Lakers/Vols Knecht-ion

A role player is a person who actually plays regular minutes. the 6th 7th 8th man. A developmental player is someone that you get in when you can during blowouts end of games

Well, thank you for saving from reading all that. When you play doesn't determine what your role is. How you are used when you play determines your role. It's built into the word role. If you got the lead in a play and somebody asked you what your role is and you answered, "I'm in it regularly." they would be puzzled. They're asking you if you're Mercutio, buddy.

A developmental guy is a guy you think will be something much more than he is now, so you invest coaching, training, and even minutes and game opportunities he doesn't deserve, like when Kobe (the version you think was a role player) air-balled a bunch of late-game shots in the playoffs with Shaq on his team.

Literally, nobody knew what Giannis was. They didn't know what his role would be. He's the prototypical developmental player....just draft a 6' 9" kid and see what happens. They didn't know if his future was as a rim runner, a 3 and D SF, and I'm pretty sure they weren't expecting him to be the point forward he became. They just threw him minutes and saw what happened.

But that's OK. You can use the words however you want, and we don't have to argue about Gilbert and Kobe and these guys.
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Well, thank you for saving from reading all that. When you play doesn't determine what your role is. How you are used when you play determines your role. It's built into the word role. If you got the lead in a play and somebody asked you what your role is and you answered, "I'm in it regularly." they would be puzzled. They're asking you if you're Mercutio, buddy.

A developmental guy is a guy you think will be something much more than he is now, so you invest coaching, training, and even minutes and game opportunities he doesn't deserve, like when Kobe (the version you think was a role player) air-balled a bunch of late-game shots in the playoffs with Shaq on his team.

Literally, nobody knew what Giannis was. They didn't know what his role would be. He's the prototypical developmental player....just draft a 6' 9" kid and see what happens. They didn't know if his future was as a rim runner, a 3 and D SF, and I'm pretty sure they weren't expecting him to be the point forward he became. They just threw him minutes and saw what happened.

But that's OK. You can use the words however you want, and we don't have to argue about Gilbert and Kobe and these guys.
Umm milwaukee knew who he was thats why they drafted him at 15 lol its not like he got drafted in the second round or something. Did they know he'd be an MVP, probably not but they knew he was someone they wanted and they developed him just like most teams do with midround picks. Plug them into a role and let them earn the spot.

The end game is this... DK won't be a starter for the Lakers unless there is a serious move on the roster and/or he plays out of his mind and takes the choice out of their hands like Lemon Daddy did (FYI he is still not a full-time starter as of end of last season). If he is a regular starter the Lakers are not likely gonna be a playoff team. His offense is awesome but until he proves he can be a +defender his offense isn't gonna be good enough first year in the NBA to overpower that. Summer League will tell the story if he does ok in Summer League that's a good sign, if he is like Summer League MVP he is destined for the bench. History has shown the guys that show out in summer league are rarely stars or starters. The NBA game and the college game are 2 different games completely. It takes time to adjust. For DK I really am rooting on me being wrong. I love him as a player and I love the Lakers so I could want nothing more than him being the next great thing. I pray I'm wrong. But I think he is gonna take time and him being a starter is not on schedule for what the Lakers are trying to do. He made great strides on defense at UT and has the tools to guard 2-3.
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Umm milwaukee knew who he was thats why they drafted him at 15 lol its not like he got drafted in the second round or something. Did they know he'd be an MVP, probably not but they knew he was someone they wanted and they developed him just like most teams do with midround picks. Plug them into a role and let them earn the spot.

If Milwaukee knew who he was, they would have traded up to ensure they didn't lose one of the greatest players of all time to chance.

If anybody in Milwaukee claims to know who he was, they are totally FoS. He became who he was because he grew 2" and gained 50 lbs of pure muscle over several years. He went from a twig to one of the biggest beasts in the league, and there is no precedent for this. No one could see that coming, and you can't plan for him to be this guy if he's still the same size as Brandon Ingram.
I dont think you ever watched a game in the 80s or 90s.. Queen James couldn't flop when someone touched his head .. they would have knocked it off.. your take is horrible

Do people not realize that if you put LeBron growing up at a point in time that he is in his prime in the late 80's that he likely is a much tougher player and probably dominates because there was nobody on the planet with his blend of size, skill, speed and athleticism?

Magic playing PG at 6'8 is closest comparison I can think of for someone that size with playmaking ability but he wasn't close to the athletic freak LeBron has been. I think a tough-guy 80's LeBron would have been every bit as much of a cheat code as he has been in his career, maybe moreso. And are we really going to act like being considered the 2nd best player behind MJ is not a phenomenal achievement?

