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I have yet to hear anyone say they are rich from getting $1200 from the government. What I have heard are warnings about the corporate aid package:

The $500 Billion In Corporate Aid Will Be A Corrupt Cash Grab If We Don’t Ask The Right Questions
That's bad too since they fought for zero oversight. It's play money for politicians which never turns out well

A family of 4 who is making $150k and still employed should not be getting a $3400 handout. It's ridiculous
I'm just curious if they have some belief that this is dying down in 4 weeks.
That’s been the astonishing thing here in Georgia in wake of the re-open announcement. The Karens are on Facebook outraged that we didn’t eradicate the virus before we restart the economy.
Per The New York Times: 38 minutes ago

Chinese agents helped spread messages to millions of Americans about a fake lockdown last month, sowing panic over the pandemic, U.S. officials said.

There was already going to be some lingering fallout over the way China has handled this outbreak... and now we get this.
I keep reading stories like the one below from MIT that make me think its too early to re-open. The Fed needs to step up with a better aid package than $1200 to help taxpayers through one more month.

Study: Reopening too soon could cause "exponential explosion" of COVID
The $1200 is the federal minimum wage X 160 hours.....they are not going to give people more than that. Now if the minimum wage was more than that. So for a little while, we all see how tough it is to have a minimum wage job, working 40 hours per week and still can't get by. Just imagine those minimum wage earners get taxed on that $1,200. The working is their fault that they can't afford to buy bootstraps to pull themselves up by.
If a safe door is added each week then you wait for the new door and you know that one is safe. So 1 week. While that is the best answer given your scenario, I know you didn’t mean to leave that out. I know you said 30 weeks but the thing is, you could just as easily open the wrong door in week 31 as week 1. You have no idea. I know the odds are more favorable in week 31 but you still don’t know for sure and the same is true of this virus. There is no way to know for sure. We can’t test 330M people. Your scenario isn’t a good one because you are assuming there’s no harm to those people staying in the room but what if the food and water supply was limited to 20 weeks for all 3 people? Is your answer still 30 weeks? Likely not. If we keep everything shut down there is also harm with this virus shutdown. There’s risk both ways and that’s why it is likely some hybrid between being shut down and being totally back to normal is likely the best answer. Let’s start phasing back to normal in areas with low infection numbers. We don’t have to go back to normal day 1 but we need to start heading that direction as possible. It’s a virus. We can’t stop it from spreading and we’ve already slowed it down. We were worried about overwhelming the healthcare system and instead we have underwhelmed it to the point where healthcare workers are losing their jobs. They aren’t the only ones. It’s time to start opening things back up.
I agree with most everything you say. I'm also ready to start opening things back up.

I was only attempting to give a scenario where temporarily limiting the freedoms of those you love and are charged with speaking on behalf of for the sake of their safety and the safety of others makes sense, while also acknowledging that at some point you will have to determine that the risk is acceptable because the risk will NEVER be zero.
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Per The New York Times: 38 minutes ago

Chinese agents helped spread messages to millions of Americans about a fake lockdown last month, sowing panic over the pandemic, U.S. officials said.
why do we need chinese agents to do this, when we have the patriots to do it. There is a segment of society that wants no government at all.....
It is comical how invested right-wingers are in the use of hydroxychloroquine as a treatment for the coronavirus, and it's all because you just want to see a political victory for Trump, because of how much time he has spent promoting it. You wouldn't care about this, otherwise.

... but you will have to look for victories somewhere else, I guess. This one was a dud.

What's comical is the lefts investment in bitching about it.
Since we are talking government ineptitude.

Talking with the wife last night, we realized the govt has incentivized all new hirings to be single people with no kids. If you hire a married person or someone with kids, you've increased the chance you will be paying someone not to work due to a covid illness in 2020.

Am I wrong?
@Purple Tiger

You may have missed this. If you don't want to answer, just let me know and I will not hound you.

McDad said:
I am curious about how you consider our fiscal policy.

Is US spending and the safe debt amount infinite?

Take allocated money from our budget and reassign it to aid.
The narrative on this has gotten a little crazy. The businesses don’t have to open to the public. Kemp was very clear yesterday that he was allowing them to open so they can at least perform basic administrative processes that they haven’t been able to. Personally, I think he should’ve waited until May 1 just for the sake of not confusing people, but he’s just following the phase 1 process which begins after 14 days of declining cases.

I have a problem with that.
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