Latest Coronavirus - Yikes

The goal was to flatten the curve. By flattening it you do decrease deaths from lack of ventilators equipment etc.. You also reduce the number of people who would die of something like a heart attack but will now receive proper care. Hopefully now there won’t be a overrun of hospitals when this does spike again, which everyone agrees it will, because it will be more dragged out and not everyone all at once.

Most health experts are in agreement that deaths will be down through August. Are you implying that they're won't be therapeutics discovered by then? Even the ones Dr Fauci wants "random clinical trials."
He didn't. Trump called Prince Charles "the Prince of Whales"... because he is an idiot. If Biden is showing signs of dementia, then so is Trump.
Hey, do you remember that speech on the 2000 campaign trail in which Al Gore talked about the "sidewinding Republicans"?
The only problem was he pronounced the word "wind" as a noun, e.g., the wind blowing outside, rather than as a verb, e.g., winding a watch.
I thought it was hilarious.
It didn't get a lot of playing time.
I like funnies.
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You see, that's what I'm not getting... Some people have claimed that they believe that 1 to 2 million lives have been saved by our shut down measures, while many here are saying that the same number of people that were going to die are still going to die, with or without the measures. So, who is right here?

I can more accurately answer this when I am working
By the way weren’t we told Kentucky was handling this so much better then Tennessee. Oops.
A lot of people may not realize how much more populated Tennessee is than Kentucky. Tennessee has close to 7 million people now. Kentucky's population is still around 4.6 million. Their population was 3.7 million in 1980. They aren't growing much at all. Middle Tennessee is booming.
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One obvious reason is that African Americans are more likely to have poorer underlying health issues (obesity, heart disease, COPD, diabetes) due to their diet and lifestyle choices mixed with hereditary issues

Could be. but might be as simple as being more likely to use mass transportation.
Most health experts are in agreement that deaths will be down through August. Are you implying that they're won't be therapeutics discovered by then? Even the ones Dr Fauci wants "random clinical trials."
I think all we have is hope on that front at this time

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