Latest Coronavirus - Yikes

I think Mountain Dew is worse than Meth. (Just joking of course) Maybe they figure people that drink Mountain Dew also does Meth.....I don't know.
My favorite drink is diet dew..... my friends always give me studies about how bad it is for you..... my second favorite one was where diet drinks make you the study they just asked a bunch of fat people if they drink diet drinks.... the majority answered yes so that meant to them that diet drinks make you fat..... nevermind all the fast food and junk food those people were eating.
That study is about as good as the one where ABC claimed that drinking Mountain Dew was as bad for your teeth as using meth.....It’s not worth the paper it was written on.
It is comical how invested right-wingers are in the use of hydroxychloroquine as a treatment for the coronavirus, and it's all because you just want to see a political victory for Trump, because of how much time he has spent promoting it. You wouldn't care about this, otherwise.

... but you will have to look for victories somewhere else, I guess. This one was a dud.
Still amazed people think there will be a fast tracked vaccine. There hasn't been a new disease vaccine made since the 90's. Both of those were HPV and Rotavirus. Neither became available to use until the mid to late 2000's..

Singing to the choir brother.

This covid has the luxury of existing under the most relaxed rules for research progression along with some of the most laser focused attention, and you're still looking at a very long time.
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And it caused a doctor to do something? Then you need to question your doctor.

Anyone doing a trial on this is doing an experiment. And we need those. Will need many, most likely. And many will fail.

Sorry instant gratification generation.
Yep..... we need to get rid of some of our regulation and push through as many tests and trials for vaccines and medicines as we can.
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I am not sure, but I think it is only a small contingency of people gung ho on reopening states. I don't know why this contingency is so vocal about doing this. There are stories of businesses in Georgia pushing back against Kemp. The businesses don't want to open, because they are saying it is too soon. You know if Waffle House is like, "Hold on a sec..." something is amiss. These FB groups organizing may be cover for something else.....the people that claim to not be sheep, may be sheep after all.
"greater good" would be stopping a pandemic. But you do you.
By causing mass poverty, restricting rights, and encouraging authoritarian self policing? Is that what you want Karen? Is that the type of life you are so desperate to save. The one where you can turn in you neighbor for showing the slightest free will or disagreement with the state.
I hope this will put this debate to bed... tired of hearing this hyped as a wonder-drug by the right, just because Trump has aggressively touted it in his press briefings.

From AP News (

More deaths, no benefit from malaria drug in VA virus study

By Marilynn Marchione April 21, 2020


A malaria drug widely touted by President Donald Trump for treating the new coronavirus showed no benefit in a large analysis of its use in U.S. veterans hospitals. There were more deaths among those given hydroxychloroquine versus standard care, researchers reported.

The nationwide study was not a rigorous experiment. But with 368 patients, it's the largest looks so far of hydroxychloroquine with or without the antibiotic azithromycin for COVID-19, which has killed more than 171,000 people as of Tuesday.

The study was posted on an online site for researchers and has not been reviewed by other scientists. Grants from the National Institutes of Health and the University of Virginia paid for the work.

Researchers analyzed medical records of 368 male veterans hospitalized with confirmed coronavirus infection at Veterans Health Administration medical centers who died or were discharged by April 11.

About 28% who were given hydroxychloroquine plus usual care died, versus 11% of those getting the drug plus azithromycin died too, but the difference between that group and usual care was not considered large enough to rule out other factors that have affected survival.

Hydroxychloroquine made no difference in the need for a breathing machine, either.

Researchers did not track side effects, but noted a hint that hydroxychloroquine might have damaged other organs. The drug has long been known to have potentially serious side effects, including altering the heartbeat in a way that could lead to sudden death....


"What do you have to lose? It's been out there for a long time. What do you have to lose? I hope they use it." - President Donald Trump speaking to the White House press corps on Saturday April 4th, while encouraging coronavirus patients to take the unproven drug, hydrochloroquine, as a means of treatment.
It something we should've never had to talk about.
It is comical how invested right-wingers are in the use of hydroxychloroquine as a treatment for the coronavirus, and it's all because you just want to see a political victory for Trump, because of how much time he has spent promoting it. You wouldn't care about this, otherwise.

