Latest Coronavirus - Yikes

The last time someone seriously proposed balanced budgets, they were derided for hating poor people and wanting to kill old folks. Hell, the last government shutdowns we've would have thought 75% of the country starved to death.
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agree with almost all.

The economy was fine but the lack of attention on our massive debt (which has been growing for decades and not the fault of any one president or party) was/is a problem.
I loved that he was cutting budgets to all these government agencies but then he just turned around and spent more and more.
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WTH??????? you said socialism corrupted capitalism.
I said capitalism failed at eliminating the need for economic socialism.
Please explain this "false premise" I bought into; this should be fascinating.

Capitalism let's things, people, ideas, fail. There is no "too big to fail" or "no child left behind" or "social blankets".

Under capitalism you can expect people, ideas, things to fall thru the cracks. You can expect the whole system to go thru highs and lows. Its mimicking the natural cycle of life. And over the long term that allows things to naturally evolve into a better thing. And it's all driven by things internal to the system going thru natural processes, highs and lows. In a perfect capitalistic system your place in the world is driven almost entirely by what you do. Corporation gets greedy and just pays dividends to shareholders then faces economic calamity, it falls. Down with the greedy. If someone applies themselves and creates something nice they get to profit, no matter their skin color or upbringing. Capitalism doesnt care, it's a process.

Our government (socialism) has inserted any number of corruptions into the system. Red tapes that favor corporations vs small guys, keeping the small small, and the big big. Bailouts, handouts, subsidies, again favor the big vs the small. Taxes again favor the big vs the small just like individual taxes do. Because the government, socialism, tied itself to these big guys it has become inter-dependent on each other. To the point it's hard to say who is buying who. And that means we now have corporations, and government entities " too big to fail". That's all because of socialism. Under capitalism the government wouldnt care one iota if Delta failed because they refuse to reinvest money in its company.

And thus Deltas hypothetical misdoings wouldnt be tied to the public support and those who.made bad decisions would be punished with failure. That begins to create a pattern of bad behavior being punished, and good behavior rewarded, all without trying public interests into it.

Instead, what we have because of the government performing socialistic interventions is that the bad behavior never gets punished. The natural cycle never completes, and we are stuck on the edge of collapse. Technically socialism should be able to fix the issues, but we have seen time and again it's easier for the government to literally just make up money than deal with reality and allow the bad behaviors to be punished. Why? Because they are getting kick backs, donations, cushy jobs for them and their family.

So instead of small corrections under capitalism we get apocalyptic socialist responses like shutting down the economy then trying to pretend we didnt with trillion dollar stimulus checks. That again dont actually fix the underlying problem, so once one batch of made up money is gone, the problem comes back. And the government and idiots who dont understand the situation act shocked and say well we have to do "something, for the greater good". Ignoring that it was similar measures that got us here.

I would much prefer the small pain of capitalism vs economy ending disasters of socialism.
Not tracking specific to these facilities. You know, the ones that contain our most vulnerable population I shared living spaces.
The facilities themselves report directly to the state health board any death and especially any suspected covid death.
I guess it's time to once again point out that...............
The rate of increase in deficit spending is ALWAYS less under Democratic administrations.
Trump not only continues that trend but solidifies it. That was true even before Covid-19.

When I took civics I learned that Congress has the power of spending.
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I hate Trump and think he's horrible.
You love Trump and think he's great.
Blah, blah, blah.........
You think my desire to see him removed from office is borderline treasonous.
I think your continued support is borderline treasonous.
blah, blah, blah..........
This was all clearly evident and predictable from the moment he won the nomination.
Regardless, I'm hoping the country returns to "normal" ASAP. I'm on the "we have to be willing to take reasonable risks" train.
The debate over Trump's performance during this is a bore - I give him a D.

Nonsense; this isn't political infighting over a nomination or a border wall. You seem not to understand WTH is at stake right now, and has nothing to do with thinking Trump is "great". You're so accustomed to frivolous daily indulgence, you've no discretion left.

Using *this* crisis and economic fallout via a blatantly false narrative, is a big "F you" to the nation and for purely the gain of the party. That's Soviet and Chicom style propaganda. In fact, the left is carrying China's water in this misinformation campaign.

And your D grade applies to the entire team, but no one more than the "experts" who advise him.
The facilities themselves report directly to the state health board any death and especially any suspected covid death.

Apparently that one didn’t.

Then there is this discrepancy... Conflicts between some local coroners and Pennsylvania's health department over COVID-19 deaths

And this one... Coronavirus: 700 residents in Ohio long-term care facilities have COVID-19, deaths not disclosed

Oh, and what did you say about adequate tracking?...Thousands have died in nursing homes around the U.S. But the federal gov't isn’t tracking them.
The last time someone seriously proposed balanced budgets, they were derided for hating poor people and wanting to kill old folks. Hell, the last government shutdowns we've would have thought 75% of the country starved to death.

What irony that was more than 20 years ago and that Clinton was credited.

For being dragged kicking and screaming to the balanced budget table by a Repub congress.
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I kinda feel like when the parties work together, things get worse. It scares me when there is panic (like post 911) and they two parties find unity. We got ridiculous wars and "security theater" called the TSA in addition to other liberty trampled.

I think gridlock was an intentional value-add of the constitution.

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