Latest Coronavirus - Yikes

Yes, they all relate to the stupidity of this Trump movement to "save" the economy. It had nothing to do with section 8 housing and playing dominoes.

Actually it had to do with Trump supporters going out in public and you wishing they would all wear red hats so you could identify them . Don’t get your panties bunched , just because I used what I saw as an example of non Trump supporters doing the same thing .
One last comment: Something I think is often lost in this debate is that the majority of the time your doctor doesn’t actually know what’s wrong with. They simply describe something with antibiotic or antiviral properties (or both like a Z pack). So when people say “this wasn’t approved for corona virus” they miss how common this practice is. Given that your doctor often doesn’t know the exact virus or bacteria you’re infected with

Actually prescribing off label is common because the side effects of a medication often lead to intended reactions but for something the drug wasn't intended for and for which the drug wasn't studied against. "People aren't just saying "this wasn't approved for Corona", they're also pointing out that the side effects (heart arrhythmias) could outweigh the ANECDOTAL evidence of the effectiveness against Covid-19.

Bacterial infections can be titrated (Minimum Inhibitory Concentration) against different medications so that the prescribing physician will know what the lowest effective dose of a given Rx will work against an infection. Though in practice, MIC's are rarely acquired, lots of MD's just prescribe broad spectrum antibiotics in hopes that the splash damage from the howitzer shell kills the rat. The dark side of this is that we're running out of effective antibiotics because the bugs are becoming resistant to them due to the over prescription and failure by the patient to take the full course.

Antivirals don't work the same way.
Ah yes, the all tolerant left making a mockery out of religion. BTW, who are you to tell me how to worship? Fellowship? Or anything else

I think this is why the other poster called you out for pretending to be a victim.

You're not.
I inferred that, too.

2% mortality versus cases.
And that's of the number that tested positive.

Its .5% of the number tested. You take those numbers to who hasnt been tested and we are probably looking at .05% or less that die from this.

The 2% gets thrown around a lot, and no one ever bothers to mention the numbers behind it. Again stats can lie just as much as anything else.
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Ah yes, the all tolerant left making a mockery out of religion. BTW, who are you to tell me how to worship? Fellowship? Or anything else
Have you read the Bible?
5 “And when you pray, do not be like the hypocrites, for they love to pray standing in the synagogues and on the street corners to be seen by others. Truly I tell you, they have received their reward in full. 6 But when you pray, go into your room, close the door and pray to your Father, who is unseen. Then your Father, who sees what is done in secret, will reward you.

The Bible tells you how to worship, how to pray, how to be obedient.
Ridiculous. Fauci has zero knowledge or concern about the economy and is speaking of a worse case scenario. There needs to be some actual critical thinking happening wrt opening up. Hopefully Trump hasn't fired all those capable of it

Yep. The rhetoric Trump uses matters, despite the partisan blind defense of him that “it doesn’t hurt anything”.

Without fail, literally everything he says in his briefings is either great or awful. There is no middle ground or room for moderate interpretation. And aside from the fact it makes it difficult to moderate anything he says, it creates legitimate confusion as to what the real story is or what he is really thinking.
If God is "everywhere", why is it so hard to watch the message of the good word being streamed live? I'm sure the church can pass the proverbial go fund me link instead of an offering plate. Apparently, the personal relationships with the savior requires meeting up with others with personal relationships for it to be effective.

I can see both sides of the argument because worshipping while gathering is so important to millions of people. The “temporary norm” is tough for many to deal with right now. However, God expects the multitudes (referring to religious people) to also use common sense. I seriously doubt God is judging his followers who have elected to stay at home & worship instead of going to church. If anything, he is commending people for not going full retard & avoiding crowds.
Actually... there is something very real about being in the presence of other believers that many people need, so I wouldn’t totally discount it.

Fair enough, I'm all for people being able to assemble. However.... There's something very real about the spread of Covid-19 while in the presence of said people, I'm not saying they should not be allowed mind you. I'm just saying it's really, really stupid.

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