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Andrew Cuomo: Donald Trump Right About Critics Playing ‘Blame Game’ During Coronavirus Pandemic

New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo (D) said Tuesday at a press conference he understood why President Donald Trump was frustrated by critics of his handling of the coronavirus.

“This is a situation that no matter however you do it, it’s going to be a blame game afterward,” Cuomo said. “I heard the president in his briefing the other day. He’s right.”

“This is one of those thankless tasks. Trust me,” Cuomo said. “It is one of those tasks when you get to the end of it, everybody is going to be able to say you didn’t do enough.”

Andrew Cuomo: Donald Trump Right About Critics Playing ‘Blame Game’
He's right and I actually think Cuomo has done a great job with limited space and a ton of people
With Coronavirus, Liberals Only Have Racism Left

Posted: Apr 21, 2020 12:01 AM

Every liberal attempted hit-job on President Donald Trump has fallen flat. “He acted too slowly!” was destroyed by a simple reciting of the facts (as evidenced here by Congressman Dan Crenshaw to a dumbfounded Bill Maher), “We were warning people while the White House did nothing!” was destroyed by simply playing clips of those same people downplaying coronavirus while President Trump was forming the task force and banning travel from China. You name the narrative and you can see it destroyed in real-time by playing video fo the very people making the charge being guilty of what they’re accusing the President of doing (is there a single New York City official who wasn’t encouraging people to go out, ride public transportation, attend parades, etc.?)

Being frustrated by the reality of their own words and actions has sent Democrats, both in and out of the media, scrambling for something else…and when Democrats get desperate they always return to their safe space of identity politics. When in doubt, cry racism.

As soon as the statistics by race were announced, it was obvious this was going to be a tactic. “Black people are disproportionately impacted by the coronavirus,” they cried. While just people were dying, they cared a little. When they could inject race into it, they cared a lot. Says something about people who care more about a pandemic only after they learn the race of those impacted.

With Coronavirus, Liberals Only Have Racism Left
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Vic dropping the truth hammer.

NSFW Language.

Seems logical. I’d also go for keeping the loan term the same and just spreading out the missed principal payments over the remaining life of the loan. I think most people would accept a house payment that’s $20 higher in return for a 90 day reprieve.
You aren't because you believe that there is still a reason to continue the lockdown. Official data will continue to come to light that exposes how wrong it was to close the country.
This is lol-worthy and only PJ and I understand why.
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CNN just showed a picture of a cute little 5-year old that died “due to coronavirus complications after being on a ventilator for two weeks”....then said she was diagnosed with meningitis.

I mean, ok. She tested positive for corona. But is there any doubt if she wasn’t compromised by meningitis she would have survived? This is an otherwise healthy 5-year old as far as we know. I just don’t agree that if you would have survived corona without an underlying condition then corona should be counted as the killer.

Is this real life? A 5 year old dies and we’re on here pushing a political narrative discussing which complication was most responsible for their death? Shame on anyone who can politicize this story.

I’ll help you out. The correct response is: “This is awful to hear, I’ll pray for that family”

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