Latest Coronavirus - Yikes

Dateline, Birmingham. Local perverted college faculty professor brought up on obscenity and sexual harassment charges. When the deviant was asked to account for his behavior, he said, "they're all adults". As he was dragged away in handcuffs wearing a tattered bathrobe to an awaiting police cruiser, he was clearly heard repeating, "that''re opinion, man".

no need to drag up my past - I served my time
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WHO Chief Said In February Coronavirus Could Be ‘Controlled Easily’ And Praised Xi Jinping’s ‘Personal Leadership’

  • World Health Organization Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus praised Chinese President Xi Jinping’s “personal leadership” during an early February speech before the WHO executive board.
  • There were 151 confirmed coronavirus cases outside China at the time Tedros delivered his speech on Feb. 3, a number he said would have been “very much higher” had it not been for “China’s efforts.”
World Health Organization Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus said during a speech in early February that the spread of coronavirus outside China could be “controlled easily” thanks, in part, to the Chinese government’s efforts to contain the virus.


Tedros made the claim during a speech before the WHO executive board on Feb. 3, a week after he had met in person with Chinese President Xi Jinping. At the time of his speech, there were 151 confirmed coronavirus cases and one death outside of China.

WHO Chief Said In February Coronavirus Could Be ‘Controlled Easily’ And Praised Xi Jinping’s ‘Personal Leadership’

Thanks for bringing the information you bring. Very relative material and you are doing it constantly.👍
McDad - How much was it?
McDad - How much was it?
McDad - How much was it?
Luther - Look it up if you're that curious.
McDad - I am moving on.
Luther - WTH????

Dude, you're posting links and excerpts from your "sources". Pardon me for thinking those sources might have contained some actual facts of the baseline as well as the increased amount which was doodley didley denied.
Dude, you're posting links and excerpts from your "sources". Pardon me for thinking those sources might have contained some actual facts of the baseline as well as the increased amount which was doodley didley denied.
The concept of reducing waste, allocating funds where necessary, and budgetary discipline is lost on some. The only option they see is increased budgets. That goes for both parties and agencies. As well as the military. It’s absurd.
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Dude, you're posting links and excerpts from your "sources". Pardon me for thinking those sources might have contained some actual facts of the baseline as well as the increased amount which was doodley didley denied.

What's crazy is he posted it and the started in to the home run trot and only realized when the shortstop told him on his way to 3rd base that he had struck out.
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The concept of reducing waste, allocating funds where necessary, and budgetary discipline is lost on some. The only option they see is increased budgets. That goes for both parties and agencies. As well as the military. It’s absurd.
true. But if the pre approved budget was tree fiddy, i could see Luther's point.
I’ve felt like she’s led from without vs within this whole time. Led like she knew the cameras were on her and someone was keeping score. She has made multiple wrong turns. It’s off. Few governors have made it so blatantly political.

With that said, there is also a strong Detroit is Detroit and then there is Michigan attitude in a lot of Michigan. It’s bad down there but I think a lot of the state resents any restrictions on them just because it is so bad down there. And there is logic to that. But I never liked the attitude of Detroit vs Michigan.
No different than most other places. Memphis (and just recently Nashville) vs rural Tennessee... ATL vs the rest of GA, NYC vs Upstate NY. Metro areas are more liberal and require more government services. The divide is simple and easy to understand and if people would be mature and grown up about things, we could have a healthy and constructive dialogue about how to manage the two. But since everything falls along political lines, it will be hard for rural GOPers to understand the needs of city dwellers and for liberal city dwellers to understand the need of rural folk.
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I get it but from the article it sounds like they are counting it even without any testing.

My bigger beef is that without standards of what should count and what doesn't then you have a lack of reliability in the data regardless of the validity of the measure.

At a minimum the US should adopt standard recording to establish measure reliability.

Yes, at the direction of the CDC examiners have been listing COVID as the cause of death even though there was no test if they determine COVID was likely (that can be autopsy, exam, review of symptoms and medical history, interviews, and contact tracing).

Up to now NY was ignoring those.

So, yes, now they would be counting deaths without a positive test.

I was just saying I’m fine with putting those numbers out there but I would feel better if they were put out there in a separate category.

Also - why not test these people? For goodness sake going forward get the tests!

This happens in flu too. We will have something like 8000 lab-confirmed flu deaths at the end of the season, the official count by modeling ends up being like 25-40k deaths. I think medical examiners can list flu or probable flu in the same way if they suspect it and the CDC collects those death codes.

But with the intense focus on these numbers, I’m more in favor of keeping it in its own category and try to make that category small by testing the dead.
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It seems the budgets were quite large. At least that’s my take away. A quick read. CDC has $4.3 billion for infectious disease study and equipment purchasing.

Coronavirus and NIH/CDC Funding

Only 4.3 Billion? It's a wonder everyone in America isn't keeled over.

What's the budget to make me feel safe again, vfh???
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