your friend isn't being truthful. I didn't see a single "armed Antifa."

If you watch the local news clips, however, you'll see a few PB and armed/tac'd out discount Oathkeepers. It was mostly religious nuts (Greg Locke and some other Patriot Church) exchanging insults with bleeding hearts sporting funky colored hair.

There wasn't even a single arrest. I've seen crazier gatherings in a brunch line for Tupelo Honey.

Come on now, don't ruin the panicked "the gays are grooming your children!" narrative with facts. The facts have no role in this discussion.
I have no doubt that you have seen some real terrible stuff, I don't envy you one bit in that.

I don't like .gov telling people how they should raise their kids outside of abuse, food, shelter, general neglect being forbidden. I don't agree with laws forbidding a parent from letting their kid handle a firearm just like I don't agree with laws forbidding a parent from letting their kid see a drag show.
Do you hold the same for allowing kids to watch porn, live otherwise?
B-holes. Simulated sex acts. Oversized, fake breasts. The birth of Jesus.

Maybe if these democrats are against hate they could begin with cutting back on their own hypocrisy instead of stoking the flames and expecting respect to be returned.

Do what I do and not watch/support it. I don’t want the government mandating anything else.
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But not illegal? Correct

That’s a hard question my friend. On the surface my heart tells me it should be illegal for adults to show kids porn but then my head kicks in and starts to ask what is considered porn and who decides. It’s mainly my complete distrust in government and the people who make the rules.
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That’s a hard question my friend. On the surface my heart tells me it should be illegal for adults to show kids porn but then my head kicks in and starts to ask what is considered porn and who decides. It’s mainly my complete distrust in government and the people who make the rules.
Understandable, I'm often in the same boat with a lot of things...I hate big gov to a extreme, but also understand that if left our own morals and ethics leads to chaos. It sad when we can't trust people to be moral and ethical...
So you would be okay with a return to ancient Roman law when a parent could literally kill their child with no legal consequences? After all no one else can tell another parent how to parent, right?
We are rapidly driving to that era if I remember my history
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