Latest Coronavirus - Yikes

Don't remember that specific episode but I'm fairly certain Archie was written as a staunch republican.
Hardly, he was a union member living in Queens. Doubtful at that time he would have voted for anyone with an R by his name. Meanwhile his unemployed, freeloading son in law was a bleeding heart liberal. During that period we still lived in a period of working people and hippies. I long for those days. AITF was an overly exaggerated microcosm of life then.
No, he's f'ed up everything he's done since the COVID-19 crisis hit us.

Eh he certainly has had some moments and phrases that I’m sure he would like to have back but hey this is Trump the dude is a loose cannon with his words. Outside of that I believe he has done well in this and personally I think him calling out governors and some of their actions was spot on.

The absolute best thing he could’ve done though was completely stop all international travel into the US when word got out at how bad this thing spread in China. But this would’ve been met with massive resistance from the other side and he would’ve been called every “ist” in the book.

From here on out though play #1 in the presidential playbook should be to shut down all international travel immediately. We have oceans in between us and this would have given us more time to see how it was playing out in foreign countries and devise a better game plan.
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I went to the one in Atlanta a couple of times a good while back. I didn't want anything I could afford and couldn't afford anything I might have wanted.

What do you mean? Just put it on your card....

I think I had the same experience years back. Was a walkthrough to another part of a mall or something.

Anyways, I'd hate to see Macy's fall, because they have good sh!t that goes on sale, fairly reliably.
I have no problem with it. I go to work. I can buy the food and insulin I need to survive. All of that sounds essential to me.

Tell that to the American people whose income has greatly been affected by this lockdown bs.

I have a good savings account or otherwise I would really be struggling with essentials. Millions of Americans who have had their income cut are struggling now, but hey as long as I get mines it’s ok.
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Serious question, when we get back to work, are employers going to allow people to stay at work that are deathly ill? I have had the flu 2 times my life, both times caught it from people that sat next to me or came in my office and coughed and hacked on me. Had those people been required to go home instead of encouraged to work through it I would never had gotten sick.

I would suspect most companies will have an illness policy that requires people to exclude if they have dry cough, fever, or shortness of breath. The real question is will people follow it.

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