Latest Coronavirus - Yikes

Between this and the Gilead therapeutic they developed, along with continuing reasonable social distancing/sanitation measures, I hope this continues to flatten the curve, create a downward trend wrt the virus so we can then we can focus on how to distance ourselves from dependency on China. I hope we excoriate them publicly every chance we get, impose multi-lateral sanctions and lawsuits against them till the end of time over this.
Oh it's coming. President Trump will move forward on bringing essential products back.

What you need to watch is who pushes back against it. Because that is coming too.
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True, but once the virus got out they restricted wuhan residents from traveling within China..... but not elsewhere. They didn’t want to be the only country up the creek .....
Please tell me this isn’t true
I am not sure that is not a war declaration
The guy who currently has the keys, said that he had saved the lives of "billions" of people, in a country with a population of 332 million.... and Biden is the crazy one?

Keep trying. I love the one where you talk about him tweeting the Prince of Wales. He still knows who his wife is. You blindly following someone who at the very least is showing symptoms of dementia shows a couple things
1. Your partisanship knows no bounds
2 your family has never had to endure the pain that comes to a family who watches a loved one forget who their own children are.

So you do you. After watching my mom go through it with her dad.... This could go very wrong for the Biden family. But no one on the left cares if he can somehow pull a Dobbs/ Jennings miracle. Sad
Keep trying. I love the one where you talk about him tweeting the Prince of Wales. He still knows who his wife is. You blindly following someone who at the very least is showing symptoms of dementia shows a couple things
1. Your partisanship knows no bounds
2 your family has never had to endure the pain that comes to a family who watches a loved one forget who their own children are.

So you do you. After watching my mom go through it with her dad.... This could go very wrong for the Biden family. But no one on the left cares if he can somehow pull a Dobbs/ Jennings miracle. Sad
He didn't. Trump called Prince Charles "the Prince of Whales"... because he is an idiot. If Biden is showing signs of dementia, then so is Trump.
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We did the right thing, because if we didn't do it, we would have had a million people.. a million and a half people.. maybe two million people dead.
Ok. So how much longer can we go Dr Fauci? No wait Dr Fauci you don't know how the economy works so thanks for your work and how do we continue to keep those with underlying conditions from being exposed.
You sure about that? I just work here, but tend to defer to PhD level guys like Fauci.
The goal was to flatten the curve. By flattening it you do decrease deaths from lack of ventilators equipment etc.. You also reduce the number of people who would die of something like a heart attack but will now receive proper care. Hopefully now there won’t be a overrun of hospitals when this does spike again, which everyone agrees it will, because it will be more dragged out and not everyone all at once.
He didn't. Trump called Prince Charles "the Prince of Whales"... because he is an idiot. If Biden is showing signs of dementia, then so is Trump.

I’m not trying to defend only asking a question ... how many Americans would know if he is or isn’t the prince of Whales ? To be honest you could call him the prince of tea and I wouldn’t know the difference.
Michigan Governor Whitmer sets up coronavirus racial disparity task force

By Andrew O'Reilly | Fox News

Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer ordered on Monday the creation of a task force to investigate why the novel coronavirus has disproportionately affected the state’s African-American community.

“The COVID-19 pandemic has disproportionately impacted communities of color throughout our state,” Whitmer, a Democrat, said in her executive order. “For example, while African Americans represent 13.6 percent of our state’s population, they represent a staggering 40 percent of the deaths from COVID-19.”

Whitmer’s task force will investigate and study strategies to address the disparity as well as the historical and systematic inequalities pertaining to race that have amplified the death rate in the state’s black community.


Health conditions that exist at higher rates in the black community -- obesity, diabetes and asthma -- make African Americans more susceptible to the virus. They also are more likely to be uninsured, and often report that medical professionals take their ailments less seriously when they seek treatment.

“It’s America’s unfinished business -- we’re free, but not equal,” said civil rights leader Rev. Jesse Jackson. “There’s a reality check that has been brought by the coronavirus, that exposes the weakness and the opportunity.”

Michigan Governor Whitmer sets up coronavirus racial disparity task force
Ok. So how much longer can we go Dr Fauci? No wait Dr Fauci you don't know how the economy works so thanks for your work and how do we continue to keep those with underlying conditions from being exposed.

You see, that's what I'm not getting... Some people have claimed that they believe that 1 to 2 million lives have been saved by our shut down measures, while many here are saying that the same number of people that were going to die are still going to die, with or without the measures. So, who is right here?

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