Latest Coronavirus - Yikes

What are the estimated death tolls if Trump had waited until after Feb 29th (a full month) when Fauci was telling America not to change a thing? I'm gonna bet it's way more than have or will die from the Wuhan Red Death. How many lives are you personally willing to give Trump credit for saving?


But then costing 25,000 due to his inaction afterward.
You can take snippets out of context all you'd like. For every comment of Trump which admits the severity of things, I can find 20 to offset it where he minimized it, and minimized it DESPITE knowing better.

See, that's the difference. Its one thing for news reporters and commentators WHO DON"T HAVE REASON TO KNOW BETTER to have underestimated it. Trump had direct, AMPLE reason and information to know what was on the horizon.

He went the anti-science, pro business route. It has been his way for decades and certainly as President. No one is surprised by it, but he is going to be held to account.
lmfaooooooooo. Zero self awareness.
Some “back of the napkin” calculations from NYC....

106,813 cases/8,500,000 people = 1.2% pop

6182 deaths/106,813 cases = 5.7% deaths

128 deaths <65 without medical comorbidities/6182 deaths = 2%

So...128/8,500,000 = 0.00001% (1:100,000) of people <65 without medical issues chance of death in NYC.
We must keep the country shutdown, maybe forever
If it’s true we have to hit them, hell the world has to take action. That is exactly why no government will let that intelligence get out to the public.
All we can do is hope for whistle-blowers to reveal the truth.

It's sad that our media is compromised by the Chinese and will turn the other way. They're more concerned about some Trump tweet.
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But then costing 25,000 due to his inaction afterward.
So he's responsible for all deaths after those 3? Him alone? I guess he does have "absolute authority" then? Oh, he doesn't, that's right. So it must follow that he doesn't have absolute responsibility, now doesn't it? Come on, man.

Do you actually believe the tripe you just posted?
If that's true, there should be hell to pay for China.

I think we should hit them where it really hurts: their wallet. Let's bring manufacturing back to the US.

We should do this regardless.
That's a good idea on the surface. Uh, where are we going to get factory workers to make tennis shoes for $2.00 per hour. Of course we could pay them a living wage and pay $400.00 for the shoes. Plus we were basically at full employment before Covid. We'll have to import millions of people to work in factories and distribution if we return all manufacturing to the US. Maybe you meant manufacturing of essential goods.
The voters will do so. Have to have faith that people have had enough of this clown show. If not, they get what they deserve.
It took the voters in Florida a while to figure out Alan Grayson was a walking, talking turd sandwich. Robert Byrd and Ted Kennedy died while in office. So, voters seem to love a clown show no matter the party affiliation.
Just wanna let everyone know that, by the power vested in me by the US Constitution, I'm authorizing you to post on the VN politics forum.

The ones that balk at reopening will have a hard time getting anything from Trump -- Im looking at you Pritzker
So Sweden.

They have posted some nice low death numbers past few days. I think something like 20, 12, and 17.

Then posted a frigging 114 today. That is worrisome. Hard to nail down accurate info but I've read some of that 114 is just delayed numbers coming out of Easter weekend.
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I went on a beer and dinner run a couple of hours ago and listened to some of the presser while in the car.
Trump is the exact opposite of what is needed......but no surprise there.
He spent his time berating reporters, the media, states, governors, the previous administration, and WHO.
He took responsibility for absolutely nothing. He claimed everything he has done is great.
That's Trump......blame others, accept no responsibility, never apologize, never admit fault, gaslight, and willingly lie.
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