Latest Coronavirus - Yikes

That would be best. People don't even want to abide by a partial shut down. Basically we are prolonging this thing.
"Shelter in place" was always a pipe dream anyway. A crazy chunk of the population are deemed "essential workers" who have barely varied their routines.
You seriously are a sick individual, your hatred for Trump has you wishing death upon people.

It's not that I just wish it, I also hold ritualistic animal sacrifices as an offering to (all hail) Satan in hopes that his soul harvesting will, be done.

Don't judge me.
I can't believe that more people don't think about that. What the heck is going on when we've got a government that has the ability to hand out staggering amounts of cash to its citizens and businesses and effectively pick winners and losers? There's so much wrong with that.
I heard the $6k number recently and had to check it out. Crazy to think about

They aren't just picking winners, they fought for zero oversight or reporting. They literally said we're smarter/ more powerful than you so we're granting ourselves some magic money, spending it how we want and you won't ever know where it went.
If it's Gods will man. He has a plan for you, nothing I can do about it - certainly you don't believe my "hope" that the gene pool gets a splash of chlorine influences the omnipotent creator of the universe.

Do you?

I personally believe in natural selection and a strengthening of the gene pool . We should probably both be glad god doesn’t listen to our stupid ideas , because his idea of the ones making that list and ours are probably a lot different .
I think it's less about being together as much as it's the entitlement and privilege they believe they are due. How dare anyone try to restrict 'them'.
So whats your stance on all of this, why are we all locked down? Aren't we just moving the date and delaying the inevitable? Social distancing and lock downs don't rid the world of Covid19. How long would you suggest we stay locked down?
well, I am doing what the Bible says. I was able to "attend" Church yesterday in my home with my family. Your Church don't live stream? There are plenty of inspired sermons on Youtube. Stop crying, no one is taking away your right to worship. Anne Frank hid in an attic for two years, and you people are crying about a month of places being partially closed. Cut or color your own damn hair. Cook at home. Spend time with your family.
Funny you mention the Anne Frank comparison
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That would be best. People don't even want to abide by a partial shut down. Basically we are prolonging this thing.
Because they understand that for a large % of the population the chance is remote this will affect them. You also build no immunity if there is no exposure and we can't hide forever. Pretext the most vulnerable and realize some will die just like they do every year from a sickness we have vaccines for. You don't crater the world economy because a tiny % more will die this year than last year
That would be best. People don't even want to abide by a partial shut down. Basically we are prolonging this thing.
We have conveniently Monday morning QB'd the initial reason for social distancing and essential business guidelines. It wasn't meant to shorten the duration. Quite the opposite.
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I'll only judge you if I see you doing it without gloves, a mask and ample hand sanitizer.

I judged him because he bought that cheap azz plastic altar from China and somehow bought a Pakistani made knife .
The white guy that says racism is an excuse, or the man that says abortion should be illegal. Everyone has the right to voice their opinion. All I see is people crying about going to Church or getting their haircut, or going to sit down to have a burger and beer. I feel sorry for the people that are losing income. Their needs to be something done for people that lost income. The $1200 is nothing more than minimum wage * 160.

I went to Lowe's and it was packed. Grocery store packed.

Yeah that one is hard to figure. Send a lot of people home because their business is not allowed to be open, only to have them all show up at Lowes and the grocery store together.
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Because they understand that for a large % of the population the chance is remote this will affect them. You also build no immunity if there is no exposure and we can't hide forever. Pretext the most vulnerable and realize some will die just like they do every year from a sickness we have vaccines for. You don't crater the world economy because a tiny % more will die this year than last year
The run and hide under the bed gimmick has grown tired
It's going to be hell when football season rolls around there's no football.
I don't think that is going to happen. Of course, I'm an opptomist.
I have a friend whose son plays for the Gators.
They were told there would be a tentative decision made on May 15th and a firm decision made on June 15th.
Possibility of moving the college football season to the spring, but more likely to be played this fall as scheduled.
The white guy that says racism is an excuse, or the man that says abortion should be illegal. Everyone has the right to voice their opinion. All I see is people crying about going to Church or getting their haircut, or going to sit down to have a burger and beer. I feel sorry for the people that are losing income. Their needs to be something done for people that lost income. The $1200 is nothing more than minimum wage * 160.

I went to Lowe's and it was packed. Grocery store packed.
So why are you hanging out in packed places? Isn't that going against everything you're b!tching at everyone else for wanting to do?
Ghost Vol demands to know what is an acceptable number of deaths.

How much thinning is acceptable to you?

I'll need to know the mathematical formula that will allow for a reasonable estimation of the number of deaths to the probability of me getting into the Neyland Sky Boxes for a reasonable cost.
I don't think that is going to happen. Of course, I'm an opptomist.
I have a friend whose son plays for the Gators.
They were told there would be a tentative decision made on May 15th and a firm decision made on June 15th.
Possibility of moving the college football season to the spring, but more likely to be played this fall as scheduled.
I think they will play but there will be some changes to how things are done.

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