Latest Coronavirus - Yikes

Because they understand that for a large % of the population the chance is remote this will affect them. You also build no immunity if there is no exposure and we can't hide forever. Pretext the most vulnerable and realize some will die just like they do every year from a sickness we have vaccines for. You don't crater the world economy because a tiny % more will die this year than last year
Coronavirus: Herd immunity, vaccines will determine COVID second wave
So whats your stance on all of this, why are we all locked down? Aren't we just moving the date and delaying the inevitable? Social distancing and lock downs don't rid the world of Covid19. How long would you suggest we stay locked down?

The concerns have been fairly consistent. There is no denying that people working in close contact need to have some level of protection to prevent the spread. PPE, disinfectants, and testing have been and still are the hurdles. Disinfectants seem to be more ubiquitous, but we'll need quite the stockpile moving forward.
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I don't think that is going to happen. Of course, I'm an opptomist.
I have a friend whose son plays for the Gators.
They were told there would be a tentative decision made on May 15th and a firm decision made on June 15th.
Possibility of moving the college football season to the spring, but more likely to be played this fall as scheduled.
If it happens, It would probably be without fans.
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The concerns have been fairly consistent. There is no denying that people working in close contact need to have some level of protection to prevent the spread. PPE, disinfectants, and testing have been and still are the hurdles. Disinfectants seem to be more ubiquitous, but we'll need quite the stockpile moving forward.
I understand the concerns and I believe we should be taking some precautions especially with those who are most affected by the virus. However at some point we have to come out of hiding, so far all the science behind this has been wrong and that has people losing faith in what they're being told.
So whats your stance on all of this, why are we all locked down? Aren't we just moving the date and delaying the inevitable? Social distancing and lock downs don't rid the world of Covid19. How long would you suggest we stay locked down?

The social distancing isn't meant to rid, it's meant to slow the rate of transmission so that our healthcare system isn't overburdened. It has, for the most part - worked. In the meantime, it's allowing for clinical studies and the ramping up of critical infrastructure that is necessary to treat Covid-19, while buying time to explore alternative treatments, building herd immunity and creating a vaccine.

Your insistence of the need to "fellowship" with your "church family" is outweighed by the need for our healthcare infrastructure to get its legs under it.
I love the hardliners in here. I bet almost none bought 2 months of food and are really staying home the whole time.
Yeah I know..... I work in healthcare so I take extreme precautions bc of who I work with on a daily basis is at risk.... I get my groceries delivered or pickup.... the few times I have stopped by the store I wear an N95 mask and gloves..... I go to the grocery store that I know will not be as packed and stay away from people in general.... when I get off work..... I take my shoes off outside the door.... immediately walk in take a shower and place my clothes in the washer.... I have quarantined myself twice so far from the rest of my life when I thought I was at greater risk than others....I don’t see why it is so difficult to let normal healthy people work and live their life right now.... the other people at risk should stay on lock down.
Yeah I know..... I work in healthcare so I take extreme precautions bc of who I work with on a daily basis is at risk.... I get my groceries delivered or pickup.... the few times I have stopped by the store I wear an N95 mask and gloves..... I go to the grocery store that I know will not be as packed and stay away from people in general.... when I get off work..... I take my shoes off outside the door.... immediately walk in take a shower and place my clothes in the washer.... I have quarantined myself twice so far from the rest of my life when I thought I was at greater risk than others....I don’t see why it is so difficult to let normal healthy people work and live their life right now.... the other people at risk should stay on lock down.

My Kroger looks like a college game day almost all the time now.
The social distancing isn't meant to rid, it's meant to slow the rate of transmission so that our healthcare system isn't overburdened. It has, for the most part - worked. In the meantime, it's allowing for clinical studies and the ramping up of critical infrastructure that is necessary to treat Covid-19, while buying time to explore alternative treatments, building herd immunity and creating a vaccine.

Your insistence of the need to "fellowship" with your "church family" is outweighed by the need for our healthcare infrastructure to get its legs under it.
Just because I want to do something, doesn't mean I'm going to go do it. I said it the other day and I'll say it again, the folks who are protesting are coming across as mouth breathing idiots. Do I believe the social distancing has helped the medical community figure a few things out? Sure but I also believe science and projections failed in a lot of ways and that has people questioning things a bit. At some point, politics need to be put aside and a way forward needs to be presented but both sides seem to be delaying that. Here in Virginia, if I'm not mistaken we have the longest stay at home order to date which in June 10th. Our Governor also had UVA make up their own model and thats saying it won't peak here until August or September, so by that logic is the stay at home order even working?
I understand the concerns and I believe we should be taking some precautions especially with those who are most affected by the virus. However at some point we have to come out of hiding, so far all the science behind this has been wrong and that has people losing faith in what they're being told.

Sure, but I think the science needs to reach a consensus on a things such as viral load, immunity, seasonal decline etc.. Science will eventually give us some good answers, hopefully sooner than later. I don't think we are that far off.
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Sure, but I think the science needs to reach a consensus on a things such as viral load, immunity, seasonal decline etc.. Science will eventually give us some good answers, hopefully sooner than later. I don't think we are that far off.

There needs to be a solution soon and not because of the social inconveniences but because life can't sustain like this. I just wish both sides would stop the back and forth to work together. None of these politicians have our best interest in mind, they're pushing the agenda of those who have bought them, Trump included.
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I'm 70, and not really that worried about it. Life is full of risks. I know that I'm going to die at some point anyway. The odds of me dying from this is pretty slim. We have had 145 deaths from this in Tennessee out of 6 million people. In my county, 2 out of 65,000.
To add to this , almost half the deaths are in New York State, and over half of those in New York City. I guess when you live in an area where people are stacked on top of each other, with an underground, enclosed cesspool called the subway system, then you have a better chance of dying. The second biggest risk factor of dying, after old age, is obesity.

So, people get sick from something every day, and the real worry of this is dying. Just 1 in 13,000 people in the country, outside New York have died of this, and the vast majority of those had underlying health conditions. Is that worth destroying the livelihood of millions of people?
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No it didn't. You're basically relying on herd immunity, something we don't even have the data on yet, to make your whole assertion.
Says the guy making an assumption based on minimal testing.

A targeted approach instead of a dog in a thunderstorm reaction could have mitigated the economic impact and saved massive amounts of time. The vast majority will never even get sick
The #1 defender of CNN and the Democrats has arrived:rolleyes: At least your opinion is easily ignored because it's so predictable:D
It's an awkward "news" broadcast trying to make money off people like you who yearn for their daily confirmation bias. I even made it thru the initial product pitch where the overweight guy directed people to the wrong health website. It was HS level at best

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