I loved MJ but LeBron trumps him physically.... it's the mentality that makes MJ the more lethal and driven competitor. Put LeBron growing up in the late 60's -70's and it's very likely he becomes one of the most physically tough players in history and dominates.
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Hilarious to refer to "defense" in NBA. Don't watch their game, but I hope DK does well.

You wouldn't know if you don't watch. Perimeter defense is at an all-time high demand. People think guys in the NBA aren't playing good D, but the truth is that defense is much harder in the pace and space era. You used to be able to hide bad defenders because you only had to defend at about 17' and in. Now they're defending at 25'. I think JJ Redick said they are defending something like 23% more area than they were just 10 years ago.

So if Knecht is a statue on defense and can't make the rotations, this is the worst era he could play in because teams will pick on him and cook him.

FTR, I think he's going to be a solid defender because he'll figure out the rotations.
Do people not realize that if you put LeBron growing up at a point in time that he is in his prime in the late 80's that he likely is a much tougher player and probably dominates because there was nobody on the planet with his blend of size, skill, speed and athleticism?

Magic playing PG at 6'8 is closest comparison I can think of for someone that size with playmaking ability but he wasn't close to the athletic freak LeBron has been. I think a tough-guy 80's LeBron would have been every bit as much of a cheat code as he has been in his career, maybe moreso. And are we really going to act like being considered the 2nd best player behind MJ is not a phenomenal achievement?

I loved MJ but LeBron trumps him physically.... it's the mentality that makes MJ the more lethal and driven competitor. Put LeBron growing up in the late 60's -70's and it's very likely he becomes one of the most physically tough players in history and dominates.

Lebron weighs the same as Karl Malone did and then he's one of the most explosive and fastest players in the league. It makes no sense. He runs like a WR and jumps like Dr. J at Karl Malone's size. It's insane.

Jordan had an edge in his era because nobody was ready to defend a big guard who could slash and score over the top of you like he would, plus the D.

If you take 2017 Lebron and time travel him to the NBA in 1991, nobody will have answers for him. However, if Lebron is a guy who came up in that era, they probably just try to make him be Shawn Kemp or something like that. Who knows what he actually becomes. I just know he's not going to have a problem with the physicality.
Lebron weighs the same as Karl Malone did and then he's one of the most explosive and fastest players in the league. It makes no sense. He runs like a WR and jumps like Dr. J at Karl Malone's size. It's insane.

Jordan had an edge in his era because nobody was ready to defend a big guard who could slash and score over the top of you like he would, plus the D.

If you take 2017 Lebron and time travel him to the NBA in 1991, nobody will have answers for him. However, if Lebron is a guy who came up in that era, they probably just try to make him be Shawn Kemp or something like that. Who knows what he actually becomes. I just know he's not going to have a problem with the physicality.

Spot on post. Magic playing PG and the fact that LeBron still would have handled the ball in high school are two reasons that I think he still would have been a point forward, even in the '80s. There would have been at least a couple of coaching staffs that would have not tried to limit him to a post player. You also mentioned Shawn Kemp and he was my second favorite player growing up. That's interesting that you bring him up because they are very similar in size and Kemp was also amazing in transition. He could not handle the ball like LeBron but he could handle it and could jump out of the gym. The lob from Gary Payton to Kemp that he threw down and held on with one hand to spin all the way around the rim is one of my all time favorite in-game dunks. And there were quite a few other dunks that were up there with it. I was bummed that Supersonics team never got a championship....might have kept their franchise in Seattle and they had a hell of a roster. The Western Conference was just brutal in the 90's and had a ton of great teams that blocked them.

Portland, Houston and later on San Antonio kept them from more success. Portland with Drexler and Sabonis gave Seattle fits, Houston with Hakeem and company with also having Drexler later on was a bad matchup and then Pop got the Spurs going and the Lakers were close behind.

The one time that Seattle actually broke through they went up against Jordan and the Bulls.
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You wouldn't know if you don't watch. Perimeter defense is at an all-time high demand. People think guys in the NBA aren't playing good D, but the truth is that defense is much harder in the pace and space era. You used to be able to hide bad defenders because you only had to defend at about 17' and in. Now they're defending at 25'. I think JJ Redick said they are defending something like 23% more area than they were just 10 years ago.

So if Knecht is a statue on defense and can't make the rotations, this is the worst era he could play in because teams will pick on him and cook him.

FTR, I think he's going to be a solid defender because he'll figure out the rotations.
'K,,,enjoy watching. I'll opt out.

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