... but you will have to look for victories somewhere else, I guess. This one was a dud.
I don’t care anything at all about trump being right about this medicine.... I hope they find a medicine that helps though..... one of my pet peeves though is idiotic studies done like this.... This is as bad or worse than what has you upset at trump. People will belief this bc it is “science” when really it is nonsense.
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By causing mass poverty, restricting rights, and encouraging authoritarian self policing? Is that what you want Karen? Is that the type of life you are so desperate to save. The one where you can turn in you neighbor for showing the slightest free will or disagreement with the state.

Hyperbole much, Daisy?
My favorite drink is diet dew..... my friends always give me studies about how bad it is for you..... my second favorite one was where diet drinks make you the study they just asked a bunch of fat people if they drink diet drinks.... the majority answered yes so that meant to them that diet drinks make you fat..... nevermind all the fast food and junk food those people were eating.
everything is bad for you now....pick your poison I guess.
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I am not sure, but I think it is only a small contingency of people gung ho on reopening states. I don't know why this contingency is so vocal about doing this. There are stories of businesses in Georgia pushing back against Kemp. The businesses don't want to open, because they are saying it is too soon. You know if Waffle House is like, "Hold on a sec..." something is amiss. These FB groups organizing may be cover for something else.....the people that claim to not be sheep, may be sheep after all.
To the Capital!

My favorite drink is diet dew..... my friends always give me studies about how bad it is for you..... my second favorite one was where diet drinks make you the study they just asked a bunch of fat people if they drink diet drinks.... the majority answered yes so that meant to them that diet drinks make you fat..... nevermind all the fast food and junk food those people were eating.

All colas are harmful. Why not drink iced tea? It is much easier on your teeth, stomach and kidneys. I gave up colas ten years ago. Tea and water are my go to cold drinks.
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everything is bad for you now....pick your poison I guess.
It was funny.... a co-worker was eating healthy.... she drank water every day and some kind of nuts..... I told her I could find a study that what she was eating was killing her....Sure enough, I found two studies where the bottled water and nuts were bad for her. LOL
I actually just made the point about more testing bringing the mortality rate down, so I’m not sure why you people aren’t up in arms pushing for more testing, but that’s beside the point.

The number of people you test doesn’t matter. The % of your population tested mattered. To get an adequate sample size to determine actual infection rates, mortality rates, transmissibility, and relative herd immunity you have to test a large enough % of the population to be statistically significant. The actual number means nothing if it’s a small relative % of the population. It’s not terribly difficult to understand.
Unless that number is 100 people.
I’m not basing anything on that. I stated the % on that day, which was correct, and nothing else. One of the bring-nothing-to-the-table critics here keeps referring to it for some reason. Maybe he’s embarrassed he didn’t believe it was accurate on that day...
You believe the ACTUAL mortality rate was 7% that day?

You complain about the testing numbers but are basing your argument on when we first started testing.

Your statically irrelevant argument comes to mind here.
I am not sure, but I think it is only a small contingency of people gung ho on reopening states. I don't know why this contingency is so vocal about doing this. There are stories of businesses in Georgia pushing back against Kemp. The businesses don't want to open, because they are saying it is too soon. You know if Waffle House is like, "Hold on a sec..." something is amiss. These FB groups organizing may be cover for something else.....the people that claim to not be sheep, may be sheep after all.
I think it is wrong to look for consensus with FB, protestors, or businesses on the timing of reopening. A business could be making the call to delay simply based on bad PR, lawsuits, etc if they open and if the staff or customers contract c19.
We should reopen. The government needs to remove the restrictions. Then, let all us individuals decide what is the right approach for our own family and/or business.
I think it is wrong to look for consensus with FB, protestors, or businesses on the timing of reopening. A business could be making the call to delay simply based on bad PR, lawsuits, etc if they open and if the staff or customers contract c19.
We should reopen. The government needs to remove the restrictions. Then, let all us individuals decide what is the right approach for our own family and/or business.

I keep reading stories like the one below from MIT that make me think its too early to re-open. The Fed needs to step up with a better aid package than $1200 to help taxpayers through one more month.

Study: Reopening too soon could cause "exponential explosion" of COVID
I keep reading stories like the one below from MIT that make me think its too early to re-open. The Fed needs to step up with a better aid package than $1200 to help taxpayers through one more month.

Study: Reopening too soon could cause "exponential explosion" of COVID

There are a lot of articles using "could", "might", "may", etc. It is essentially guessing one way or the other. May be an educated guess. But it isn't set in stone.

The majority are capable of making their own decisions. You're still working even with a compromised system. You're taking precautions. Others should be given that option, too.

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