Latest Coronavirus - Yikes

it's the same everyday - plow some new ground. better yet, ask some questions that actually help the public understand what's happening now.

I don’t disagree. But a leader doesn’t act like trump does during crisis. Piers Morgan hit the nail right on the head about Trump. And he’s a big Trump fan.
I don’t disagree. But a leader doesn’t act like trump does during crisis. Piers Morgan hit the nail right on the head about Trump. And he’s a big Trump fan.

Trump sucks; particularly at his public statements - I've said it repeatedly. Just saying he's not alone and there's plenty of embarrassment to go around. So I'm not going to get bent out of shape about an answer to a worthless question.
The social distancing warriors all need to walk in the ocean and be gone. Talk about not having a life. I was in Publix today getting some various crap for dinner. I had a lady raise her voice at me because I turned around in a one way aisle. I informed her that I came down the aisle the correct way. I turned around because I missed something. She rolled her eyes at me and said I was a danger. I simply said back that she should just get groceries brought to her house.
Trump sucks; particularly at his public statements - I've said it repeatedly. Just saying he's not alone and there's plenty of embarrassment to go around. So I'm not going to get bent out of shape about an answer to a worthless question.
I agree. But his lack of consistency and honesty through this will cost him if this **** gets worse.
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Which one, and what would you recommend?
If a safe door is added each week then you wait for the new door and you know that one is safe. So 1 week. While that is the best answer given your scenario, I know you didn’t mean to leave that out. I know you said 30 weeks but the thing is, you could just as easily open the wrong door in week 31 as week 1. You have no idea. I know the odds are more favorable in week 31 but you still don’t know for sure and the same is true of this virus. There is no way to know for sure. We can’t test 330M people. Your scenario isn’t a good one because you are assuming there’s no harm to those people staying in the room but what if the food and water supply was limited to 20 weeks for all 3 people? Is your answer still 30 weeks? Likely not. If we keep everything shut down there is also harm with this virus shutdown. There’s risk both ways and that’s why it is likely some hybrid between being shut down and being totally back to normal is likely the best answer. Let’s start phasing back to normal in areas with low infection numbers. We don’t have to go back to normal day 1 but we need to start heading that direction as possible. It’s a virus. We can’t stop it from spreading and we’ve already slowed it down. We were worried about overwhelming the healthcare system and instead we have underwhelmed it to the point where healthcare workers are losing their jobs. They aren’t the only ones. It’s time to start opening things back up.
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it's the same everyday - plow some new ground. better yet, ask some questions that actually help the public understand what's happening now.


“Ok the guy with the actual authority and responsibility is using his platform for, at best, fabulist self-promotion, but what the real story is how journalists that most Americans can’t name and wouldn’t recognize aren’t doing more to help us understand what’s happening right now... during their live broadcast of the man who is actually responsible for knowing what is happening right now.”

What a colossal joke. And it doesn’t even get into the comments about the reliability of Chinese media or comments about our mainstream media being the cause of this “overreaction.”

When any one person in the media has the unilateral authority and responsibility of the President of the United States, this won’t look like sycophantic deflection. Today is not that day.
He's a never Trumper. His wife is Korean. But hopefully she got the people of Maryland a huge discount

He’s the head of the National Governors Association, he’s pretty important in setting precedent in this country. Governors are left to deal with an international crisis on an individual basis, I guess it’s basically all their call.
He’s the head of the National Governors Association, he’s pretty important in setting precedent in this country. Governors are left to deal with an international crisis on an individual basis, I guess it’s basically all their call.

He's a liberal. End of story. If he can't understand how to pick up the phone and call the president before reaching out to S Korea he is stupid. How many unnecessary hospital beds did the president give the dark blue state of NY. GTFOH
New disease kills more people then the flu? Shocking I tell you.
This seems below your usual standard. It’s a counter to a narrative you’ve accepted and pushed from a source that doesn’t have some of the same characteristics as the outlets that have been criticized as pushing “fear porn.”
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He’s the head of the National Governors Association, he’s pretty important in setting precedent in this country. Governors are left to deal with an international crisis on an individual basis, I guess it’s basically all their call.

And its the height of arrogance to assume that the president should be in charge of what needs to be done in an Individual state
He's a liberal. End of story. If he can't understand how to pick up the phone and call the president before reaching out to S Korea he is stupid. How many unnecessary hospital beds did the president give the dark blue state of NY. GTFOH

Why does he need to call anyone?
Connecticut cops are testing a 'pandemic drone' to monitor people's temperatures and detect sneezing and coughing

Police in Westport, Connecticut, are testing a 'pandemic drone' which can monitor and detect people with infectious respiratory conditions in public areas amid the coronavirus pandemic.

The drone is said to monitor people's temperatures from 190 feet away and has the ability to detect sneezing, coughing and heart and breathing rates using sensors and computer vision.

Police are working with Canadian drone company Draganfly, who first revealed in late March that they were working with the University of South Australia (UniSA) to develop the pandemic drone.

It marks the first in a series of test flights near New York City area COVID-19 hotspots to identify social distancing and detect symptoms presented by the virus.

Cops in Connecticut are testing a 'pandemic drone' to monitor people's temperatures | Daily Mail Online
Well timed in the middle of hayfever season.

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