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I’ve got a better one. Riddle me this....

Three of your closest family members are locked in a room with 2000 doors. One door will kill ALL of them but the remaining 1,999 doors are safe doors. Open a safe door and everyone escapes.

Each week one more safe door is added.

After week 1, one of the people will he laid off indefinitely. After week 2, one of the people will lose the business they spent their lifetime building to bankruptcy and their 40 employees will be jobless. After week 3...we’ll nothing else happens...because person number 3 is getting a govt check worth more than they were making as a cashier at the local Dollar Tree.

Which week do you open the door and which door will you select?
Easy. Leave immediately.
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I'm not getting in to the dementia nonsense. Both major party candidates are pushing 80 and both sound like a word salad with the top of the blender removed while fervently attempting to pander to their respective bases.

I get how you can jump to a "they're both the same" Trump tweets the Prince of Whales and Joe forgot his wife
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We Are Not Just Fighting a Pandemic, We Are Also Fighting To Keep Freedom Alive.

Conservatives should be wary of Democrats’ attempt to take advantage of human tragedy.

April 20, 2020

The toll of the human tragedy let in the wake of the coronavirus epidemic cannot be underestimated. Currently, there have been 764,177 confirmed cases of COVID-19, and 40,591 lives lost in the United States—and that number is rising by the hour. What’s more, we’re facing historic levels of unemployment as American states have locked down in order to stem the rate of contagion. Understandably, then, the pandemic has been compared to a war, and President Donald Trump, a wartime leader, has invoked the Defense Production Act.
And as America’s first responders scramble to make sure its hotspots receive the care and support they need, a new threat has emerged. (As though a global pandemic and economic meltdown were not enough).

See the thing about war is, it accelerates change in society—especially technological, political, and social change. The First World War upended an Edwardian Age that was Euro-centric and focused on Royal families that presumed their reigns would endure forever. It created a brutal Bolshevik regime in Russia that preyed upon wartime scarcity to offer a communist utopia. The Second World War made the United States a superpower and established the global duality of the Cold War that would only be altered by the collapse of the Soviet Union.

And the COVID-19 pandemic?

If we are not very, very cautious it could allow the Democratic Party to push through a flurry of socialist legislation and transform the political consciousness of the United States, perhaps unalterably, in ways that the extreme left yearns for.



We Are Not Just Fighting a Pandemic, We Are Also Fighting To Keep Freedom Alive.
We were all wild and crazy once when we were teenagers in high school. For my boy Pete, that meant writing a complimentary essay about the Bern. Also, he wasn't in college when he wrote that, just an fyi about misinformation rampant during the primary. He was at St. Joseph's in 2000.

I've read the essay a few times. You can see the desire for crossing the aisle, while admittedly he bought into the false promise of Bernie's populist policies as many do. I'm glad Pete moved past Bernie's particularly destructive style of populism that propelled Trump to the White House. It is a pretty good essay for a high school student.

2000 Winning Essay by Peter Buttigieg | JFK Library

I get he was in high school but wasn’t that to get a scholarship? I’m presuming he didn’t change his mind over the summer before heading off to Hahhvard.

Is what you just told me the standard line that was supposed to be given if someone asks? Was there a set of campaign talking points on how to address this question?
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You’re correct. I should have said cut in half their probability of dying.

1/30 vs 1/60
Yea, that's why I set it up with a diminishing return. That's pretty much the way it is with most things.
It's similar to the 80 / 20 rule.
Yea, that's why I set it up with a diminishing return. That's pretty much the way it is with most things.
It's similar to the 80 / 20 rule.

I encourage you to set up a model ad feed it the correct parameters to get this type of curve.

Share your results while claiming you have a model. You just might be able to influence some public policy.
I get how you can jump to a "they're both the same" Trump tweets the Prince of Whales and Joe forgot his wife
It is more than that. There are hours of video of both of them sounding like drunk guys trying to explain the finer points of fighting behind a Waffle House. Both of them are horrible, down right horrific public speakers. It is what it is.
It is more than that. There are hours of video of both of them sounding like drunk guys trying to explain the finer points of fighting behind a Waffle House. Both of them are horrible, down right horrific public speakers. It is what it is.

I fought Corn Pop behind the Waffle House off Papermill back in the day.
It is more than that. There are hours of video of both of them sounding like drunk guys trying to explain the finer points of fighting behind a Waffle House. Both of them are horrible, down right horrific public speakers. It is what it is.

I get it. I had to do the unthinkable when voting for Bob Dole John McCain she Mittens. It is not something you will ever forget
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I get he was in high school but wasn’t that to get a scholarship? I’m presuming he didn’t change his mind over the summer before heading off to Hahhvard.

Is what you just told me the standard line that was supposed to be given if someone asks? Was there a set of campaign talking points on how to address this question?
That was all me.
Riddle me this........
The three people you love most are detained in a room with two doors. One door lets you leave and the other door will trigger an explosive that will kill one of them,, maim one of the them, and leave the other unharmed.
They add a safe exit door every week.
So you have a 50% chance of picking the correct door in week one, a 67% chance in week two, a 75% chance in week three, etc...
There is a lessening increase in the probability of selecting a safe exit each week but there will never be a 100% guarantee of a safe exit. You have to select when they leave and by which door.

When do you tell them to leave?

That’s easy. When they add the safe exit door after week one, exit out that one. You know it’s safe because it’s not one of the first 2 exits LOL. Stupid Riddles are Stupid

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