Knoxville Mayor attends Drag Queen Christmas

Remember when you made these jokes about people suggesting that the government or FBI were censoring social media and violating the 1st amendment? Or when we said that CV19 mRNA shots would not rid the world of a cold virus? Or that the virus came from a lab where we were funding gain of function research?

Good times.
Between celebrating Christ‘s Birthday with Drag Shows and co opting the sign of God‘s forbearance (the Rainbow) as the flag for gay „pride“ it is almost like our society is deliberately poking the Almighty in the eye in an effort to see how far we can provoke him. I have seen this particular path before in history. It never ends well
It does look like some aim to insult the religious while celebrating their lifestyle. But I believe that's a minority of those with that lifestyle, and it doesn't amount to 'our society' doing it.
Other than the fall of the Western Roman Empire, what are other historical examples of things not ending well for amoral societies?
But we are discussing legal philosophy and rationalization. It is an acceptable debating tactic to point out the logical implications of your opponent‘s argument.
And it is not a question of what someone else calls obscene. There are legal definitions of obscenity and moral turpitude and they can vary from place to place. I am merely calling for the relevant statutes to be enforced. And it appears that in this case, they were not

Don't attempt to make your question anything more than a big fat slippery slope fallacy.

It was an utterly stupid question to ask and an even more idiotic implication that witnessing your kids to subjective obscenity is even in the same vein as murdering them.

Label the relevant statutes that were violated *at this show*, provide actual proof, and then you have a point. Until then, the only obscenity laws that I saw violated were the folks on your side of the street repeatedly yelling the word "f*ggots" in front of the six year olds they bussed in with them.
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Maybe all of you pearl clutching twats should move to Florida.
Nope, (I mean I would LOVE to, might do so when I retire); but our short term plan is to elect DeSantis President in 2024, totally replace the left learning bureaucrats in the executive branch, and effectively turn the other 49 states INTO Florida 😂
You will absolutely LOVE it here
Nope, (I mean I would LOVE to, might do so when I retire); but our short term plan is to elect DeSantis President in 2024, totally replace the left learning bureaucrats in the executive branch, and effectively turn the other 49 states INTO Florida 😂
You will absolutely LOVE it here

I applaud your optimism, delusional as it may be.
Nope, (I mean I would LOVE to, might do so when I retire); but our short term plan is to elect DeSantis President in 2024, totally replace the left learning bureaucrats in the executive branch, and effectively turn the other 49 states INTO Florida 😂
You will absolutely LOVE it here
There was a scene in Yellowstone where newly elected John Dutton where he looks into a room and told the meeting was if his policy advisors. He ask a couple of questions and realizes they were incapable of making a well thought out decision so he fired the entire lot…..we should be so lucky as to elect a president that would do the same
There was a scene in Yellowstone where newly elected John Dutton where he looks into a room and told the meeting was if his policy advisors. He ask a couple of questions and realizes they were incapable of making a well thought out decision so he fired the entire lot…..we should be so lucky as to elect a president that would do the same

Can you imagine if the world held a world leaders draft, where Biden would get drafted?
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It does look like some aim to insult the religious while celebrating their lifestyle. But I believe that's a minority of those with that lifestyle, and it doesn't amount to 'our society' doing it.
Other than the fall of the Western Roman Empire, what are other historical examples of things not ending well for amoral societies?
Sodom and Gomorrah come to mind😄. Then there’s the entire world population around the time of Noah ( the ark thing).
Sodom and Gomorrah come to mind😄. Then there’s the entire world population around the time of Noah ( the ark thing).
Biblically speaking, Babylon is another example. Carthage with its human and child sacrifice is another. The thing that makes Rome the perfect case study is that, right before their fall, they were unassailable militarily, economically, or diplomatically. Just like the US after WWII (and even more so after the collapse of the Soviet Union), there was no power on earth that could contest them from without. But from the height of their power under Hadrian and Trajan, they collapsed in just over 200 years due to their own devices until they were overrun by wandering tribes that crossed a border that could no longer be defended. The moral decay and corruption did what no foreign army had been able to do in 800 years:

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